- AggregateColumnBehavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\AggregateColumn
- Keeps an aggregate column updated with related table
- AggregateColumnRelationBehavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\AggregateColumn
- Keeps an aggregate column updated with related table
- ArchivableBehavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\Archivable
- Keeps tracks of an ActiveRecord object, even after deletion
- ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\Archivable
- Keeps tracks of an ActiveRecord object, even after deletion
- ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::addGetArchive() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::addArchive() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::addRestoreFromArchive() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::addPopulateFromArchive() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- Generates a method to populate the current AR object based on an archive object.
- ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::addSaveWithoutArchive() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::addDeleteWithoutArchive() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\Archivable
- Keeps tracks of an ActiveRecord object, even after deletion
- ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::addSetArchiveOnUpdate() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::addUpdateWithoutArchive() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::addSetArchiveOnDelete() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::addDeleteWithoutArchive() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- AutoAddPkBehavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\AutoAddPk
- Adds a primary key to models defined without one
- SluggableBehavior::addCleanupSlugPart() — Method in class SluggableBehavior
- SluggableBehavior::addLimitSlugSize() — Method in class SluggableBehavior
- SluggableBehavior::addMakeSlugUnique() — Method in class SluggableBehavior
- SortableBehavior::addParameter() — Method in class SortableBehavior
- Adds a single parameter.
- SortableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::addSortableApplyScopeCriteria() — Method in class SortableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- ValidateBehavior::addRuleOnPk() — Method in class ValidateBehavior
- Add a rule based on primary key type, if there aren't other parameters.
- VersionableBehavior::addForeignKeyVersionColumns() — Method in class VersionableBehavior
- AbstractOMBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Om
- Baseclass for OM-building classes.
- AbstractOMBuilder::applyBehaviorModifierBase() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook
- AbstractObjectBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Om
- Base class for object-building classes.
- AbstractObjectBuilder::applyBehaviorModifier() — Method in class AbstractObjectBuilder
- Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook
- ExtensionQueryBuilder::applyBehaviorModifier() — Method in class ExtensionQueryBuilder
- Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook
- ObjectBuilder::addTemporalAccessorComment() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
- Adds the comment for a temporal accessor.
- ObjectBuilder::addTemporalAccessorOpen() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
- Adds the function declaration for a temporal accessor.
- ObjectBuilder::addDefaultAccessorComment() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
- Add the comment for a default accessor method (a getter).
- ObjectBuilder::addDefaultAccessorOpen() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
- Adds the function declaration for a default accessor.
- ObjectBuilder::addMutatorComment() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
- Adds the comment for a mutator.
- ObjectBuilder::addMutatorOpenOpen() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
- Adds the mutator function declaration.
- ObjectBuilder::addTemporalMutatorComment() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
- ObjectBuilder::addBooleanMutatorComment() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
- QueryBuilder::applyBehaviorModifier() — Method in class QueryBuilder
- Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook
- TableMapBuilder::addInheritanceColumnConstants() — Method in class TableMapBuilder
- Adds the CLASSKEY_* and CLASSNAME_* constants used for inheritance.
- TableMapBuilder::addInstancePool() — Method in class TableMapBuilder
- TableMapBuilder::addClearRelatedInstancePool() — Method in class TableMapBuilder
- TableMapBuilder::applyBehaviorModifier() — Method in class TableMapBuilder
- Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook
- AbstractCommand — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Command
- ArrayToPhpConverter — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Config
- Runtime configuration converter From array to PHP string
- AbstractManager — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Manager
- An abstract base Propel manager to perform work related to the XML schema file.
- Behavior::addParameter() — Method in class Behavior
- Adds a single parameter.
- Behavior::appendXml() — Method in class Behavior
- Appends DOM elements to represent this object in XML.
- Column::addInheritance() — Method in class Column
- Adds a new inheritance definition to the inheritance list and sets the parent column of the inheritance to the current column.
- Column::addReferrer() — Method in class Column
- Adds the foreign key from another table that refers to this column.
- Column::appendXml() — Method in class Column
- Appends DOM elements to represent this object in XML.
- Database::addTable() — Method in class Database
- Adds a new table to this database.
- Database::addDomain() — Method in class Database
- Adds a domain object to this database.
- Database::addBehavior() — Method in class Database
- Adds a new behavior to the database*
- Database::appendXml() — Method in class Database
- DatabaseDiff::addAddedTable() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Adds an added table.
- DatabaseDiff::addRemovedTable() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Adds a table to remove.
- DatabaseDiff::addModifiedTable() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Adds a table difference.
- DatabaseDiff::addRenamedTable() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Adds a renamed table.
- TableDiff::addAddedColumn() — Method in class TableDiff
- Adds an added column.
- TableDiff::addRemovedColumn() — Method in class TableDiff
- Add a removed column
- TableDiff::addModifiedColumn() — Method in class TableDiff
- Add a column difference
- TableDiff::addRenamedColumn() — Method in class TableDiff
- Add a renamed column
- TableDiff::addAddedPkColumn() — Method in class TableDiff
- Add an added Pk column
- TableDiff::addRemovedPkColumn() — Method in class TableDiff
- Add a removed Pk column
- TableDiff::addRenamedPkColumn() — Method in class TableDiff
- Add a renamed Pk column
- TableDiff::addAddedIndex() — Method in class TableDiff
- Add an added Index
- TableDiff::addRemovedIndex() — Method in class TableDiff
- Add a removed Index
- TableDiff::addModifiedIndex() — Method in class TableDiff
- Add a modified Index
- TableDiff::addAddedFk() — Method in class TableDiff
- Add an added Fk column
- TableDiff::addRemovedFk() — Method in class TableDiff
- Add a removed Fk column
- TableDiff::addModifiedFk() — Method in class TableDiff
- Add a modified Fk
- Domain::appendXml() — Method in class Domain
- Appends DOM elements to represent this object in XML.
- ForeignKey::addReference() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Adds a new reference entry to the foreign key.
- ForeignKey::appendXml() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Appends DOM elements to represent this object in XML.
- IdMethodParameter::appendXml() — Method in class IdMethodParameter
- Appends DOM elements to represent this object in XML.
- Index::addColumn() — Method in class Index
- Adds a new column to the index.
- Index::appendXml() — Method in class Index
- Appends DOM elements to represent this object in XML.
- Inheritance::appendXml() — Method in class Inheritance
- Appends DOM elements to represent this object in XML.
- MappingModel::appendXml() — Method in class MappingModel
- Appends DOM elements to represent this object in XML.
- MappingModel::addVendorInfo() — Method in class MappingModel
- Adds a new VendorInfo instance to this current model object.
- Schema::addDatabase() — Method in class Schema
- Adds a database to the list and sets the Schema property to this Schema.
- Table::applyBehaviors() — Method in class Table
- Executes behavior table modifiers.
- Table::addExtraIndices() — Method in class Table
- Adds extra indices for reverse foreign keys This is required for MySQL databases, and is called from Database::doFinalInitialization()
- Table::addColumn() — Method in class Table
- Adds a new column to the table.
- Table::adjustColumnPositions() — Method in class Table
- Table::addForeignKey() — Method in class Table
- Adds a new foreign key to this table.
- Table::addReferrer() — Method in class Table
- Adds the foreign key from another table that refers to this table.
- Table::addIdMethodParameter() — Method in class Table
- Adds a new parameter for the strategy that generates primary keys.
- Table::addIndex() — Method in class Table
- Adds a new index to the indices list and set the parent table of the column to the current table.
- Table::addUnique() — Method in class Table
- Adds a new Unique index to the list of unique indices and set the parent table of the column to the current table.
- Table::addBehavior() — Method in class Table
- Adds a new Behavior to the table.
- Table::appendXml() — Method in class Table
- Appends XML nodes to passed-in DOMNode.
- Unique::appendXml() — Method in class Unique
- Appends DOM elements to represent this object in XML.
- VendorInfo::appendXml() — Method in class VendorInfo
- Appends DOM elements to represent this object in XML.
- AbstractSchemaParser — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Reverse
- Base class for reverse engineering a database schema.
- PhpParser::addMethodAfter() — Method in class PhpParser
- Parse the code looking for a method definition, and adds the code after if found
- PhpParser::addMethodBefore() — Method in class PhpParser
- Parse the code looking for a method definition, and adds the code before if found
- Criteria::addAsColumn() — Method in class Criteria
- Add an AS clause to the select columns.
- Criteria::addAlias() — Method in class Criteria
- Allows one to specify an alias for a table that can be used in various parts of the SQL.
- Criteria::add() — Method in class Criteria
- This method adds a new criterion to the list of criterias.
- Criteria::addCond() — Method in class Criteria
- This method creates a new criterion but keeps it for later use with combine() Until combine() is called, the condition is not added to the query
- Criteria::addJoin() — Method in class Criteria
- This is the way that you should add a join of two tables.
- Criteria::addMultipleJoin() — Method in class Criteria
- Add a join with multiple conditions
- Criteria::addJoinObject() — Method in class Criteria
- Add a join object to the Criteria
- Criteria::addSelectQuery() — Method in class Criteria
- Adds a Criteria as subQuery in the From Clause.
- Criteria::addSelectModifier() — Method in class Criteria
- Adds a modifier to the SQL statement.
- Criteria::addSelectColumn() — Method in class Criteria
- Add select column.
- Criteria::addGroupByColumn() — Method in class Criteria
- Add group by column name.
- Criteria::addAscendingOrderByColumn() — Method in class Criteria
- Add order by column name, explicitly specifying ascending.
- Criteria::addDescendingOrderByColumn() — Method in class Criteria
- Add order by column name, explicitly specifying descending.
- Criteria::addHaving() — Method in class Criteria
- This method adds a prepared Criterion object to the Criteria as a having clause.
- Criteria::addAnd() — Method in class Criteria
- If a criterion for the requested column already exists, the condition is "AND"ed to the existing criterion (necessary for Propel 1.4 compatibility).
- Criteria::addOr() — Method in class Criteria
- If a prior criterion exists, the condition is "OR"ed to it.
- Criteria::addUsingOperator() — Method in class Criteria
- Overrides Criteria::add() to use the default combine operator
- AbstractCriterion — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion
- This is an "inner" class that describes an object in the criteria.
- AbstractCriterion::addAnd() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- Append an AND Criterion onto this Criterion's list.
- AbstractCriterion::addOr() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- Append an OR Criterion onto this Criterion's list.
- AbstractCriterion::appendPsTo() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- Appends a Prepared Statement representation of the Criterion onto the buffer.
- AbstractModelCriterion — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion
- This is an "inner" class that describes an object in the criteria.
- Join::addCondition() — Method in class Join
- Join condition definition.
- Join::addConditions() — Method in class Join
- Join condition definition, for several conditions
- Join::addExplicitCondition() — Method in class Join
- Join condition definition.
- Join::addOperator() — Method in class Join
- Join::addLeftColumnName() — Method in class Join
- Add a left column name to the join condition
- Join::addRightColumnName() — Method in class Join
- Add a right column name to the join condition
- ModelCriteria::addJoinCondition() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Add another condition to an already added join
- ModelCriteria::addJoinObject() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Add a join object to the Criteria
- ModelCriteria::addSelectQuery() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a Criteria as subQuery in the From Clause.
- ModelCriteria::addSelfSelectColumns() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds the select columns for a the current table
- ModelCriteria::addRelationSelectColumns() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds the select columns for a relation
- ModelCriteria::addUsingAlias() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Overrides Criteria::add() to force the use of a true table alias if it exists
- ActiveRecordInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveRecord
- This ActiveRecord interface helps to find Propel Object
- AdapterFactory — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter
- Factory for Adapter classes.
- AdapterInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter
- Interface for adapters.
- AdapterException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Exception
- MssqlAdapter::applyLimit() — Method in class MssqlAdapter
- Simulated Limit/Offset
- MysqlAdapter::applyLimit() — Method in class MysqlAdapter
- OracleAdapter::applyLimit() — Method in class OracleAdapter
- PgsqlAdapter::applyLimit() — Method in class PgsqlAdapter
- SqliteAdapter::applyLimit() — Method in class SqliteAdapter
- SqlAdapterInterface::applyLimit() — Method in class SqlAdapterInterface
- Modifies the passed-in SQL to add LIMIT and/or OFFSET.
- ArrayCollection — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Collection
- Class for iterating over a list of Propel objects stored as arrays
- OnDemandCollection::append() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- OnDemandCollection::asort() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- AbstractDataFetcher — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\DataFetcher
- Abstract class for DataFetcher.
- ArrayDataFetcher — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\DataFetcher
- Class ArrayDataFetcher
- AbstractFormatter — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Formatter
- Abstract class for query formatter
- ArrayFormatter — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Formatter
- Array formatter for Propel query format() returns a ArrayCollection of associative arrays
- DatabaseMap::addTable() — Method in class DatabaseMap
- Add a new table to the database by name.
- DatabaseMap::addTableObject() — Method in class DatabaseMap
- Add a new table object to the database.
- DatabaseMap::addTableFromMapClass() — Method in class DatabaseMap
- Add a new table to the database, using the tablemap class name.
- RelationMap::addColumnMapping() — Method in class RelationMap
- Add a column mapping
- TableMap::addColumn() — Method in class TableMap
- Add a column to the table.
- TableMap::addConfiguredColumn() — Method in class TableMap
- Add a pre-created column to this table.
- TableMap::addPrimaryKey() — Method in class TableMap
- Add a primary key column to this Table.
- TableMap::addForeignKey() — Method in class TableMap
- Add a foreign key column to the table.
- TableMap::addForeignPrimaryKey() — Method in class TableMap
- Add a foreign primary key column to the table.
- TableMap::addRelation() — Method in class TableMap
- Adds a RelationMap to the table
- AbstractParser — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Parser
- Base class for all parsers.
- AbstractOMBuilder::build() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Builds the PHP source for current class and returns it as a string.
- AbstractOMBuilder::buildObjectInstanceCreationCode() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Creates a $obj = new Book(); code snippet.
- DataSQLBuilder::buildRowSql() — Method in class DataSQLBuilder
- The main method in this class, returns the SQL for INSERTing data into a row.
- BehaviorNotFoundException — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Exception
- BuildException — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Exception
- GraphvizManager::build() — Method in class GraphvizManager
- ModelManager::build() — Method in class ModelManager
- SqlManager::buildSql() — Method in class SqlManager
- Build SQL files.
- Behavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- Information about behaviors of a table.
- QuickBuilder::buildSchema() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- QuickBuilder::build() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- QuickBuilder::buildSQL() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- QuickBuilder::buildClasses() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- BaseModelCriteria — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery
- Criteria::buildParams() — Method in class Criteria
- BasicCriterion — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion
- Specialized Criterion used for traditional expressions, e.g.
- BasicModelCriterion — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion
- Specialized ModelCriterion used for traditional expressions, e.g.
- Join::buildJoinCondition() — Method in class Join
- Set the custom join condition Criterion based on the conditions of this join
- MssqlPropelPDO::beginTransaction() — Method in class MssqlPropelPDO
- Begin a transaction.
- MysqlAdapter::bindValue() — Method in class MysqlAdapter
- OracleAdapter::bindValue() — Method in class OracleAdapter
- PdoAdapter::bindValues() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Binds values in a prepared statement.
- PdoAdapter::bindValue() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Binds a value to a positioned parameter in a statement, given a ColumnMap object to infer the binding type.
- SqlsrvAdapter::bindValue() — Method in class SqlsrvAdapter
- SqlAdapterInterface::bindValues() — Method in class SqlAdapterInterface
- Binds values in a prepared statement.
- SqlAdapterInterface::bindValue() — Method in class SqlAdapterInterface
- Binds a value to a positioned parameter in a statement, given a ColumnMap object to infer the binding type.
- ConnectionInterface::beginTransaction() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Turns off autocommit mode.
- ConnectionWrapper::beginTransaction() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Overrides PDO::beginTransaction() to prevent errors due to already-in-progress transaction.
- ProfilerStatementWrapper::bindParam() — Method in class ProfilerStatementWrapper
- Binds a PHP variable to a corresponding named or question mark placeholder in the SQL statement that was use to prepare the statement.
- ProfilerStatementWrapper::bindValue() — Method in class ProfilerStatementWrapper
- Binds a value to a corresponding named or question mark placeholder in the SQL statement that was use to prepare the statement.
- StatementInterface::bindParam() — Method in class StatementInterface
- Binds a parameter to the specified variable name.
- StatementInterface::bindValue() — Method in class StatementInterface
- Binds a value to a parameter.
- StatementWrapper::bindParam() — Method in class StatementWrapper
- Binds a PHP variable to a corresponding named or question mark placeholder in the SQL statement that was use to prepare the statement.
- StatementWrapper::bindValue() — Method in class StatementWrapper
- Binds a value to a corresponding named or question mark placeholder in the SQL statement that was use to prepare the statement.
- PDODataFetcher::bindColumn() — Method in class PDODataFetcher
- Bind a column to a PHP variable.
- BadMethodCallException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Exception
- TableMap::buildRelations() — Method in class TableMap
- Build relations Relations are lazy loaded for performance reasons This method should be overridden by descendants
- ConcreteInheritanceBehavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\ConcreteInheritance
- Makes a model inherit another one.
- ConcreteInheritanceParentBehavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\ConcreteInheritance
- Symmetrical behavior of the concrete_inheritance.
- ClassTools — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Om
- Tools to support class & package inclusion and referencing.
- ClassTools::classname() — Method in class ClassTools
- Gets just classname, given a dot-path to class.
- ClassTools::createFilePath() — Method in class ClassTools
- This method replaces the `getFilePath()` method in OMBuilder as we consider `$path` as a real path instead of a dot-notation value.
- ColumnValue — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Util
- ConfigConvertXmlCommand — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Command
- ArrayToPhpConverter::convert() — Method in class ArrayToPhpConverter
- Create a PHP configuration from an array
- XmlToArrayConverter::convert() — Method in class XmlToArrayConverter
- Create a PHP array from the XML configuration found in a runtime-conf.xml file
- ClassNotFoundException — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Exception
- ConstraintNotFoundException — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Exception
- MigrationManager::createMigrationTable() — Method in class MigrationManager
- Column — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- A class for holding data about a column used in an application.
- Column::clearReferrers() — Method in class Column
- Clears all referrers.
- Column::clearInheritanceList() — Method in class Column
- Clears all inheritance children.
- ColumnDefaultValue — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- A class for holding a column default value.
- ConstraintNameGenerator — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- A <code>NameGenerator</code> implementation for table-specific constraints.
- Database::countTables() — Method in class Database
- Return the number of tables in the database.
- ColumnComparator — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model\Diff
- Service class for comparing Column objects.
- ColumnComparator::computeDiff() — Method in class ColumnComparator
- Compute and return the difference between two column objects
- ColumnComparator::compareColumns() — Method in class ColumnComparator
- ColumnDiff — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model\Diff
- Value object for storing Column object diffs.
- DatabaseComparator::computeDiff() — Method in class DatabaseComparator
- Returns the computed difference between two database objects.
- DatabaseComparator::compareTables() — Method in class DatabaseComparator
- Returns the number of differences.
- DatabaseDiff::countAddedTables() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Returns the number of added tables.
- DatabaseDiff::countRemovedTables() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Returns the number of removed tables.
- DatabaseDiff::countModifiedTables() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Returns the number of modified tables.
- DatabaseDiff::countRenamedTables() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Returns the number of renamed tables.
- ForeignKeyComparator::computeDiff() — Method in class ForeignKeyComparator
- Compute the difference between two Foreign key objects
- IndexComparator::computeDiff() — Method in class IndexComparator
- Computes the difference between two index objects.
- TableComparator::computeDiff() — Method in class TableComparator
- Returns the computed difference between two table objects.
- TableComparator::compareColumns() — Method in class TableComparator
- Returns the number of differences.
- TableComparator::comparePrimaryKeys() — Method in class TableComparator
- Returns the number of differences.
- TableComparator::compareIndices() — Method in class TableComparator
- Returns the number of differences.
- TableComparator::compareForeignKeys() — Method in class TableComparator
- Returns the number of differences.
- Domain::copy() — Method in class Domain
- Copies the values from current object into passed-in Domain.
- ForeignKey::clearReferences() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Clears the references of this foreign key.
- Schema::countTables() — Method in class Schema
- Returns the number of tables in all the databases of this Schema object.
- SqlParser::convertLineFeedsToUnixStyle() — Method in class SqlParser
- Criteria — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery
- This is a utility class for holding criteria information for a query.
- Criteria::clear() — Method in class Criteria
- Brings this criteria back to its initial state, so that it can be reused as if it was new.
- Criteria::containsKey() — Method in class Criteria
- Does this Criteria object contain the specified key?
- Criteria::combine() — Method in class Criteria
- Combine several named criterions with a logical operator
- Criteria::clearSelectColumns() — Method in class Criteria
- Clears current select columns.
- Criteria::clearOrderByColumns() — Method in class Criteria
- Clear the order-by columns.
- Criteria::clearGroupByColumns() — Method in class Criteria
- Clear the group-by columns.
- Criteria::createSelectSql() — Method in class Criteria
- Method to create an SQL query based on values in a Criteria.
- CustomCriterion — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion
- Specialized Criterion used for custom expressions with no binding, e.g.
- Join::countConditions() — Method in class Join
- Retrieve the number of conditions in the join
- ModelCriteria::condition() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a condition on a column based on a pseudo SQL clause but keeps it for later use with combine() Until combine() is called, the condition is not added to the query Uses introspection to translate the column phpName into a fully qualified name <code> $c->condition('cond1', 'b.Title = ?', 'foo'); </code>
- ModelCriteria::clear() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Clear the conditions to allow the reuse of the query object.
- ModelCriteria::count() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Issue a SELECT COUNT(*) query based on the current ModelCriteria
- ModelCriteria::configureSelectColumns() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- NestedSetRecursiveIterator::current() — Method in class NestedSetRecursiveIterator
- AdapterFactory::create() — Method in class AdapterFactory
- Creates a new instance of the database adapter associated with the specified Propel driver.
- AdapterInterface::concatString() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Returns SQL which concatenates the second string to the first.
- ColumnNotFoundException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Exception
- MssqlPropelPDO::commit() — Method in class MssqlPropelPDO
- Commit a transaction.
- MssqlAdapter::concatString() — Method in class MssqlAdapter
- Returns SQL which concatenates the second string to the first.
- MssqlAdapter::cleanupSQL() — Method in class MssqlAdapter
- MysqlAdapter::concatString() — Method in class MysqlAdapter
- Returns SQL which concatenates the second string to the first.
- OracleAdapter::concatString() — Method in class OracleAdapter
- Returns SQL which concatenates the second string to the first.
- PdoAdapter::cleanupSQL() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Allows manipulation of the query string before StatementPdo is instantiated.
- PdoAdapter::createSelectSqlPart() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Builds the SELECT part of a SQL statement based on a Criteria taking into account select columns and 'as' columns (i.e.
- PgsqlAdapter::concatString() — Method in class PgsqlAdapter
- Returns SQL which concatenates the second string to the first.
- SqliteAdapter::concatString() — Method in class SqliteAdapter
- Returns SQL which concatenates the second string to the first.
- SqlsrvAdapter::cleanupSQL() — Method in class SqlsrvAdapter
- SqlAdapterInterface::cleanupSQL() — Method in class SqlAdapterInterface
- Allows manipulation of the query string before StatementPdo is instantiated.
- SqlAdapterInterface::createSelectSqlPart() — Method in class SqlAdapterInterface
- Builds the SELECT part of a SQL statement based on a Criteria taking into account select columns and 'as' columns (i.e.
- Collection — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Collection
- Class for iterating over a list of Propel elements The collection keys must be integers - no associative array accepted
- Collection::clear() — Method in class Collection
- Clears the collection
- Collection::contains() — Method in class Collection
- Whether or not this collection contains a specified element
- Collection::clearIterator() — Method in class Collection
- Clear the internal Iterator.
- ObjectCollection::contains() — Method in class ObjectCollection
- Whether or not this collection contains a specified element
- OnDemandCollection::count() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- Returns the number of rows in the resultset Warning: this number is inaccurate for most databases.
- OnDemandIterator::closeCursor() — Method in class OnDemandIterator
- OnDemandIterator::count() — Method in class OnDemandIterator
- Returns the number of rows in the resultset Warning: this number is inaccurate for most databases.
- OnDemandIterator::current() — Method in class OnDemandIterator
- Gets the current Model object in the collection This is where the hydration takes place.
- ConnectionFactory — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection
- ConnectionFactory::create() — Method in class ConnectionFactory
- Open a database connection based on a configuration.
- ConnectionInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection
- Interface for Propel Connection object.
- ConnectionInterface::commit() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Commits a transaction.
- ConnectionManagerInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection
- ConnectionManagerInterface::closeConnections() — Method in class ConnectionManagerInterface
- ConnectionManagerMasterSlave — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection
- Manager for master/slave connection to a datasource.
- ConnectionManagerMasterSlave::closeConnections() — Method in class ConnectionManagerMasterSlave
- ConnectionManagerSingle — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection
- Manager for single connection to a datasource.
- ConnectionManagerSingle::closeConnections() — Method in class ConnectionManagerSingle
- ConnectionWrapper — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection
- Wraps a Connection class, providing nested transactions, statement cache, and logging.
- ConnectionWrapper::commit() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Overrides PDO::commit() to only commit the transaction if we are in the outermost transaction nesting level.
- ConnectionWrapper::clearStatementCache() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Clears any stored prepared statements for this connection.
- ConnectionException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection\Exception
- StatementInterface::closeCursor() — Method in class StatementInterface
- Closes the cursor, enabling the statement to be executed again.
- StatementInterface::columnCount() — Method in class StatementInterface
- Returns the number of columns in the result set.
- StatementWrapper::closeCursor() — Method in class StatementWrapper
- Closes the cursor, enabling the statement to be executed again.
- StatementWrapper::columnCount() — Method in class StatementWrapper
- Returns the number of columns in the result set.
- ArrayDataFetcher::current() — Method in class ArrayDataFetcher
- Return the current element
- ArrayDataFetcher::count() — Method in class ArrayDataFetcher
- Returns the count of items in the resultSet.
- ArrayDataFetcher::close() — Method in class ArrayDataFetcher
- Frees the resultSet.
- DataFetcherInterface::current() — Method in class DataFetcherInterface
- Return the current element
- DataFetcherInterface::close() — Method in class DataFetcherInterface
- Frees the resultSet.
- DataFetcherInterface::count() — Method in class DataFetcherInterface
- Returns the count of items in the resultSet.
- PDODataFetcher::current() — Method in class PDODataFetcher
- Return the current element
- PDODataFetcher::close() — Method in class PDODataFetcher
- Frees the resultSet.
- PDODataFetcher::count() — Method in class PDODataFetcher
- Returns the count of items in the resultSet.
- ClassNotFoundException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Exception
- AbstractFormatter::checkInit() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- ColumnMap — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Map
- ColumnMap is used to model a column of a table in a database.
- ColumnNotFoundException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Map\Exception
- RelationMap::countColumnMappings() — Method in class RelationMap
- Return the number of column mappings
- CsvParser — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Parser
- CSV parser.
- Propel::closeConnections() — Method in class Propel
- Close any associated resource handles.
- ServiceContainerInterface::closeConnections() — Method in class ServiceContainerInterface
- Close any associated resource handles.
- StandardServiceContainer::checkVersion() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- check whether the given propel generator version has the same version as the propel runtime.
- StandardServiceContainer::closeConnections() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Close any associated resource handles.
- PropelModelPager::count() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Returns the total number of results.
- $Unique — Property in class Unique
- DelegateBehavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\Delegate
- Gives a model class the ability to delegate methods to a relationship.
- DataModelBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder
- This is the base class for any builder class that is using the data model.
- AbstractOMBuilder::declareClassNamespace() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Declare a class to be use and return it's name or it's alias
- AbstractOMBuilder::declareClassNamespacePrefix() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Declare a use statement for a $class with a $namespace and an $aliasPrefix This return the short ClassName or an alias
- AbstractOMBuilder::declareClass() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Declare a Fully qualified classname with an $aliasPrefix This return the short ClassName to use or an alias
- AbstractOMBuilder::declareClassFromBuilder() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- AbstractOMBuilder::declareClasses() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- DataSQLBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Sql
- Baseclass for SQL data dump SQL building classes.
- DataRow — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Util
- DatabaseReverseCommand — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Command
- Database — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- A class for holding application data structures.
- Database::doFinalInitialization() — Method in class Database
- Finalizes the setup process.
- DatabaseComparator — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model\Diff
- Service class for comparing Database objects Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see http://github.com/doctrine/dbal/tree/master/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Schema/)
- DatabaseDiff — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model\Diff
- Value object for storing Database object diffs Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see http://github.com/doctrine/dbal/tree/master/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Schema/)
- Domain — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- A class for holding data about a domain used in the schema.
- Schema::doFinalInitialization() — Method in class Schema
- Finalizes the databases initialization.
- Table::doFinalInitialization() — Method in class Table
- <p>A hook for the SAX XML parser to call when this table has been fully loaded from the XML, and all nested elements have been processed.</p>
- Table::doNaming() — Method in class Table
- Names composing objects which haven't yet been named.
- DefaultPlatform — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Platform
- Default implementation for the PlatformInterface interface.
- MysqlPlatform::disconnectedEscapeText() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Escape the string for RDBMS.
- QuickBuilder::debugClassesForTable() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- Criteria::doInsert() — Method in class Criteria
- Method to perform inserts based on values and keys in a Criteria.
- Criteria::doUpdate() — Method in class Criteria
- Method used to update rows in the DB.
- Criteria::doCount() — Method in class Criteria
- Criteria::doDelete() — Method in class Criteria
- Issue a DELETE query based on the current ModelCriteria This method is called by ModelCriteria::delete() inside a transaction
- Criteria::doSelect() — Method in class Criteria
- Builds, binds and executes a SELECT query based on the current object.
- ModelCriteria::distinct() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a DISTINCT clause to the query Alias for Criteria::setDistinct()
- ModelCriteria::doCount() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- ModelCriteria::delete() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Issue a DELETE query based on the current ModelCriteria An optional hook on basePreDelete() can prevent the actual deletion
- ModelCriteria::deleteAll() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Issue a DELETE query based on the current ModelCriteria deleting all rows in the table An optional hook on basePreDelete() can prevent the actual deletion
- ModelCriteria::doDeleteAll() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Issue a DELETE query based on the current ModelCriteria deleting all rows in the table This method is called by ModelCriteria::deleteAll() inside a transaction
- ModelCriteria::doUpdate() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Issue an UPDATE query based the current ModelCriteria and a list of changes.
- ModelCriteria::doSelect() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Builds, binds and executes a SELECT query based on the current object.
- PgsqlAdapter::doExplainPlan() — Method in class PgsqlAdapter
- Do Explain Plan for query object or query string
- ArrayCollection::delete() — Method in class ArrayCollection
- Delete all the elements in the collection
- Collection::diff() — Method in class Collection
- Returns an array of objects present in the collection that are not presents in the given collection.
- ObjectCollection::delete() — Method in class ObjectCollection
- Delete all the elements in the collection
- DebugPDO — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection
- Connection wrapper class with debug enabled by default.
- DataFetcherInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\DataFetcher
- Interface class for DataFetcher.
- DatabaseMap — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Map
- DatabaseMap is used to model a database.
- TableMap::doInsert() — Method in class TableMap
- Method to perform inserts based on values and keys in a Criteria.
- AbstractParser::dump() — Method in class AbstractParser
- Dumps data to a file, or to STDOUT if no filename is given
- $CsvParser — Property in class CsvParser
- Propel::disableInstancePooling() — Method in class Propel
- Disable instance pooling.
- ExtensionObjectBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Om
- Generates the empty PHP5 stub object class for user object model (OM).
- ExtensionQueryBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Om
- Generates the empty PHP5 stub class for object query
- ExtensionQueryInheritanceBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Om
- Generates the empty PHP5 stub query class for use with single table inheritance.
- SchemaReader::endElement() — Method in class SchemaReader
- EngineException — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Exception
- The base class of all exceptions thrown by the engine.
- ExceptionInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Exception
- ColumnDefaultValue::equals() — Method in class ColumnDefaultValue
- A method to compare if two Default values match
- SqlParser::executeString() — Method in class SqlParser
- Execute a list of DDL statements based on a string Does not use transactions since they are not supported in DDL statements
- SqlParser::executeFile() — Method in class SqlParser
- Execute a list of DDL statements based on the path to the SQL file Does not use transactions since they are not supported in DDL statements
- SqlParser::explodeIntoStatements() — Method in class SqlParser
- Explodes the inner SQL string into statements based on the SQL statement delimiter (;)
- Criteria::equals() — Method in class Criteria
- This method checks another Criteria to see if they contain the same attributes and hashtable entries.
- AbstractCriterion::equals() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- This method checks another Criteria to see if they contain the same attributes and hashtable entries.
- AbstractModelCriterion::equals() — Method in class AbstractModelCriterion
- This method checks another Criteria to see if they contain the same attributes and hashtable entries.
- Join::equals() — Method in class Join
- ModelCriteria::endUse() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Finalizes a secondary criteria and merges it with its primary Criteria
- ModelJoin::equals() — Method in class ModelJoin
- Collection::exportTo() — Method in class Collection
- Export the current collection to a string, using a given parser format <code> $books = BookQuery::create()->find(); echo $book->exportTo('JSON'); => {{"Id":9012,"Title":"Don Juan","ISBN":"0140422161","Price":12.99,"PublisherId":1234,"AuthorId":5678}}'); </code>
- OnDemandCollection::exchangeArray() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- OnDemandCollection::exportTo() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- Export the current collection to a string, using a given parser format <code> $books = BookQuery::create()->find(); echo $book->exportTo('JSON'); => {{"Id":9012,"Title":"Don Juan","ISBN":"0140422161","Price":12.99,"PublisherId":1234,"AuthorId":5678}}'); </code>
- ConnectionWrapper::exec() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Execute an SQL statement and return the number of affected rows.
- PdoConnection::exec() — Method in class PdoConnection
- Execute an SQL statement and return the number of affected rows.
- ProfilerConnectionWrapper::exec() — Method in class ProfilerConnectionWrapper
- Execute an SQL statement and return the number of affected rows.
- ProfilerStatementWrapper::execute() — Method in class ProfilerStatementWrapper
- Executes a prepared statement.
- SqlConnectionInterface::exec() — Method in class SqlConnectionInterface
- Execute an SQL statement and return the number of affected rows.
- StatementInterface::execute() — Method in class StatementInterface
- Executes a prepared statement.
- StatementWrapper::execute() — Method in class StatementWrapper
- Executes a prepared statement.
- ExceptionInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Exception
- $CsvParser — Property in class CsvParser
- Propel::enableInstancePooling() — Method in class Propel
- Enable instance pooling (enabled by default).
- ForeignKeyComparator — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model\Diff
- Service class for comparing ForeignKey objects Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see http://github.com/doctrine/dbal/tree/master/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Schema/)
- ForeignKey — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- A class for information about table foreign keys.
- PhpParser::findMethod() — Method in class PhpParser
- Parse the code looking for a method definition, and returns the code if found
- QuickBuilder::fixNamespaceDeclarations() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- Criteria::forgeSelectQueryAlias() — Method in class Criteria
- ModelCriteria::filterBy() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a condition on a column based on a column phpName and a value Uses introspection to translate the column phpName into a fully qualified name Warning: recognizes only the phpNames of the main Model (not joined tables) <code> $c->filterBy('Title', 'foo'); </code>
- ModelCriteria::filterByArray() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a list of conditions on the columns of the current model Uses introspection to translate the column phpName into a fully qualified name Warning: recognizes only the phpNames of the main Model (not joined tables) <code> $c->filterByArray(array( 'Title' => 'War And Peace', 'Publisher' => $publisher )); </code>
- ModelCriteria::find() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Issue a SELECT query based on the current ModelCriteria and format the list of results with the current formatter By default, returns an array of model objects
- ModelCriteria::findOne() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Issue a SELECT ...
- ModelCriteria::findOneOrCreate() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Issue a SELECT ...
- ModelCriteria::findPk() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Find object by primary key Behaves differently if the model has simple or composite primary key <code> // simple primary key $book = $c->findPk(12, $con); // composite primary key $bookOpinion = $c->findPk(array(34, 634), $con); </code>
- ModelCriteria::findPks() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Find objects by primary key Behaves differently if the model has simple or composite primary key <code> // simple primary key $books = $c->findPks(array(12, 56, 832), $con); // composite primary key $bookOpinion = $c->findPks(array(array(34, 634), array(45, 518), array(34, 765)), $con); </code>
- ModelCriteria::findBy() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Apply a condition on a column and issues the SELECT query
- ModelCriteria::findByArray() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Apply a list of conditions on columns and issues the SELECT query <code> $c->findByArray(array( 'Title' => 'War And Peace', 'Publisher' => $publisher ), $con); </code>
- ModelCriteria::findOneBy() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Apply a condition on a column and issues the SELECT ...
- ModelCriteria::findOneByArray() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Apply a list of conditions on columns and issues the SELECT ...
- PropelQuery::from() — Method in class PropelQuery
- AdapterInterface::formatTemporalValue() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Formats a temporal value before binding, given a ColumnMap object
- MssqlPropelPDO::forceRollBack() — Method in class MssqlPropelPDO
- Rollback the whole transaction, even if this is a nested rollback and reset the nested transaction count to 0.
- PdoAdapter::formatTemporalValue() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Formats a temporal value before binding, given a ColumnMap object
- ArrayCollection::fromArray() — Method in class ArrayCollection
- Populates the collection from an array Uses the object model to force the column types Does not empty the collection before adding the data from the array
- Collection::fromXML() — Method in class Collection
- Populate the collection from an XML string
- Collection::fromYAML() — Method in class Collection
- Populate the collection from a YAML string
- Collection::fromJSON() — Method in class Collection
- Populate the collection from a JSON string
- Collection::fromCSV() — Method in class Collection
- Populate the collection from a CSV string
- ObjectCollection::fromArray() — Method in class ObjectCollection
- Populates the collection from an array Each object is populated from an array and the result is stored Does not empty the collection before adding the data from the array
- OnDemandCollection::fromArray() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- Populates the collection from an array Each object is populated from an array and the result is stored Does not empty the collection before adding the data from the array
- ConnectionWrapper::forceRollBack() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Rollback the whole transaction, even if this is a nested rollback and reset the nested transaction count to 0.
- StatementInterface::fetch() — Method in class StatementInterface
- Fetches the next row from a result set.
- StatementInterface::fetchAll() — Method in class StatementInterface
- Returns an array containing all of the result set rows.
- StatementInterface::fetchColumn() — Method in class StatementInterface
- Returns a single column from the next row of a result set.
- StatementWrapper::fetch() — Method in class StatementWrapper
- Fetches the next row from a result set.
- StatementWrapper::fetchAll() — Method in class StatementWrapper
- Returns an array containing all of the result set rows.
- StatementWrapper::fetchColumn() — Method in class StatementWrapper
- Returns a single column from the next row of a result set.
- AbstractDataFetcher::fetchColumn() — Method in class AbstractDataFetcher
- Returns the data of the first column of the next row, based on this->fetch();
- ArrayDataFetcher::fetch() — Method in class ArrayDataFetcher
- Returns the data of the next row, based on this->next() && this->current();
- DataFetcherInterface::fetchColumn() — Method in class DataFetcherInterface
- Returns the data of the first column of the next row, based on this->fetch();
- DataFetcherInterface::fetch() — Method in class DataFetcherInterface
- Returns the data of the next row, based on this->next() && this->current();
- PDODataFetcher::fetch() — Method in class PDODataFetcher
- Returns the data of the next row, based on this->next() && this->current();
- FileNotFoundException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Exception
- AbstractFormatter::formatRecord() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- Formats an ActiveRecord object
- AbstractFormatter::format() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- AbstractFormatter::formatOne() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- ArrayFormatter::format() — Method in class ArrayFormatter
- ArrayFormatter::formatOne() — Method in class ArrayFormatter
- ArrayFormatter::formatRecord() — Method in class ArrayFormatter
- Formats an ActiveRecord object
- ObjectFormatter::format() — Method in class ObjectFormatter
- ObjectFormatter::formatOne() — Method in class ObjectFormatter
- OnDemandFormatter::format() — Method in class OnDemandFormatter
- SimpleArrayFormatter::format() — Method in class SimpleArrayFormatter
- SimpleArrayFormatter::formatOne() — Method in class SimpleArrayFormatter
- SimpleArrayFormatter::formatRecord() — Method in class SimpleArrayFormatter
- Formats an ActiveRecord object
- StatementFormatter::format() — Method in class StatementFormatter
- StatementFormatter::formatOne() — Method in class StatementFormatter
- StatementFormatter::formatRecord() — Method in class StatementFormatter
- Formats an ActiveRecord object
- ForeignKeyNotFoundException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Map\Exception
- AbstractParser::fromArray() — Method in class AbstractParser
- Converts data from an associative array to the parser format.
- CsvParser::fromArray() — Method in class CsvParser
- Converts data from an associative array to CSV.
- CsvParser::fromCSV() — Method in class CsvParser
- Alias for CsvParser::toArray()
- JsonParser::fromArray() — Method in class JsonParser
- Converts data from an associative array to JSON.
- JsonParser::fromJSON() — Method in class JsonParser
- Alias for JsonParser::toArray()
- XmlParser::fromArray() — Method in class XmlParser
- Converts data from an associative array to XML.
- XmlParser::fromXML() — Method in class XmlParser
- Alias for XmlParser::toArray()
- YamlParser::fromArray() — Method in class YamlParser
- Converts data from an associative array to YAML.
- YamlParser::fromYAML() — Method in class YamlParser
- Alias for YamlParser::toArray()
- Profiler::formatMemory() — Method in class Profiler
- Format a byte count into a human-readable representation.
- Profiler::formatDuration() — Method in class Profiler
- Format a duration into a human-readable representation.
- PluralizerInterface::getPluralForm() — Method in class PluralizerInterface
- Generate a plural name based on the passed in root.
- SimpleEnglishPluralizer::getPluralForm() — Method in class SimpleEnglishPluralizer
- Generate a plural name based on the passed in root.
- StandardEnglishPluralizer::getPluralForm() — Method in class StandardEnglishPluralizer
- Generate a plural name based on the passed in root.
- ArchivableBehavior::getArchiveTable() — Method in class ArchivableBehavior
- ArchivableBehavior::getArchiveTablePhpName() — Method in class ArchivableBehavior
- ArchivableBehavior::getArchiveTableQueryName() — Method in class ArchivableBehavior
- ArchivableBehavior::getArchivedAtColumn() — Method in class ArchivableBehavior
- ArchivableBehavior::getObjectBuilderModifier() — Method in class ArchivableBehavior
- Returns the object builder modifier object.
- ArchivableBehavior::getQueryBuilderModifier() — Method in class ArchivableBehavior
- Returns the query builder modifier object.
- I18nBehavior::getDefaultLocale() — Method in class I18nBehavior
- I18nBehavior::getI18nTable() — Method in class I18nBehavior
- I18nBehavior::getI18nForeignKey() — Method in class I18nBehavior
- I18nBehavior::getLocaleColumn() — Method in class I18nBehavior
- I18nBehavior::getI18nColumns() — Method in class I18nBehavior
- I18nBehavior::getObjectBuilderModifier() — Method in class I18nBehavior
- Returns the object builder modifier object.
- I18nBehavior::getQueryBuilderModifier() — Method in class I18nBehavior
- Returns the query builder modifier object.
- NestedSetBehavior::getObjectBuilderModifier() — Method in class NestedSetBehavior
- Returns the object builder modifier object.
- NestedSetBehavior::getQueryBuilderModifier() — Method in class NestedSetBehavior
- Returns the query builder modifier object.
- NestedSetBehavior::getColumnConstant() — Method in class NestedSetBehavior
- NestedSetBehavior::getColumn() — Method in class NestedSetBehavior
- SortableBehavior::getObjectBuilderModifier() — Method in class SortableBehavior
- Returns the object builder modifier object.
- SortableBehavior::getQueryBuilderModifier() — Method in class SortableBehavior
- Returns the query builder modifier object.
- SortableBehavior::getTableMapBuilderModifier() — Method in class SortableBehavior
- Returns the table map builder modifier object.
- SortableBehavior::generateScopePhp() — Method in class SortableBehavior
- Generates the method argument signature, the appropriate phpDoc for @params, the scope builder php code and the scope variable builder php code/
- SortableBehavior::getColumnGetter() — Method in class SortableBehavior
- Returns the getter method name.
- SortableBehavior::getColumnSetter() — Method in class SortableBehavior
- Returns the setter method name.
- SortableBehavior::getScopes() — Method in class SortableBehavior
- Returns all scope columns as array.
- ValidateBehavior::getParametersFromColumnName() — Method in class ValidateBehavior
- Returns the parameters associated with a given column.
- VersionableBehavior::getVersionTable() — Method in class VersionableBehavior
- VersionableBehavior::getVersionTablePhpName() — Method in class VersionableBehavior
- VersionableBehavior::getVersionableFks() — Method in class VersionableBehavior
- VersionableBehavior::getVersionableReferrers() — Method in class VersionableBehavior
- VersionableBehavior::getReferrerIdsColumn() — Method in class VersionableBehavior
- VersionableBehavior::getReferrerVersionsColumn() — Method in class VersionableBehavior
- VersionableBehavior::getObjectBuilderModifier() — Method in class VersionableBehavior
- Returns the object builder modifier object.
- VersionableBehavior::getQueryBuilderModifier() — Method in class VersionableBehavior
- Returns the query builder modifier object.
- DataModelBuilder::getPluralizer() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Returns new or existing Pluralizer class.
- DataModelBuilder::getObjectBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Returns new or existing Object builder class for this table.
- DataModelBuilder::getStubObjectBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Returns new or existing stub Object builder class for this table.
- DataModelBuilder::getQueryBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Returns new or existing Query builder class for this table.
- DataModelBuilder::getStubQueryBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Returns new or existing stub Query builder class for this table.
- DataModelBuilder::getTableMapBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Returns new or existing Object builder class for this table.
- DataModelBuilder::getInterfaceBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Returns new or existing stub Interface builder class for this table.
- DataModelBuilder::getMultiExtendObjectBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Returns new or existing stub child object builder class for this table.
- DataModelBuilder::getDataSQLBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Returns new or existing data sql builder class for this table.
- DataModelBuilder::getNewBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Gets a new data model builder class for specified table and classname.
- DataModelBuilder::getNewObjectBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Convenience method to return a NEW Object class builder instance.
- DataModelBuilder::getNewStubObjectBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Convenience method to return a NEW Object stub class builder instance.
- DataModelBuilder::getNewQueryBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Convenience method to return a NEW query class builder instance.
- DataModelBuilder::getNewStubQueryBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Convenience method to return a NEW query stub class builder instance.
- DataModelBuilder::getNewQueryInheritanceBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Returns new Query Inheritance builder class for this table.
- DataModelBuilder::getNewStubQueryInheritanceBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Returns new stub Query Inheritance builder class for this table.
- DataModelBuilder::getNewTableMapBuilder() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Returns new stub Query Inheritance builder class for this table.
- DataModelBuilder::getGeneratorConfig() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Gets the GeneratorConfig object.
- DataModelBuilder::getBuildProperty() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Get a specific [name transformed] build property.
- DataModelBuilder::getTable() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Returns the current Table object.
- DataModelBuilder::getPlatform() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Convenience method to returns the Platform class for this table (database).
- DataModelBuilder::getDatabase() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Convenience method to returns the database for current table.
- DataModelBuilder::getWarnings() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Gets array of warning messages.
- AbstractOMBuilder::getUnprefixedClassName() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Returns the qualified (prefixed) classname that is being built by the current class.
- AbstractOMBuilder::getUnqualifiedClassName() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Returns the unqualified classname (e.g.
- AbstractOMBuilder::getQualifiedClassName() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Returns the qualified classname (e.g.
- AbstractOMBuilder::getFullyQualifiedClassName() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Returns the fully qualified classname (e.g.
- AbstractOMBuilder::getClassName() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Returns FQCN alias of getFullyQualifiedClassName
- AbstractOMBuilder::getClasspath() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Gets the dot-path representation of current class being built.
- AbstractOMBuilder::getClassFilePath() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Gets the full path to the file for the current class.
- AbstractOMBuilder::getPackage() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Gets package name for this table.
- AbstractOMBuilder::getPackagePath() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Returns filesystem path for current package.
- AbstractOMBuilder::getNamespace() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Returns the user-defined namespace for this table, or the database namespace otherwise.
- AbstractOMBuilder::getClassNameFromBuilder() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- This declare the class use and get the correct name to use (short classname, Alias, or FQCN)
- AbstractOMBuilder::getDeclaredClasses() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Get the list of declared classes for a given $namespace or all declared classes
- AbstractOMBuilder::getNamespaceStatement() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- return the string for the class namespace
- AbstractOMBuilder::getUseStatements() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Return all the use statement of the class
- AbstractOMBuilder::getQueryClassName() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Shortcut method to return the [stub] query classname for current table.
- AbstractOMBuilder::getObjectClassName() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Returns the object classname for current table.
- AbstractOMBuilder::getTableMapClassName() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Returns the tableMap classname for current table.
- AbstractOMBuilder::getColumnConstant() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Get the column constant name (e.g.
- AbstractOMBuilder::getFKPhpNameAffix() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Gets the PHP method name affix to be used for fkeys for the current table (not referrers to this table).
- AbstractOMBuilder::getRefFKPhpNameAffix() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Gets the PHP method name affix to be used for referencing foreign key methods and variable names (e.g.
- AbstractOMBuilder::getBehaviorContentBase() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Checks whether any registered behavior content creator on that table exists a contentName
- AbstractOMBuilder::getTableMapClass() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- AbstractObjectBuilder::getBehaviorContent() — Method in class AbstractObjectBuilder
- Checks whether any registered behavior content creator on that table exists a contentName
- ClassTools::getFilePath() — Method in class ClassTools
- Gets the path to be used in include()/require() statement.
- ClassTools::getBaseClass() — Method in class ClassTools
- Gets the baseClass path if specified for table/db.
- ClassTools::getInterface() — Method in class ClassTools
- Gets the interface path if specified for table.
- ClassTools::getPhpReservedWords() — Method in class ClassTools
- Gets a list of PHP reserved words.
- ExtensionObjectBuilder::getUnprefixedClassName() — Method in class ExtensionObjectBuilder
- Returns the name of the current class being built.
- ExtensionQueryBuilder::getUnprefixedClassName() — Method in class ExtensionQueryBuilder
- Returns the name of the current class being built.
- ExtensionQueryBuilder::getBehaviorContent() — Method in class ExtensionQueryBuilder
- Checks whether any registered behavior content creator on that table exists a contentName
- ExtensionQueryInheritanceBuilder::getUnprefixedClassName() — Method in class ExtensionQueryInheritanceBuilder
- Returns the name of the current class being built.
- ExtensionQueryInheritanceBuilder::getPackage() — Method in class ExtensionQueryInheritanceBuilder
- Gets the package for the [base] object classes.
- ExtensionQueryInheritanceBuilder::getChild() — Method in class ExtensionQueryInheritanceBuilder
- Returns the child object we're operating on currently.
- InterfaceBuilder::getUnprefixedClassName() — Method in class InterfaceBuilder
- Returns the name of the current class being built.
- MultiExtendObjectBuilder::getUnprefixedClassName() — Method in class MultiExtendObjectBuilder
- Returns the name of the current class being built.
- MultiExtendObjectBuilder::getPackage() — Method in class MultiExtendObjectBuilder
- Overrides method to return child package, if specified.
- MultiExtendObjectBuilder::getChild() — Method in class MultiExtendObjectBuilder
- Returns the child object we're operating on currently.
- ObjectBuilder::getPackage() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
- Returns the package for the base object classes.
- ObjectBuilder::getNamespace() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
- Returns the namespace for the base class.
- ObjectBuilder::getDefaultKeyType() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
- Returns default key type.
- ObjectBuilder::getUnprefixedClassName() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
- Returns the name of the current class being built.
- ObjectBuilder::getFKVarName() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
- Constructs variable name for fkey-related objects.
- ObjectBuilder::getRefFKCollVarName() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
- Constructs variable name for objects which referencing current table by specified foreign key.
- ObjectBuilder::getPKRefFKVarName() — Method in class ObjectBuilder
- Constructs variable name for single object which references current table by specified foreign key which is ALSO a primary key (hence one-to-one relationship).
- QueryBuilder::getPackage() — Method in class QueryBuilder
- Returns the package for the [base] object classes.
- QueryBuilder::getNamespace() — Method in class QueryBuilder
- Returns the namepace for the query object classes.
- QueryBuilder::getUnprefixedClassName() — Method in class QueryBuilder
- Returns the name of the current class being built.
- QueryBuilder::getParentClass() — Method in class QueryBuilder
- QueryBuilder::getBehaviorContent() — Method in class QueryBuilder
- Checks whether any registered behavior content creator on that table exists a contentName
- QueryInheritanceBuilder::getUnprefixedClassName() — Method in class QueryInheritanceBuilder
- Returns the name of the current class being built.
- QueryInheritanceBuilder::getPackage() — Method in class QueryInheritanceBuilder
- Gets the package for the [base] object classes.
- QueryInheritanceBuilder::getNamespace() — Method in class QueryInheritanceBuilder
- Gets the namespace for the [base] object classes.
- QueryInheritanceBuilder::getChild() — Method in class QueryInheritanceBuilder
- Returns the child object we're operating on currently.
- TableMapBuilder::getPackage() — Method in class TableMapBuilder
- Gets the package for the map builder classes.
- TableMapBuilder::getNamespace() — Method in class TableMapBuilder
- Returns the user-defined namespace for this table, or the database namespace otherwise.
- TableMapBuilder::getBaseTableMapClassName() — Method in class TableMapBuilder
- TableMapBuilder::getUnprefixedClassName() — Method in class TableMapBuilder
- Returns the name of the current class being built.
- TableMapBuilder::getInstancePoolKeySnippet() — Method in class TableMapBuilder
- Adds the PHP code to return a instance pool key for the passed-in primary key variable names.
- DataSQLBuilder::getDatabaseStartSql() — Method in class DataSQLBuilder
- Returns any SQL to place at the start of all the row inserts.
- DataSQLBuilder::getDatabaseEndSql() — Method in class DataSQLBuilder
- Returns any SQL to place at the end of all the row inserts.
- DataSQLBuilder::getTableStartSql() — Method in class DataSQLBuilder
- Returns any SQL to place before row inserts for a new table.
- DataSQLBuilder::getTableEndSql() — Method in class DataSQLBuilder
- Returns any SQL to place at the end of row inserts for a table.
- DataSQLBuilder::getTimestampSql() — Method in class DataSQLBuilder
- Returns a representation of a timestamp value suitable for use in a SQL statement.
- ColumnValue::getColumn() — Method in class ColumnValue
- ColumnValue::getValue() — Method in class ColumnValue
- DataRow::getTable() — Method in class DataRow
- DataRow::getColumnValues() — Method in class DataRow
- GraphvizGenerateCommand — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Command
- GeneratorConfig — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Config
- A class that holds build properties and provide a class loading mechanism for the generator.
- GeneratorConfig::getBuildProperties() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
- Returns the build properties.
- GeneratorConfig::getBuildProperty() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
- Returns a specific Propel (renamed) property from the build.
- GeneratorConfig::getClassName() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
- Resolves and returns the class name based on the specified property value.
- GeneratorConfig::getBuilderClassName() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
- Resolves and returns the builder class name.
- GeneratorConfig::getConfiguredPlatform() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
- Creates and configures a new Platform class.
- GeneratorConfig::getConfiguredSchemaParser() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
- Creates and configures a new SchemaParser class for specified platform.
- GeneratorConfig::getConfiguredBuilder() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
- Returns a configured data model builder class for specified table and based on type ('ddl', 'sql', etc.).
- GeneratorConfig::getConfiguredPluralizer() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
- Returns a configured Pluralizer class.
- GeneratorConfig::getBuildConnections() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
- Returns all connections from the buildtime config.
- GeneratorConfig::getBuildConnection() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
- GeneratorConfig::getConnection() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
- GeneratorConfigInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Config
- GeneratorConfigInterface::getConfiguredBuilder() — Method in class GeneratorConfigInterface
- Returns a configured data model builder class for specified table and based on type ('ddl', 'sql', etc.).
- GeneratorConfigInterface::getConfiguredPluralizer() — Method in class GeneratorConfigInterface
- Returns a configured Pluralizer class.
- GeneratorConfigInterface::getBuildProperty() — Method in class GeneratorConfigInterface
- Returns a specific propel (renamed) property from the build.
- GeneratorConfigInterface::getConfiguredPlatform() — Method in class GeneratorConfigInterface
- Creates and configures a new Platform class.
- QuickGeneratorConfig::getConfiguredBuilder() — Method in class QuickGeneratorConfig
- Gets a configured data model builder class for specified table and based on type ('ddl', 'sql', etc.).
- QuickGeneratorConfig::getConfiguredPluralizer() — Method in class QuickGeneratorConfig
- Returns a configured Pluralizer class.
- QuickGeneratorConfig::getBuildProperty() — Method in class QuickGeneratorConfig
- Returns a specific propel (renamed) property from the build.
- QuickGeneratorConfig::getConfiguredPlatform() — Method in class QuickGeneratorConfig
- Creates and configures a new Platform class.
- AbstractManager::getSchemas() — Method in class AbstractManager
- Returns the list of schemas.
- AbstractManager::getWorkingDirectory() — Method in class AbstractManager
- Returns the working directory path.
- AbstractManager::getDataModels() — Method in class AbstractManager
- Returns the data models that have been processed.
- AbstractManager::getDataModelDbMap() — Method in class AbstractManager
- Returns the data model to database name map.
- GraphvizManager — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Manager
- Manager for Graphviz representation.
- MigrationManager::getConnections() — Method in class MigrationManager
- Get the database connection settings
- MigrationManager::getConnection() — Method in class MigrationManager
- MigrationManager::getAdapterConnection() — Method in class MigrationManager
- MigrationManager::getPlatform() — Method in class MigrationManager
- MigrationManager::getMigrationTable() — Method in class MigrationManager
- get the migration table name
- MigrationManager::getOldestDatabaseVersion() — Method in class MigrationManager
- MigrationManager::getMigrationTimestamps() — Method in class MigrationManager
- MigrationManager::getValidMigrationTimestamps() — Method in class MigrationManager
- MigrationManager::getAlreadyExecutedMigrationTimestamps() — Method in class MigrationManager
- MigrationManager::getFirstUpMigrationTimestamp() — Method in class MigrationManager
- MigrationManager::getFirstDownMigrationTimestamp() — Method in class MigrationManager
- MigrationManager::getMigrationClassName() — Method in class MigrationManager
- MigrationManager::getMigrationObject() — Method in class MigrationManager
- MigrationManager::getMigrationClassBody() — Method in class MigrationManager
- MigrationManager::getMigrationFileName() — Method in class MigrationManager
- MigrationManager::getUser() — Method in class MigrationManager
- ReverseManager::getSchemaName() — Method in class ReverseManager
- Gets the (optional) schema name to use.
- ReverseManager::getDatabaseName() — Method in class ReverseManager
- Gets the datasource name.
- SqlManager::getConnections() — Method in class SqlManager
- Get the database connection settings
- SqlManager::getConnection() — Method in class SqlManager
- SqlManager::getDatabases() — Method in class SqlManager
- SqlManager::getSqlDbMapFilename() — Method in class SqlManager
- Behavior::getName() — Method in class Behavior
- Returns the name of the Behavior
- Behavior::getTable() — Method in class Behavior
- Returns the table this behavior is applied to
- Behavior::getDatabase() — Method in class Behavior
- Returns the table this behavior is applied to if behavior is applied to a database element.
- Behavior::getParameters() — Method in class Behavior
- Returns the associative array of parameters.
- Behavior::getParameter() — Method in class Behavior
- Returns a single parameter by its name.
- Behavior::getTableModificationOrder() — Method in class Behavior
- Returns when this behavior must execute its modifyTable() method relative to other behaviors.
- Behavior::getColumnForParameter() — Method in class Behavior
- Returns a column object using a name stored in the behavior parameters.
- Behavior::getTableModifier() — Method in class Behavior
- Returns the table modifier object.
- Behavior::getObjectBuilderModifier() — Method in class Behavior
- Returns the object builder modifier object.
- Behavior::getQueryBuilderModifier() — Method in class Behavior
- Returns the query builder modifier object.
- Behavior::getTableMapBuilderModifier() — Method in class Behavior
- Returns the table map builder modifier object.
- Behavior::getAdditionalBuilders() — Method in class Behavior
- Returns the list of additional builder objects.
- Column::getDomain() — Method in class Column
- Gets domain for this column, creating a new empty domain object if none is set.
- Column::getFullyQualifiedName() — Method in class Column
- Returns the fully qualified column name (table.column).
- Column::getName() — Method in class Column
- Returns the column name.
- Column::getSingularName() — Method in class Column
- Returns the column singular name.
- Column::getDescription() — Method in class Column
- Returns the column description.
- Column::getPhpName() — Method in class Column
- Returns the name to use in PHP sources.
- Column::getStudlyPhpName() — Method in class Column
- Returns the studly version of the PHP name.
- Column::getAccessorVisibility() — Method in class Column
- Returns the accessor methods visibility of this column / attribute.
- Column::getMutatorVisibility() — Method in class Column
- Returns the mutator methods visibility for this current column.
- Column::getConstantName() — Method in class Column
- Returns the full column constant name (e.g.
- Column::getConstantColumnName() — Method in class Column
- Returns the column constant name.
- Column::getTableMapName() — Method in class Column
- Returns the TableMap constant name that will identify this column.
- Column::getPhpType() — Method in class Column
- Returns the type to use in PHP sources.
- Column::getPosition() — Method in class Column
- Returns the location of this column within the table (one-based).
- Column::getTable() — Method in class Column
- Returns the parent table.
- Column::getTableName() — Method in class Column
- Returns the parent table name.
- Column::getChildren() — Method in class Column
- Returns the inheritance definitions.
- Column::getNotNullString() — Method in class Column
- Returns NOT NULL string for this column.
- Column::getNodeKeySep() — Method in class Column
- Returns the node key column separator for a tree.
- Column::getForeignKeys() — Method in class Column
- Returns the foreign key objects for this column.
- Column::getReferrers() — Method in class Column
- Returns the list of references to this column.
- Column::getType() — Method in class Column
- Returns the Propel column type as a string.
- Column::getPDOType() — Method in class Column
- Returns the column PDO type integer for this column's mapping type.
- Column::getValueSet() — Method in class Column
- Returns the list of possible values for an ENUM column.
- Column::getSize() — Method in class Column
- Returns the column size.
- Column::getScale() — Method in class Column
- Returns the column scale.
- Column::getSizeDefinition() — Method in class Column
- Returns the size and precision in brackets for use in an SQL DLL.
- Column::getDefaultValueString() — Method in class Column
- Returns a string that will give this column a default value in PHP.
- Column::getDefaultValue() — Method in class Column
- Returns the default value object for this column.
- Column::getPhpDefaultValue() — Method in class Column
- Returns the default value suitable for use in PHP.
- Column::getAutoIncrementString() — Method in class Column
- Returns the auto-increment string.
- Column::getPhpNative() — Method in class Column
- Returns a string representation of the native PHP type which corresponds to the Propel type of this column.
- Column::getPlatform() — Method in class Column
- Returns an instance of PlatformInterface interface.
- Column::generatePhpName() — Method in class Column
- Returns a generated PHP name.
- ColumnDefaultValue::getType() — Method in class ColumnDefaultValue
- ColumnDefaultValue::getValue() — Method in class ColumnDefaultValue
- ConstraintNameGenerator::generateName() — Method in class ConstraintNameGenerator
- First element of <code>inputs</code> should be of type {@link Database}, second should be a table name, third is the type identifier (spared if trimming is necessary due to database type length constraints), and the fourth is a <code>Integer</code> indicating the number of this constraint.
- Database::getPlatform() — Method in class Database
- Returns the PlatformInterface implementation for this database.
- Database::getName() — Method in class Database
- Returns the database name.
- Database::getBaseClass() — Method in class Database
- Returns the name of the base super class inherited by active record objects.
- Database::getDefaultIdMethod() — Method in class Database
- Returns the name of the default ID method strategy.
- Database::getDefaultPhpNamingMethod() — Method in class Database
- Returns the name of the default PHP naming method strategy, which specifies the method for converting schema names for table and column to PHP names.
- Database::getSupportedStringFormats() — Method in class Database
- Returns the list of supported string formats
- Database::getDefaultStringFormat() — Method in class Database
- Returns the default string format for ActiveRecord objects in this table.
- Database::getHeavyIndexing() — Method in class Database
- Returns whether or not heavy indexing is enabled.
- Database::getTables() — Method in class Database
- Return the list of all tables.
- Database::getTablesForSql() — Method in class Database
- Returns the list of all tables that have a SQL representation.
- Database::getTable() — Method in class Database
- Returns the table with the specified name.
- Database::getTableByPhpName() — Method in class Database
- Returns the table object with the specified PHP name.
- Database::getParentSchema() — Method in class Database
- Returns the parent schema
- Database::getDomain() — Method in class Database
- Returns the already configured domain object by its name.
- Database::getGeneratorConfig() — Method in class Database
- Returns the GeneratorConfigInterface object.
- Database::getBuildProperty() — Method in class Database
- Returns the build property identified by its name.
- Database::getBehaviors() — Method in class Database
- Returns the list of all database behaviors.
- Database::getBehavior() — Method in class Database
- Returns the corresponding behavior identified by its name.
- Database::getTablePrefix() — Method in class Database
- Returns the table prefix for this database.
- Database::getNextTableBehavior() — Method in class Database
- Returns the next behavior on all tables, ordered by behavior priority, and skipping the ones that were already executed.
- ColumnDiff::getChangedProperties() — Method in class ColumnDiff
- Returns the changed properties.
- ColumnDiff::getFromColumn() — Method in class ColumnDiff
- Returns the fromColumn property.
- ColumnDiff::getToColumn() — Method in class ColumnDiff
- Returns the toColumn property.
- ColumnDiff::getReverseDiff() — Method in class ColumnDiff
- Returns the reverse diff for this diff.
- DatabaseComparator::getDatabaseDiff() — Method in class DatabaseComparator
- DatabaseComparator::getFromDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseComparator
- Returns the fromDatabase property.
- DatabaseComparator::getToDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseComparator
- Returns the toDatabase property.
- DatabaseDiff::getAddedTables() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Returns the list of added tables.
- DatabaseDiff::getAddedTable() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Returns an added table by its name.
- DatabaseDiff::getRemovedTables() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Returns the list of removed tables.
- DatabaseDiff::getRemovedTable() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Returns a removed table.
- DatabaseDiff::getModifiedTables() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Returns the modified tables.
- DatabaseDiff::getRenamedTables() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Returns the list of renamed tables.
- DatabaseDiff::getReverseDiff() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Returns the reverse diff for this diff.
- DatabaseDiff::getDescription() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Returns a description of the database modifications.
- TableComparator::getTableDiff() — Method in class TableComparator
- TableComparator::getFromTable() — Method in class TableComparator
- Returns the table the comparator starts from.
- TableComparator::getToTable() — Method in class TableComparator
- Returns the table the comparator goes to.
- TableDiff::getFromTable() — Method in class TableDiff
- Returns the fromTable property.
- TableDiff::getToTable() — Method in class TableDiff
- Returns the toTable property.
- TableDiff::getAddedColumns() — Method in class TableDiff
- Returns the list of added columns
- TableDiff::getAddedColumn() — Method in class TableDiff
- Returns an added column.
- TableDiff::getRemovedColumns() — Method in class TableDiff
- Getter for the removedColumns property
- TableDiff::getRemovedColumn() — Method in class TableDiff
- Get a removed column
- TableDiff::getModifiedColumns() — Method in class TableDiff
- Getter for the modifiedColumns property
- TableDiff::getRenamedColumns() — Method in class TableDiff
- Getter for the renamedColumns property
- TableDiff::getAddedPkColumns() — Method in class TableDiff
- Getter for the addedPkColumns property
- TableDiff::getRemovedPkColumns() — Method in class TableDiff
- Getter for the removedPkColumns property
- TableDiff::getRenamedPkColumns() — Method in class TableDiff
- Getter for the renamedPkColumns property
- TableDiff::getAddedIndices() — Method in class TableDiff
- Getter for the addedIndices property
- TableDiff::getRemovedIndices() — Method in class TableDiff
- Getter for the removedIndices property
- TableDiff::getModifiedIndices() — Method in class TableDiff
- Getter for the modifiedIndices property
- TableDiff::getAddedFks() — Method in class TableDiff
- Getter for the addedFks property
- TableDiff::getRemovedFks() — Method in class TableDiff
- Getter for the removedFks property
- TableDiff::getModifiedFks() — Method in class TableDiff
- Getter for the modifiedFks property
- TableDiff::getReverseDiff() — Method in class TableDiff
- Get the reverse diff for this diff
- Domain::getDatabase() — Method in class Domain
- Returns the owning database object (if this domain was setup via XML).
- Domain::getDescription() — Method in class Domain
- Returns the domain description.
- Domain::getName() — Method in class Domain
- Returns the domain description.
- Domain::getScale() — Method in class Domain
- Returns the scale value.
- Domain::getSize() — Method in class Domain
- Returns the size.
- Domain::getType() — Method in class Domain
- Returns the mapping type.
- Domain::getDefaultValue() — Method in class Domain
- Returns the default value object.
- Domain::getPhpDefaultValue() — Method in class Domain
- Returns the default value, type-casted for use in PHP OM.
- Domain::getSqlType() — Method in class Domain
- Returns the SQL type.
- Domain::getSizeDefinition() — Method in class Domain
- Returns the size and scale in brackets for use in an sql schema.
- ForeignKey::getOnUpdate() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the onUpdate behavior.
- ForeignKey::getOnDelete() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the onDelete behavior.
- ForeignKey::getName() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the foreign key name.
- ForeignKey::getPhpName() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the phpName for this foreign key (if any).
- ForeignKey::getRefPhpName() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the refPhpName for this foreign key (if any).
- ForeignKey::getDefaultJoin() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the default join strategy for this foreign key (if any).
- ForeignKey::getForeignTableName() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the foreign table name of the FK.
- ForeignKey::getForeignTableCommonName() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the foreign table name without schema.
- ForeignKey::getForeignTable() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the resolved foreign Table model object.
- ForeignKey::getForeignSchemaName() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the foreign schema name of the FK.
- ForeignKey::getTable() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the parent Table of the foreign key.
- ForeignKey::getTableName() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the name of the table the foreign key is in.
- ForeignKey::getSchemaName() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the name of the schema the foreign key is in.
- ForeignKey::getLocalColumns() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns an array of local column names.
- ForeignKey::getLocalColumnObjects() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns an array of local column objects.
- ForeignKey::getLocalColumnName() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns a local column name identified by a position.
- ForeignKey::getLocalColumn() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns a local Column object identified by a position.
- ForeignKey::getLocalForeignMapping() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns an array of local column to foreign column mapping for this foreign key.
- ForeignKey::getForeignLocalMapping() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns an array of local column to foreign column mapping for this foreign key.
- ForeignKey::getColumnObjectsMapping() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns an array of local and foreign column objects mapped for this foreign key.
- ForeignKey::getMappedForeignColumn() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the foreign column name mapped to a specified local column.
- ForeignKey::getMappedLocalColumn() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the local column name mapped to a specified foreign column.
- ForeignKey::getForeignColumns() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns an array of foreign column names.
- ForeignKey::getForeignColumnObjects() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns an array of foreign column objects.
- ForeignKey::getForeignColumnName() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns a foreign column name.
- ForeignKey::getForeignColumn() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns a foreign column object.
- ForeignKey::getInverseFK() — Method in class ForeignKey
- ForeignKey::getOtherFks() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the list of other foreign keys starting on the same table.
- ForeignKey::getForeignPrimaryKeys() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns all foreign columns which are also a primary key of the foreign table.
- IdMethodParameter::getName() — Method in class IdMethodParameter
- Returns the parameter name.
- IdMethodParameter::getValue() — Method in class IdMethodParameter
- Returns the parameter value.
- IdMethodParameter::getTable() — Method in class IdMethodParameter
- Returns the parent table.
- IdMethodParameter::getTableName() — Method in class IdMethodParameter
- Returns the parent table name.
- Index::getName() — Method in class Index
- Returns the index name.
- Index::getTable() — Method in class Index
- Returns the index parent table.
- Index::getTableName() — Method in class Index
- Returns the name of the index parent table.
- Index::getColumnSize() — Method in class Index
- Returns the size for the specified column.
- Index::getColumns() — Method in class Index
- Returns the list of local columns.
- Inheritance::getKey() — Method in class Inheritance
- Returns a key name.
- Inheritance::getColumn() — Method in class Inheritance
- Returns the parent column.
- Inheritance::getClassName() — Method in class Inheritance
- Returns the class name.
- Inheritance::getPackage() — Method in class Inheritance
- Returns the package.
- Inheritance::getAncestor() — Method in class Inheritance
- Returns the ancestor value.
- MappingModel::getAttributes() — Method in class MappingModel
- Returns all definition attributes.
- MappingModel::getAttribute() — Method in class MappingModel
- Returns a particular attribute by a case-insensitive name.
- MappingModel::getVendorInfoForType() — Method in class MappingModel
- Returns a VendorInfo object by its type.
- MappingModel::getConfiguredBehavior() — Method in class MappingModel
- Returns the best class name for a given behavior.
- NameFactory::generateName() — Method in class NameFactory
- Given a list of <code>String</code> objects, implements an algorithm which produces a name.
- NameGenerator::generateName() — Method in class NameGenerator
- Given a list of <code>String</code> objects, implements an algorithm which produces a name.
- PhpNameGenerator::generateName() — Method in class PhpNameGenerator
- <code>inputs</code> should consist of two (three) elements, the original name of the database element and the method for generating the name.
- PropelTypes::getPhpNative() — Method in class PropelTypes
- Returns the native PHP type which corresponds to the mapping type provided.
- PropelTypes::getPDOType() — Method in class PropelTypes
- Returns the PDO type (PDO::PARAM_* constant) value.
- PropelTypes::getPdoTypeString() — Method in class PropelTypes
- Returns the PDO type ('PDO::PARAM_*' constant) name.
- PropelTypes::getPropelTypes() — Method in class PropelTypes
- Returns an array of mapping types.
- Schema::getPlatform() — Method in class Schema
- Returns the platform object to use for any databases added to this application schema.
- Schema::getGeneratorConfig() — Method in class Schema
- Returns the generator configuration
- Schema::getName() — Method in class Schema
- Returns the schema name.
- Schema::getShortName() — Method in class Schema
- Returns the schema short name (without the '-schema' postfix).
- Schema::getDatabases() — Method in class Schema
- Returns an array of all databases.
- Schema::getDatabase() — Method in class Schema
- Returns the database according to the specified name.
- ScopedMappingModel::getNamespace() — Method in class ScopedMappingModel
- Returns the namespace.
- ScopedMappingModel::getPackage() — Method in class ScopedMappingModel
- Returns the package name.
- ScopedMappingModel::getSchema() — Method in class ScopedMappingModel
- Returns the schema name.
- Table::getBuildProperty() — Method in class Table
- Returns a build property value for the database this table belongs to.
- Table::getColumnList() — Method in class Table
- Returns a delimiter-delimited string list of column names.
- Table::getBaseClass() — Method in class Table
- Returns the name of the base class used for superclass of all objects of this table.
- Table::getChildrenColumn() — Method in class Table
- Returns the column that subclasses the class representing this table can be produced from.
- Table::getChildrenNames() — Method in class Table
- Returns the subclasses that can be created from this table.
- Table::getReferrers() — Method in class Table
- Returns the list of references to this table.
- Table::getCrossFks() — Method in class Table
- Returns the list of cross foreign keys.
- Table::getContainsForeignPK() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not this table contains a foreign primary key.
- Table::getForeignTableNames() — Method in class Table
- Returns the list of tables referenced by foreign keys in this table.
- Table::getGeneratorConfig() — Method in class Table
- Retrieves the configuration object, filled by build.properties
- Table::getBehaviors() — Method in class Table
- Returns the list of table behaviors.
- Table::getBehavior() — Method in class Table
- Get one table behavior by name
- Table::getEarlyBehaviors() — Method in class Table
- Get the early table behaviors
- Table::getAdditionalBuilders() — Method in class Table
- Returns the list of additional builders provided by the table behaviors.
- Table::getName() — Method in class Table
- Returns the full table name (including schema name when possible).
- Table::getDescription() — Method in class Table
- Returns the table description.
- Table::getPhpName() — Method in class Table
- Returns the name to use in PHP sources.
- Table::getStudlyPhpName() — Method in class Table
- Returns the studly version of PHP name.
- Table::getCommonName() — Method in class Table
- Returns the common name (without schema name).
- Table::getDefaultStringFormat() — Method in class Table
- Returns the default string format for ActiveRecord objects in this table, or the one for the whole database if not set.
- Table::getIdMethod() — Method in class Table
- Returns the method strategy for generating primary keys.
- Table::getAlias() — Method in class Table
- Returns the PHP name of an active record object this entry references.
- Table::getInterface() — Method in class Table
- Returns the interface objects of this table will implement.
- Table::getColumns() — Method in class Table
- Returns an array containing all Column objects in the table.
- Table::getNumColumns() — Method in class Table
- Returns the number of columns in this table.
- Table::getNumLazyLoadColumns() — Method in class Table
- Returns the number of lazy loaded columns in this table.
- Table::getForeignKeys() — Method in class Table
- Returns the list of all foreign keys.
- Table::getIdMethodParameters() — Method in class Table
- Returns a Collection of parameters relevant for the chosen id generation method.
- Table::getIndices() — Method in class Table
- Returns the list of all indices of this table.
- Table::getUnices() — Method in class Table
- Returns the list of all unique indices of this table.
- Table::getColumn() — Method in class Table
- Returns the Column object with the specified name.
- Table::getColumnByPhpName() — Method in class Table
- Returns a specified column by its php name.
- Table::getForeignKeysReferencingTable() — Method in class Table
- Returns all foreign keys from this table that reference the table passed in argument.
- Table::getColumnForeignKeys() — Method in class Table
- Returns the foreign keys that include column in it's list of local columns.
- Table::getDatabase() — Method in class Table
- Get the database that contains this table.
- Table::getPlatform() — Method in class Table
- Returns the Database platform.
- Table::getPrimaryKey() — Method in class Table
- Returns the collection of Columns which make up the single primary key for this table.
- Table::getFirstPrimaryKeyColumn() — Method in class Table
- Returns the first primary key column.
- Table::getAutoIncrementPrimaryKey() — Method in class Table
- Returns the auto incremented primary key.
- Table::getIsCrossRef() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not there is a cross reference status for this foreign key.
- VendorInfo::getType() — Method in class VendorInfo
- Returns the RDBMS type for this vendor specific information.
- VendorInfo::getParameter() — Method in class VendorInfo
- Returns a parameter value.
- VendorInfo::getParameters() — Method in class VendorInfo
- Returns an associative array of parameters for vendor specific information.
- VendorInfo::getMergedVendorInfo() — Method in class VendorInfo
- Returns a new VendorInfo object that combines two VendorInfo objects.
- DefaultPlatform::getObjectBuilderClass() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- DefaultPlatform::getConnection() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the database connection to use for this Platform class.
- DefaultPlatform::getBuilderClass() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns a platform specific builder class if exists.
- DefaultPlatform::getDatabaseType() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the short name of the database type that this platform represents.
- DefaultPlatform::getMaxColumnNameLength() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the max column length supported by the db.
- DefaultPlatform::getNativeIdMethod() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the native IdMethod (sequence|identity)
- DefaultPlatform::getDomainForType() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the database specific domain for a mapping type.
- DefaultPlatform::getNullString() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the NOT NULL string for the configured RDBMS.
- DefaultPlatform::getAutoIncrement() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the auto increment strategy for the configured RDBMS.
- DefaultPlatform::getSequenceName() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the name to use for creating a table sequence.
- DefaultPlatform::getAddTablesDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the DDL SQL to add the tables of a database together with index and foreign keys
- DefaultPlatform::getBeginDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Gets the requests to execute at the beginning of a DDL file
- DefaultPlatform::getEndDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Gets the requests to execute at the end of a DDL file
- DefaultPlatform::getDropTableDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to drop a table
- DefaultPlatform::getAddTableDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to add a table without index and foreign keys
- DefaultPlatform::getColumnDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL for a Column object.
- DefaultPlatform::getColumnDefaultValueDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the SQL for the default value of a Column object
- DefaultPlatform::getColumnListDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Creates a delimiter-delimited string list of column names, quoted using quoteIdentifier().
- DefaultPlatform::getPrimaryKeyName() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the name of a table primary key.
- DefaultPlatform::getPrimaryKeyDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the SQL for the primary key of a Table object.
- DefaultPlatform::getDropPrimaryKeyDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the DDL SQL to drop the primary key of a table.
- DefaultPlatform::getAddPrimaryKeyDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the DDL SQL to add the primary key of a table.
- DefaultPlatform::getAddIndicesDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the DDL SQL to add the indices of a table.
- DefaultPlatform::getAddIndexDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the DDL SQL to add an Index.
- DefaultPlatform::getDropIndexDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to drop an Index.
- DefaultPlatform::getIndexDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL for an Index object.
- DefaultPlatform::getUniqueDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL for a Unique constraint object.
- DefaultPlatform::getAddForeignKeysDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to add the foreign keys of a table.
- DefaultPlatform::getAddForeignKeyDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to add a foreign key.
- DefaultPlatform::getDropForeignKeyDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to drop a foreign key.
- DefaultPlatform::getForeignKeyDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL for a ForeignKey object.
- DefaultPlatform::getCommentLineDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- DefaultPlatform::getCommentBlockDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- DefaultPlatform::getModifyDatabaseDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to modify a database based on a DatabaseDiff instance
- DefaultPlatform::getRenameTableDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to rename a table
- DefaultPlatform::getModifyTableDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to alter a table based on a TableDiff instance
- DefaultPlatform::getModifyTableColumnsDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to alter a table based on a TableDiff instance
- DefaultPlatform::getModifyTablePrimaryKeyDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to alter a table's primary key based on a TableDiff instance
- DefaultPlatform::getModifyTableIndicesDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to alter a table's indices based on a TableDiff instance
- DefaultPlatform::getModifyTableForeignKeysDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to alter a table's foreign keys based on a TableDiff instance
- DefaultPlatform::getRemoveColumnDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to remove a column
- DefaultPlatform::getRenameColumnDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to rename a column
- DefaultPlatform::getModifyColumnDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to modify a column
- DefaultPlatform::getModifyColumnsDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to modify a list of columns
- DefaultPlatform::getAddColumnDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to remove a column
- DefaultPlatform::getAddColumnsDDL() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to remove a list of columns
- DefaultPlatform::getIdentifierQuoting() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- DefaultPlatform::getBooleanString() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns the Boolean value for the RDBMS.
- DefaultPlatform::getPhpArrayString() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- DefaultPlatform::getTimestampFormatter() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Gets the preferred timestamp formatter for setting date/time values.
- DefaultPlatform::getTimeFormatter() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Gets the preferred time formatter for setting date/time values.
- DefaultPlatform::getDateFormatter() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Gets the preferred date formatter for setting date/time values.
- DefaultPlatform::getColumnBindingPHP() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Get the PHP snippet for binding a value to a column.
- DefaultPlatform::getIdentifierPhp() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Get the PHP snippet for getting a Pk from the database.
- MssqlPlatform::getMaxColumnNameLength() — Method in class MssqlPlatform
- Returns the max column length supported by the db.
- MssqlPlatform::getNullString() — Method in class MssqlPlatform
- Returns the NOT NULL string for the configured RDBMS.
- MssqlPlatform::getDropTableDDL() — Method in class MssqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to drop a table
- MssqlPlatform::getPrimaryKeyDDL() — Method in class MssqlPlatform
- Returns the SQL for the primary key of a Table object.
- MssqlPlatform::getAddForeignKeyDDL() — Method in class MssqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to add a foreign key.
- MssqlPlatform::getForeignKeyDDL() — Method in class MssqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL for a ForeignKey object.
- MssqlPlatform::getTimestampFormatter() — Method in class MssqlPlatform
- Gets the preferred timestamp formatter for setting date/time values.
- MysqlPlatform::getTableEngineKeyword() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Getter for the tableEngineKeyword property
- MysqlPlatform::getDefaultTableEngine() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Getter for the defaultTableEngine property
- MysqlPlatform::getAutoIncrement() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Returns the auto increment strategy for the configured RDBMS.
- MysqlPlatform::getMaxColumnNameLength() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Returns the max column length supported by the db.
- MysqlPlatform::getAddTablesDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Returns the DDL SQL to add the tables of a database together with index and foreign keys
- MysqlPlatform::getBeginDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Gets the requests to execute at the beginning of a DDL file
- MysqlPlatform::getEndDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Gets the requests to execute at the end of a DDL file
- MysqlPlatform::getPrimaryKeyDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Returns the SQL for the primary key of a Table object
- MysqlPlatform::getAddTableDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to add a table without index and foreign keys
- MysqlPlatform::getDropTableDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to drop a table
- MysqlPlatform::getColumnDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL for a Column object.
- MysqlPlatform::getDropPrimaryKeyDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to drop the primary key of a table.
- MysqlPlatform::getAddIndexDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to add an Index.
- MysqlPlatform::getDropIndexDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to drop an Index.
- MysqlPlatform::getIndexDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL for an Index object.
- MysqlPlatform::getUniqueDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL for a Unique constraint object.
- MysqlPlatform::getAddForeignKeyDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to add a foreign key.
- MysqlPlatform::getForeignKeyDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL for a ForeignKey object.
- MysqlPlatform::getDropForeignKeyDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to drop a foreign key.
- MysqlPlatform::getCommentBlockDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- MysqlPlatform::getModifyDatabaseDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to modify a database based on a DatabaseDiff instance
- MysqlPlatform::getRenameTableDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to rename a table
- MysqlPlatform::getRemoveColumnDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to remove a column
- MysqlPlatform::getRenameColumnDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to rename a column
- MysqlPlatform::getModifyColumnDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to modify a column
- MysqlPlatform::getChangeColumnDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to change a column
- MysqlPlatform::getModifyColumnsDDL() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to modify a list of columns
- MysqlPlatform::getTimestampFormatter() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Gets the preferred timestamp formatter for setting date/time values.
- MysqlPlatform::getColumnBindingPHP() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Get the PHP snippet for binding a value to a column.
- OraclePlatform::getMaxColumnNameLength() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Returns the max column length supported by the db.
- OraclePlatform::getNativeIdMethod() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Returns the native IdMethod (sequence|identity)
- OraclePlatform::getAutoIncrement() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Returns the auto increment strategy for the configured RDBMS.
- OraclePlatform::getBeginDDL() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Gets the requests to execute at the beginning of a DDL file
- OraclePlatform::getAddTablesDDL() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Returns the DDL SQL to add the tables of a database together with index and foreign keys
- OraclePlatform::getAddTableDDL() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to add a table without index and foreign keys
- OraclePlatform::getAddPrimaryKeyDDL() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Returns the DDL SQL to add the primary key of a table.
- OraclePlatform::getAddSequencesDDL() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- OraclePlatform::getDropTableDDL() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to drop a table
- OraclePlatform::getPrimaryKeyName() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Returns the name of a table primary key.
- OraclePlatform::getPrimaryKeyDDL() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Returns the SQL for the primary key of a Table object.
- OraclePlatform::getUniqueDDL() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL for a Unique constraint object.
- OraclePlatform::getForeignKeyDDL() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL for a ForeignKey object.
- OraclePlatform::getTimestampFormatter() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Gets the preferred timestamp formatter for setting date/time values.
- OraclePlatform::generateBlockStorage() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Generate oracle block storage
- OraclePlatform::getAddIndexDDL() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to add an Index.
- OraclePlatform::getColumnBindingPHP() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Get the PHP snippet for binding a value to a column.
- OraclePlatform::getIdentifierPhp() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Get the PHP snippet for getting a Pk from the database.
- PgsqlPlatform::getNativeIdMethod() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Returns the native IdMethod (sequence|identity)
- PgsqlPlatform::getAutoIncrement() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Returns the auto increment strategy for the configured RDBMS.
- PgsqlPlatform::getMaxColumnNameLength() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Returns the max column length supported by the db.
- PgsqlPlatform::getBooleanString() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Returns the Boolean value for the RDBMS.
- PgsqlPlatform::getSequenceName() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Override to provide sequence names that conform to postgres' standard when no id-method-parameter specified.
- PgsqlPlatform::getAddSchemasDDL() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- PgsqlPlatform::getAddSchemaDDL() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- PgsqlPlatform::getUseSchemaDDL() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- PgsqlPlatform::getResetSchemaDDL() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- PgsqlPlatform::getAddTablesDDL() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Returns the DDL SQL to add the tables of a database together with index and foreign keys
- PgsqlPlatform::getAddTableDDL() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to add a table without index and foreign keys
- PgsqlPlatform::getDropTableDDL() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to drop a table
- PgsqlPlatform::getPrimaryKeyName() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Returns the name of a table primary key.
- PgsqlPlatform::getColumnDDL() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL for a Column object.
- PgsqlPlatform::getUniqueDDL() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL for a Unique constraint object.
- PgsqlPlatform::getModifyColumnDDL() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Overrides the implementation from DefaultPlatform
- PgsqlPlatform::getModifyColumnsDDL() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Overrides the implementation from DefaultPlatform
- PgsqlPlatform::getAddColumnsDDL() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Overrides the implementation from DefaultPlatform
- PgsqlPlatform::getDropIndexDDL() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Overrides the implementation from DefaultPlatform
- PgsqlPlatform::getIdentifierPhp() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Get the PHP snippet for getting a Pk from the database.
- PlatformInterface::getConnection() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Returns the database connection to use for this Platform class.
- PlatformInterface::getDatabaseType() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Returns the short name of the database type that this platform represents.
- PlatformInterface::getNativeIdMethod() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Returns the native IdMethod (sequence|identity)
- PlatformInterface::getMaxColumnNameLength() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Returns the max column length supported by the db.
- PlatformInterface::getDomainForType() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Returns the db specific domain for a propelType.
- PlatformInterface::getNullString() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- PlatformInterface::getAutoIncrement() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- PlatformInterface::getColumnDDL() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Returns the DDL SQL for a Column object.
- PlatformInterface::getColumnDefaultValueDDL() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Returns the SQL for the default value of a Column object.
- PlatformInterface::getColumnListDDL() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Creates a delimiter-delimited string list of column names, quoted using quoteIdentifier().
- PlatformInterface::getPrimaryKeyDDL() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Returns the SQL for the primary key of a Table object
- PlatformInterface::getBooleanString() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Returns the boolean value for the RDBMS.
- PlatformInterface::getTimestampFormatter() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Gets the preferred timestamp formatter for setting date/time values.
- PlatformInterface::getDateFormatter() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Gets the preferred date formatter for setting time values.
- PlatformInterface::getTimeFormatter() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Gets the preferred time formatter for setting time values.
- SqlitePlatform::getAutoIncrement() — Method in class SqlitePlatform
- SqlitePlatform::getMaxColumnNameLength() — Method in class SqlitePlatform
- Returns the max column length supported by the db.
- SqlitePlatform::getAddTableDDL() — Method in class SqlitePlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to add a table without index and foreign keys
- SqlitePlatform::getPrimaryKeyDDL() — Method in class SqlitePlatform
- Returns the SQL for the primary key of a Table object.
- SqlitePlatform::getDropPrimaryKeyDDL() — Method in class SqlitePlatform
- Returns the DDL SQL to drop the primary key of a table.
- SqlitePlatform::getAddPrimaryKeyDDL() — Method in class SqlitePlatform
- Returns the DDL SQL to add the primary key of a table.
- SqlitePlatform::getAddForeignKeyDDL() — Method in class SqlitePlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to add a foreign key.
- SqlitePlatform::getDropForeignKeyDDL() — Method in class SqlitePlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to drop a foreign key.
- SqlitePlatform::getForeignKeyDDL() — Method in class SqlitePlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL for a ForeignKey object.
- SqlitePlatform::getDropTableDDL() — Method in class SqlitePlatform
- Builds the DDL SQL to drop a table
- SqlsrvPlatform::getMaxColumnNameLength() — Method in class SqlsrvPlatform
- AbstractSchemaParser::getConnection() — Method in class AbstractSchemaParser
- Gets the database connection.
- AbstractSchemaParser::getMigrationTable() — Method in class AbstractSchemaParser
- Getter for the migrationTable property
- AbstractSchemaParser::getWarnings() — Method in class AbstractSchemaParser
- Gets array of warning messages.
- AbstractSchemaParser::getGeneratorConfig() — Method in class AbstractSchemaParser
- Gets the GeneratorConfig option.
- AbstractSchemaParser::getBuildProperty() — Method in class AbstractSchemaParser
- Gets a specific propel (renamed) property from the build.
- AbstractSchemaParser::getPlatform() — Method in class AbstractSchemaParser
- MysqlSchemaParser::getColumnFromRow() — Method in class MysqlSchemaParser
- Factory method creating a Column object based on a row from the 'show columns from ' MySQL query result.
- SchemaParserInterface::getConnection() — Method in class SchemaParserInterface
- Gets the database connection.
- SchemaParserInterface::getBuildProperty() — Method in class SchemaParserInterface
- Gets a specific propel (renamed) property from the build.
- SchemaParserInterface::getWarnings() — Method in class SchemaParserInterface
- Gets array of warning messages.
- PhpParser::getCode() — Method in class PhpParser
- Get the modified code
- QuickBuilder::getPlatform() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- Getter for the platform property
- QuickBuilder::getConfig() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- Getter for the config property
- QuickBuilder::getDatabase() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- QuickBuilder::getSQL() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- QuickBuilder::getBuildName() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- QuickBuilder::getClasses() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- QuickBuilder::getClassesForTable() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- SchemaValidator::getErrors() — Method in class SchemaValidator
- Returns the list of error messages
- SqlParser::getSQL() — Method in class SqlParser
- Gets the inner SQL string for this object.
- SqlParser::getNextStatement() — Method in class SqlParser
- Gets the next SQL statement in the inner SQL string, and advances the cursor to the end of this statement.
- BaseModelCriteria::getWith() — Method in class BaseModelCriteria
- Gets the array of ModelWith specifying which objects must be hydrated together with the main object.
- BaseModelCriteria::getFormatter() — Method in class BaseModelCriteria
- Gets the formatter to use for the find() output Defaults to an instance of ModelCriteria::$defaultFormatterClass, i.e.
- BaseModelCriteria::getModelName() — Method in class BaseModelCriteria
- Returns the name of the class for this model criteria
- BaseModelCriteria::getFullyQualifiedModelName() — Method in class BaseModelCriteria
- BaseModelCriteria::getModelAlias() — Method in class BaseModelCriteria
- Returns the alias of the main class for this model criteria
- BaseModelCriteria::getModelAliasOrName() — Method in class BaseModelCriteria
- Return the string to use in a clause as a model prefix for the main model
- BaseModelCriteria::getModelShortName() — Method in class BaseModelCriteria
- Return The short model name (the short ClassName for class with namespace)
- BaseModelCriteria::getTableMap() — Method in class BaseModelCriteria
- Returns the TableMap object for this Criteria
- BaseModelCriteria::getIterator() — Method in class BaseModelCriteria
- Execute the query with a find(), and return a Traversable object.
- Criteria::getMap() — Method in class Criteria
- Get the criteria map, i.e.
- Criteria::getAsColumns() — Method in class Criteria
- Get the column aliases.
- Criteria::getColumnForAs() — Method in class Criteria
- Returns the column name associated with an alias (AS-column).
- Criteria::getAliases() — Method in class Criteria
- Returns the aliases for this Criteria
- Criteria::getTableForAlias() — Method in class Criteria
- Returns the table name associated with an alias.
- Criteria::getTableNameAndAlias() — Method in class Criteria
- Returns the table name and alias based on a table alias or name.
- Criteria::getCriterion() — Method in class Criteria
- Method to return criteria related to columns in a table.
- Criteria::getLastCriterion() — Method in class Criteria
- Method to return the latest Criterion in a table.
- Criteria::getNewCriterion() — Method in class Criteria
- Method to return a Criterion that is not added automatically to this Criteria.
- Criteria::getColumnName() — Method in class Criteria
- Method to return a String table name.
- Criteria::getTablesColumns() — Method in class Criteria
- Shortcut method to get an array of columns indexed by table.
- Criteria::getComparison() — Method in class Criteria
- Method to return a comparison String.
- Criteria::getDbName() — Method in class Criteria
- Get the Database(Map) name.
- Criteria::getPrimaryTableName() — Method in class Criteria
- Get the primary table for this Criteria.
- Criteria::getTableName() — Method in class Criteria
- Method to return a String table name.
- Criteria::getValue() — Method in class Criteria
- Method to return the value that was added to Criteria.
- Criteria::get() — Method in class Criteria
- An alias to getValue() -- exposing a Hashtable-like interface.
- Criteria::getJoins() — Method in class Criteria
- Get the array of Joins.
- Criteria::getSelectQueries() — Method in class Criteria
- Get the associative array of Criteria for the subQueries per alias.
- Criteria::getSelectQuery() — Method in class Criteria
- Get the Criteria for a specific subQuery.
- Criteria::getLimit() — Method in class Criteria
- Get limit.
- Criteria::getOffset() — Method in class Criteria
- Get offset.
- Criteria::getComment() — Method in class Criteria
- Get the query comment, that appears after the first verb in the SQL query
- Criteria::getSelectColumns() — Method in class Criteria
- Get select columns.
- Criteria::getSelectModifiers() — Method in class Criteria
- Get select modifiers.
- Criteria::getOrderByColumns() — Method in class Criteria
- Get order by columns.
- Criteria::getGroupByColumns() — Method in class Criteria
- Get group by columns.
- Criteria::getHaving() — Method in class Criteria
- Get Having Criterion.
- Criteria::getPrimaryKey() — Method in class Criteria
- AbstractCriterion::getColumn() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- Get the column name.
- AbstractCriterion::getTable() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- Get the table name.
- AbstractCriterion::getComparison() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- Get the comparison.
- AbstractCriterion::getValue() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- Get the value.
- AbstractCriterion::getAdapter() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- Get the adapter.
- AbstractCriterion::getConjunctions() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- Get the list of conjunctions in this Criterion
- AbstractCriterion::getAllTables() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- Get all tables from nested criterion objects
- AbstractCriterion::getAttachedCriterion() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- get an array of all criterion attached to this recursing through all sub criterion
- AbstractModelCriterion::getClause() — Method in class AbstractModelCriterion
- Join::getConditions() — Method in class Join
- Return an array of the join conditions
- Join::getOperator() — Method in class Join
- Join::getOperators() — Method in class Join
- Join::getJoinType() — Method in class Join
- Get the join type
- Join::getLeftColumn() — Method in class Join
- Get the fully qualified name of the left column of the join condition
- Join::getLeftColumnName() — Method in class Join
- Get the left column name of the join condition
- Join::getLeftColumns() — Method in class Join
- Get the list of all the names of left columns of the join condition
- Join::getLeftTableName() — Method in class Join
- Join::getLeftTableAlias() — Method in class Join
- Join::getLeftTableAliasOrName() — Method in class Join
- Join::getLeftTableWithAlias() — Method in class Join
- Join::getRightColumn() — Method in class Join
- Get the fully qualified name of the right column of the join condition
- Join::getRightColumnName() — Method in class Join
- Get the right column name of the join condition
- Join::getRightColumns() — Method in class Join
- Join::getRightTableName() — Method in class Join
- Join::getRightTableAlias() — Method in class Join
- Join::getRightTableAliasOrName() — Method in class Join
- Join::getRightTableWithAlias() — Method in class Join
- Join::getAdapter() — Method in class Join
- Get the adapter.
- Join::getJoinCondition() — Method in class Join
- Get the custom join condition, if previously set
- Join::getClause() — Method in class Join
- Get the join clause for this Join.
- ModelCriteria::groupBy() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a GROUP BY clause to the query Usability layer on top of Criteria::addGroupByColumn() Infers $column $columnName Examples: $c->groupBy('Book.AuthorId') => $c->addGroupByColumn(BookTableMap::AUTHOR_ID)
- ModelCriteria::groupByClass() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a GROUP BY clause for all columns of a model to the query Examples: $c->groupBy('Book'); => $c->addGroupByColumn(BookTableMap::ID); => $c->addGroupByColumn(BookTableMap::TITLE); => $c->addGroupByColumn(BookTableMap::AUTHOR_ID); => $c->addGroupByColumn(BookTableMap::PUBLISHER_ID);
- ModelCriteria::getSelect() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Retrieves the columns defined by a previous call to select().
- ModelCriteria::getPreviousJoin() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- This method returns the previousJoin for this ModelCriteria, by default this is null, but after useQuery this is set the to the join of that use
- ModelCriteria::getJoin() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- This method returns an already defined join clause from the query
- ModelCriteria::getPrimaryCriteria() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Gets the primary criteria for this secondary Criteria
- ModelCriteria::getClassAndAlias() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Returns the class and alias of a string representing a model or a relation e.g.
- ModelCriteria::getRelationName() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Returns the name of a relation from a string.
- ModelCriteria::getAliasedColName() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Changes the table part of a a fully qualified column name if a true model alias exists e.g.
- ModelCriteria::getShortName() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Return the short ClassName for class with namespace
- ModelCriteria::getParams() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Get all the parameters to bind to this criteria Does part of the job of createSelectSql() for the cache
- ModelJoin::getRelationMap() — Method in class ModelJoin
- ModelJoin::getTableMap() — Method in class ModelJoin
- Gets the right tableMap for this join
- ModelJoin::getPreviousJoin() — Method in class ModelJoin
- ModelJoin::getRelationAlias() — Method in class ModelJoin
- ModelJoin::getObjectToRelate() — Method in class ModelJoin
- This method returns the last related, but already hydrated object up until this join Starting from $startObject and continuously calling the getters to get to the base object for the current join.
- ModelWith::getTableMap() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::getModelName() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::getRelationName() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::getRelationMethod() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::getInitMethod() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::getResetPartialMethod() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::getLeftPhpName() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::getRightPhpName() — Method in class ModelWith
- NestedSetRecursiveIterator::getChildren() — Method in class NestedSetRecursiveIterator
- AdapterInterface::getConnection() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Build database connection
- AdapterInterface::getStringDelimiter() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Returns the character used to indicate the beginning and end of a piece of text used in a SQL statement (generally a single quote).
- AdapterInterface::getId() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Gets the generated ID (either last ID for autoincrement or next sequence ID).
- AdapterInterface::getTimestampFormatter() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Returns timestamp formatter string for use in date() function.
- AdapterInterface::getDateFormatter() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Returns date formatter string for use in date() function.
- AdapterInterface::getTimeFormatter() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Returns time formatter string for use in date() function.
- OracleAdapter::getId() — Method in class OracleAdapter
- PdoAdapter::getConnection() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Build database connection
- PdoAdapter::getStringDelimiter() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Returns the character used to indicate the beginning and end of a piece of text used in a SQL statement (generally a single quote).
- PdoAdapter::getId() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Gets the generated ID (either last ID for autoincrement or next sequence ID).
- PdoAdapter::getTimestampFormatter() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Returns timestamp formatter string for use in date() function.
- PdoAdapter::getDateFormatter() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Returns date formatter string for use in date() function.
- PdoAdapter::getTimeFormatter() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Returns time formatter string for use in date() function.
- PdoAdapter::getDeleteFromClause() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Returns the "DELETE FROM <table> [AS <alias>]" part of DELETE query.
- PdoConnection::getName() — Method in class PdoConnection
- PgsqlAdapter::getId() — Method in class PgsqlAdapter
- Gets ID for specified sequence name.
- PgsqlAdapter::getTimestampFormatter() — Method in class PgsqlAdapter
- Returns timestamp formatter string for use in date() function.
- PgsqlAdapter::getTimeFormatter() — Method in class PgsqlAdapter
- Returns timestamp formatter string for use in date() function.
- PgsqlAdapter::getDeleteFromClause() — Method in class PgsqlAdapter
- PgsqlAdapter::getExplainPlanQuery() — Method in class PgsqlAdapter
- Explain Plan compute query getter
- SqlAdapterInterface::getDeleteFromClause() — Method in class SqlAdapterInterface
- Returns the "DELETE FROM <table> [AS <alias>]" part of DELETE query.
- ArrayCollection::getPrimaryKeys() — Method in class ArrayCollection
- Get an array of the primary keys of all the objects in the collection
- ArrayCollection::getArrayCopy() — Method in class ArrayCollection
- Synonym for toArray(), to provide a similar interface to PropelObjectCollection
- Collection::getData() — Method in class Collection
- Get the data in the collection
- Collection::getPosition() — Method in class Collection
- Gets the position of the internal pointer This position can be later used in seek()
- Collection::getFirst() — Method in class Collection
- Move the internal pointer to the beginning of the list And get the first element in the collection
- Collection::getPrevious() — Method in class Collection
- Move the internal pointer backward And get the previous element in the collection
- Collection::getCurrent() — Method in class Collection
- Get the current element in the collection
- Collection::getNext() — Method in class Collection
- Move the internal pointer forward And get the next element in the collection
- Collection::getLast() — Method in class Collection
- Move the internal pointer to the end of the list And get the last element in the collection
- Collection::get() — Method in class Collection
- Get an element from its key Alias for ArrayObject::offsetGet()
- Collection::getIterator() — Method in class Collection
- Overrides ArrayObject::getIterator() to save the iterator object for internal use e.g.
- Collection::getInternalIterator() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::getModel() — Method in class Collection
- Get the model of the elements in the collection
- Collection::getFullyQualifiedModel() — Method in class Collection
- Get the model of the elements in the collection
- Collection::getTableMapClass() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::getFormatter() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::getWriteConnection() — Method in class Collection
- Get a write connection object for the database containing the elements of the collection
- ObjectCollection::getPrimaryKeys() — Method in class ObjectCollection
- Get an array of the primary keys of all the objects in the collection
- ObjectCollection::getArrayCopy() — Method in class ObjectCollection
- Get an array representation of the collection
- OnDemandCollection::getIterator() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- OnDemandCollection::getArrayCopy() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- OnDemandCollection::getFlags() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- ConnectionInterface::getName() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- ConnectionInterface::getAttribute() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Retrieve a database connection attribute.
- ConnectionInterface::getSingleDataFetcher() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- ConnectionInterface::getDataFetcher() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- ConnectionManagerInterface::getName() — Method in class ConnectionManagerInterface
- ConnectionManagerInterface::getWriteConnection() — Method in class ConnectionManagerInterface
- ConnectionManagerInterface::getReadConnection() — Method in class ConnectionManagerInterface
- ConnectionManagerMasterSlave::getName() — Method in class ConnectionManagerMasterSlave
- ConnectionManagerMasterSlave::getWriteConnection() — Method in class ConnectionManagerMasterSlave
- Get a master connection.
- ConnectionManagerMasterSlave::getReadConnection() — Method in class ConnectionManagerMasterSlave
- Get a slave connection.
- ConnectionManagerSingle::getName() — Method in class ConnectionManagerSingle
- ConnectionManagerSingle::getConfiguration() — Method in class ConnectionManagerSingle
- ConnectionManagerSingle::getWriteConnection() — Method in class ConnectionManagerSingle
- ConnectionManagerSingle::getReadConnection() — Method in class ConnectionManagerSingle
- ConnectionWrapper::getName() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- ConnectionWrapper::getWrappedConnection() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- ConnectionWrapper::getNestedTransactionCount() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Gets the current transaction depth.
- ConnectionWrapper::getAttribute() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Retrieve a database connection attribute.
- ConnectionWrapper::getSingleDataFetcher() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- ConnectionWrapper::getDataFetcher() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- ConnectionWrapper::getQueryCount() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Returns the number of queries this DebugPDO instance has performed on the database connection.
- ConnectionWrapper::getLastExecutedQuery() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Get the SQL code for the latest query executed by Propel
- ConnectionWrapper::getLogMethods() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- ConnectionWrapper::getLogger() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Gets the logger to use for this connection.
- PdoConnection::getName() — Method in class PdoConnection
- PdoConnection::getDataFetcher() — Method in class PdoConnection
- PdoConnection::getSingleDataFetcher() — Method in class PdoConnection
- ProfilerConnectionWrapper::getProfiler() — Method in class ProfilerConnectionWrapper
- StatementWrapper::getExecutedQueryString() — Method in class StatementWrapper
- StatementWrapper::getIterator() — Method in class StatementWrapper
- Return the internal statement, which is traversable
- AbstractDataFetcher::getDataObject() — Method in class AbstractDataFetcher
- Returns the current data object that holds or references to actual data.
- ArrayDataFetcher::getIndexType() — Method in class ArrayDataFetcher
- Returns the TableMap::TYPE_* depends on your resultSet.
- DataFetcherInterface::getDataObject() — Method in class DataFetcherInterface
- Returns the current data object that holds or references to actual data.
- DataFetcherInterface::getIndexType() — Method in class DataFetcherInterface
- Returns the TableMap::TYPE_* depends on your resultSet.
- PDODataFetcher::getIndexType() — Method in class PDODataFetcher
- Returns the TableMap::TYPE_* depends on your resultSet.
- AbstractFormatter::getDataFetcher() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- Returns the current DataFetcherInterface object.
- AbstractFormatter::getDbName() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- AbstractFormatter::getClass() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- AbstractFormatter::getWith() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- AbstractFormatter::getAsColumns() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- AbstractFormatter::getCollectionClassName() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- AbstractFormatter::getTableMap() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- AbstractFormatter::getSingleObjectFromRow() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- Gets a Propel object hydrated from a selection of columns in statement row
- ArrayFormatter::getCollectionClassName() — Method in class ArrayFormatter
- ArrayFormatter::getStructuredArrayFromRow() — Method in class ArrayFormatter
- Hydrates a series of objects from a result row The first object to hydrate is the model of the Criteria The following objects (the ones added by way of ModelCriteria::with()) are linked to the first one
- ObjectFormatter::getCollectionClassName() — Method in class ObjectFormatter
- ObjectFormatter::getAllObjectsFromRow() — Method in class ObjectFormatter
- Hydrates a series of objects from a result row The first object to hydrate is the model of the Criteria The following objects (the ones added by way of ModelCriteria::with()) are linked to the first one
- OnDemandFormatter::getCollectionClassName() — Method in class OnDemandFormatter
- OnDemandFormatter::getCollection() — Method in class OnDemandFormatter
- OnDemandFormatter::getAllObjectsFromRow() — Method in class OnDemandFormatter
- Hydrates a series of objects from a result row The first object to hydrate is the model of the Criteria The following objects (the ones added by way of ModelCriteria::with()) are linked to the first one
- SimpleArrayFormatter::getCollectionClassName() — Method in class SimpleArrayFormatter
- SimpleArrayFormatter::getStructuredArrayFromRow() — Method in class SimpleArrayFormatter
- ColumnMap::getName() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Get the name of a column.
- ColumnMap::getTable() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Get the table map this column belongs to.
- ColumnMap::getTableName() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Get the name of the table this column is in.
- ColumnMap::getFullyQualifiedName() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Get the table name + column name.
- ColumnMap::getPhpName() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Get the name of a column.
- ColumnMap::getType() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Get the Propel type of this column.
- ColumnMap::getPdoType() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Get the PDO type of this column.
- ColumnMap::getSize() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Get the size of this column.
- ColumnMap::getDefaultValue() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Gets the default value for this column.
- ColumnMap::getRelation() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Get the RelationMap object for this foreign key
- ColumnMap::getRelatedName() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Get the table.column that this column is related to.
- ColumnMap::getRelatedTableName() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Get the table name that this column is related to.
- ColumnMap::getRelatedColumnName() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Get the column name that this column is related to.
- ColumnMap::getRelatedTable() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Get the TableMap object that this column is related to.
- ColumnMap::getRelatedColumn() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Get the TableMap object that this column is related to.
- ColumnMap::getValueSet() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Get the valueSet of this column (only valid for ENUM columns).
- ColumnMap::getValueSetKey() — Method in class ColumnMap
- DatabaseMap::getName() — Method in class DatabaseMap
- Get the name of this database.
- DatabaseMap::getTable() — Method in class DatabaseMap
- Get a TableMap for the table by name.
- DatabaseMap::getTables() — Method in class DatabaseMap
- Get a TableMap[] of all of the tables in the database.
- DatabaseMap::getColumn() — Method in class DatabaseMap
- Get a ColumnMap for the column by name.
- DatabaseMap::getTableByPhpName() — Method in class DatabaseMap
- DatabaseMap::getAbstractAdapter() — Method in class DatabaseMap
- Convenience method to get the AdapterInterface registered with Propel for this database.
- RelationMap::getName() — Method in class RelationMap
- Get the name of this relation.
- RelationMap::getPluralName() — Method in class RelationMap
- Get the plural name of this relation.
- RelationMap::getType() — Method in class RelationMap
- Get the type
- RelationMap::getLocalTable() — Method in class RelationMap
- Get the local table
- RelationMap::getForeignTable() — Method in class RelationMap
- Get the foreign table
- RelationMap::getLeftTable() — Method in class RelationMap
- Get the left table of the relation
- RelationMap::getRightTable() — Method in class RelationMap
- Get the right table of the relation
- RelationMap::getColumnMappings() — Method in class RelationMap
- Get an associative array mapping local column names to foreign column names The arrangement of the returned array depends on the $direction parameter: - If the value is RelationMap::LOCAL_TO_FOREIGN, then the returned array is local => foreign - If the value is RelationMap::LEFT_TO_RIGHT, then the returned array is left => right
- RelationMap::getLocalColumns() — Method in class RelationMap
- Get the local columns
- RelationMap::getForeignColumns() — Method in class RelationMap
- Get the foreign columns
- RelationMap::getLeftColumns() — Method in class RelationMap
- Get the left columns of the relation
- RelationMap::getRightColumns() — Method in class RelationMap
- Get the right columns of the relation
- RelationMap::getOnUpdate() — Method in class RelationMap
- Get the onUpdate behavior
- RelationMap::getOnDelete() — Method in class RelationMap
- Get the onDelete behavior
- RelationMap::getSymmetricalRelation() — Method in class RelationMap
- Gets the symmetrical relation
- TableMap::getDatabaseMap() — Method in class TableMap
- Get the DatabaseMap containing this TableMap.
- TableMap::getName() — Method in class TableMap
- Get the name of the Table.
- TableMap::getPhpName() — Method in class TableMap
- Get the PHP name of the Table.
- TableMap::getClassName() — Method in class TableMap
- Get the ClassName of the Propel Class belonging to this table.
- TableMap::getPackage() — Method in class TableMap
- Get the Package of the table.
- TableMap::getPrimaryKeyMethodInfo() — Method in class TableMap
- Get the name of the sequence used to generate a primary key
- TableMap::getColumn() — Method in class TableMap
- Get a ColumnMap for the table.
- TableMap::getColumnByPhpName() — Method in class TableMap
- Get a ColumnMap for the table.
- TableMap::getColumns() — Method in class TableMap
- Get a ColumnMap[] of the columns in this table.
- TableMap::getPrimaryKeys() — Method in class TableMap
- Returns array of ColumnMap objects that make up the primary key for this table
- TableMap::getForeignKeys() — Method in class TableMap
- Returns array of ColumnMap objects that are foreign keys for this table
- TableMap::getRelation() — Method in class TableMap
- Gets a RelationMap of the table by relation name This method will build the relations if they are not built yet
- TableMap::getRelations() — Method in class TableMap
- Gets the RelationMap objects of the table This method will build the relations if they are not built yet
- TableMap::getBehaviors() — Method in class TableMap
- Gets the list of behaviors registered for this table
- TableMap::getPrimaryStringColumn() — Method in class TableMap
- Gets the ColumnMap for the primary string column.
- TableMap::getFieldnamesForClass() — Method in class TableMap
- AbstractParser::getParser() — Method in class AbstractParser
- Factory for getting an instance of a subclass of AbstractParser
- Propel::getServiceContainer() — Method in class Propel
- Get the service container instance.
- Propel::getDefaultDatasource() — Method in class Propel
- Propel::getAdapter() — Method in class Propel
- Get the adapter for a given datasource.
- Propel::getDatabaseMap() — Method in class Propel
- Get the database map for a given datasource.
- Propel::getConnectionManager() — Method in class Propel
- Propel::getConnection() — Method in class Propel
- Get a connection for a given datasource.
- Propel::getWriteConnection() — Method in class Propel
- Get a write connection for a given datasource.
- Propel::getReadConnection() — Method in class Propel
- Get a read connection for a given datasource.
- Propel::getProfiler() — Method in class Propel
- Get a profiler instance.
- Propel::getLogger() — Method in class Propel
- Get the configured logger.
- ServiceContainerInterface::getDefaultDatasource() — Method in class ServiceContainerInterface
- ServiceContainerInterface::getAdapter() — Method in class ServiceContainerInterface
- Get the adapter for a given datasource.
- ServiceContainerInterface::getDatabaseMap() — Method in class ServiceContainerInterface
- Get the database map for a given datasource.
- ServiceContainerInterface::getConnectionManager() — Method in class ServiceContainerInterface
- ServiceContainerInterface::getConnection() — Method in class ServiceContainerInterface
- Get a connection for a given datasource.
- ServiceContainerInterface::getWriteConnection() — Method in class ServiceContainerInterface
- Get a write connection for a given datasource.
- ServiceContainerInterface::getReadConnection() — Method in class ServiceContainerInterface
- Get a read connection for a given datasource.
- ServiceContainerInterface::getProfiler() — Method in class ServiceContainerInterface
- Get a profiler instance.
- ServiceContainerInterface::getLogger() — Method in class ServiceContainerInterface
- Get a logger for a given datasource, or the default logger.
- StandardServiceContainer::getDefaultDatasource() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- StandardServiceContainer::getAdapterClass() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Get the adapter class for a given datasource.
- StandardServiceContainer::getAdapter() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Get the adapter for a given datasource.
- StandardServiceContainer::getDatabaseMap() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Get the database map for a given datasource.
- StandardServiceContainer::getConnectionManager() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- StandardServiceContainer::getConnectionManagers() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- StandardServiceContainer::getConnection() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Get a connection for a given datasource.
- StandardServiceContainer::getWriteConnection() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Get a write connection for a given datasource.
- StandardServiceContainer::getReadConnection() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Get a read connection for a given datasource.
- StandardServiceContainer::getProfiler() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Get a profiler instance.
- StandardServiceContainer::getLogger() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Get a logger instance
- Profiler::getConfiguration() — Method in class Profiler
- Get an array representing the configuration of the profiler.
- Profiler::getProfile() — Method in class Profiler
- Profiler::getProfileBetween() — Method in class Profiler
- Returns a string that may be prepended to a log line, containing debug information according to the current configuration.
- Profiler::getSnapshot() — Method in class Profiler
- Get a snapshot of the current time and memory consumption.
- PropelColumnTypes::getPdoType() — Method in class PropelColumnTypes
- Returns the PDO type (PDO::PARAM_* constant) value for the Propel type provided.
- PropelConditionalProxy::getParentProxy() — Method in class PropelConditionalProxy
- PropelConditionalProxy::getCriteriaOrProxy() — Method in class PropelConditionalProxy
- PropelModelPager::getQuery() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- PropelModelPager::getResults() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Get the collection of results in the page
- PropelModelPager::getCurrentMaxLink() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- PropelModelPager::getMaxRecordLimit() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- PropelModelPager::getLinks() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- PropelModelPager::getFirstIndex() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Get the index of the first element in the page Returns 1 on the first page, $maxPerPage +1 on the second page, etc
- PropelModelPager::getLastIndex() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Get the index of the last element in the page Always less than or equal to $maxPerPage
- PropelModelPager::getNbResults() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Get the total number of results of the query This can be greater than $maxPerPage
- PropelModelPager::getFirstPage() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Get the number of the first page
- PropelModelPager::getLastPage() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Get the number of the last page
- PropelModelPager::getPage() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Get the number of the current page
- PropelModelPager::getNextPage() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Get the number of the next page
- PropelModelPager::getPreviousPage() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Get the number of the previous page
- PropelModelPager::getMaxPerPage() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Get the maximum number results per page
- PropelModelPager::getIterator() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- ArchivableBehavior::hasArchiveClass() — Method in class ArchivableBehavior
- SortableBehavior::hasMultipleScopes() — Method in class SortableBehavior
- Returns true if the behavior has multiple scope columns.
- AbstractOMBuilder::hasBehaviorModifier() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook
- AbstractObjectBuilder::hasBehaviorModifier() — Method in class AbstractObjectBuilder
- Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook
- ExtensionQueryBuilder::hasBehaviorModifier() — Method in class ExtensionQueryBuilder
- Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook
- QueryBuilder::hasBehaviorModifier() — Method in class QueryBuilder
- Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook
- TableMapBuilder::hasBehaviorModifier() — Method in class TableMapBuilder
- Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook
- MigrationManager::hasPendingMigrations() — Method in class MigrationManager
- SqlManager::hasConnection() — Method in class SqlManager
- Behavior::hasAdditionalBuilders() — Method in class Behavior
- Returns whether or not this behavior has additional builders.
- Column::hasMultipleFK() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not this column is part of more than one foreign key.
- Column::hasReferrers() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not this column has referers.
- Column::hasReferrer() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not this column has a specific referrer for a specific foreign key object.
- Column::hasPlatform() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not this column has a platform adapter.
- Database::hasTable() — Method in class Database
- Returns whether or not the database has a table.
- Database::hasTableByPhpName() — Method in class Database
- Returns whether or not the database has a table identified by its PHP name.
- Database::hasBehavior() — Method in class Database
- Returns whether or not the database has a specific behavior.
- TableDiff::hasModifiedPk() — Method in class TableDiff
- Whether the primary key was modified
- ForeignKey::hasOnUpdate() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns whether or not the onUpdate behavior is set.
- ForeignKey::hasOnDelete() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns whether or not the onDelete behavior is set.
- Index::hasColumnSize() — Method in class Index
- Returns whether or not there is a size for the specified column.
- Index::hasColumnAtPosition() — Method in class Index
- Returns whether or not this index has a given column at a given position.
- Index::hasColumns() — Method in class Index
- Returns whether or not the index has columns.
- Schema::hasMultipleDatabases() — Method in class Schema
- Returns whether or not this schema has multiple databases.
- Schema::hasDatabase() — Method in class Schema
- Returns whether or not a database with the specified name exists in this schema.
- Table::hasIndex() — Method in class Table
- Checks if the table has a index by name.
- Table::hasBehavior() — Method in class Table
- check if the table has a behavior by name
- Table::hasAdditionalBuilders() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not the table behaviors offer additional builders.
- Table::hasDescription() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not the table has a description.
- Table::hasEnumColumns() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not one of the columns is of type ENUM.
- Table::hasColumn() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not the table has a column.
- Table::hasPrimaryKey() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not this table has a primary key.
- Table::hasCompositePrimaryKey() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not this table has a composite primary key.
- Table::hasAutoIncrementPrimaryKey() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not this table has any auto-increment primary keys.
- Table::hasForeignKeys() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not the table has foreign keys.
- Table::hasCrossForeignKeys() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether the table has cross foreign keys or not.
- VendorInfo::hasParameter() — Method in class VendorInfo
- Returns whether or not a parameter exists.
- DefaultPlatform::hasSize() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns if the RDBMS-specific SQL type has a size attribute.
- DefaultPlatform::hasScale() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Returns if the RDBMS-specific SQL type has a scale attribute.
- DefaultPlatform::hasStreamBlobImpl() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Whether the underlying PDO driver for this platform returns BLOB columns as streams (instead of strings).
- MssqlPlatform::hasSize() — Method in class MssqlPlatform
- Returns if the RDBMS-specific SQL type has a size attribute.
- MysqlPlatform::hasSize() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Returns if the RDBMS-specific SQL type has a size attribute.
- OraclePlatform::hasStreamBlobImpl() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Whether the underlying PDO driver for this platform returns BLOB columns as streams (instead of strings).
- PgsqlPlatform::hasSize() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Returns if the RDBMS-specific SQL type has a size attribute.
- PgsqlPlatform::hasStreamBlobImpl() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Whether the underlying PDO driver for this platform returns BLOB columns as streams (instead of strings).
- PlatformInterface::hasSize() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Returns if the RDBMS-specific SQL type has a size attribute.
- PlatformInterface::hasScale() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Returns if the RDBMS-specific SQL type has a scale attribute.
- PlatformInterface::hasStreamBlobImpl() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Whether the underlying PDO driver for this platform returns BLOB columns as streams (instead of strings).
- SqlitePlatform::hasSize() — Method in class SqlitePlatform
- Returns if the RDBMS-specific SQL type has a size attribute.
- Criteria::hasWhereClause() — Method in class Criteria
- Whether this Criteria has any where columns.
- Criteria::hasSelectQueries() — Method in class Criteria
- Checks whether this Criteria has a subquery.
- Criteria::hasSelectQuery() — Method in class Criteria
- checks if the Criteria for a specific subQuery is set.
- Criteria::hasSelectModifier() — Method in class Criteria
- Checks the existence of a SQL select modifier
- Criteria::hasSelectClause() — Method in class Criteria
- Whether this Criteria has any select columns.
- Join::hasLeftTableAlias() — Method in class Join
- Join::hasRightTableAlias() — Method in class Join
- ModelCriteria::having() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a having condition on a column based on a pseudo SQL clause Uses introspection to translate the column phpName into a fully qualified name <code> // simple clause $c->having('b.Title = ?', 'foo'); // named conditions $c->condition('cond1', 'b.Title = ?', 'foo'); $c->condition('cond2', 'b.ISBN = ?', 12345); $c->having(array('cond1', 'cond2'), Criteria::LOGICAL_OR); </code>
- ModelJoin::hasRelationAlias() — Method in class ModelJoin
- NestedSetRecursiveIterator::hasChildren() — Method in class NestedSetRecursiveIterator
- AbstractFormatter::hasLimit() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- DatabaseMap::hasTable() — Method in class DatabaseMap
- Does this database contain this specific table?
- TableMap::hasColumn() — Method in class TableMap
- Does this table contain the specified column?
- TableMap::hasColumnByPhpName() — Method in class TableMap
- Does this table contain the specified column?
- TableMap::hasRelation() — Method in class TableMap
- Gets a RelationMap of the table by relation name This method will build the relations if they are not built yet
- TableMap::hasPrimaryStringColumn() — Method in class TableMap
- Does this table has a primaryString column?
- PropelModelPager::haveToPaginate() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Test whether the number of results exceeds the max number of results per page
- ArchivableBehavior::isArchiveOnInsert() — Method in class ArchivableBehavior
- ArchivableBehavior::isArchiveOnUpdate() — Method in class ArchivableBehavior
- ArchivableBehavior::isArchiveOnDelete() — Method in class ArchivableBehavior
- I18nBehavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\I18n
- Allows translation of text columns through transparent one-to-many relationship.
- I18nBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\I18n
- Allows translation of text columns through transparent one-to-many relationship.
- I18nBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\I18n
- Allows translation of text columns through transparent one-to-many relationship.
- InterfaceBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Om
- Generates the empty PHP5 stub interface for user object model (OM).
- InvalidArgumentException — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Exception
- ReverseManager::isSamePhpName() — Method in class ReverseManager
- Returns whether to use the column name as phpName without any translation.
- SqlManager::insertSql() — Method in class SqlManager
- Behavior::isTableModified() — Method in class Behavior
- Returns whether or not the table has been modified.
- Column::isNamePlural() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not the column name is plural.
- Column::isInheritance() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not this column is a normal property or specifies a the classes that are represented in the table containing this column.
- Column::isEnumeratedClasses() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not possible classes have been enumerated in the schema file.
- Column::isNotNull() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not the column is not null.
- Column::isPrimaryString() — Method in class Column
- Returns true if the column is the primary string (used for the magic __toString() method).
- Column::isPrimaryKey() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not the column is the primary key.
- Column::isNodeKey() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not the column is a node key of a tree.
- Column::isNestedSetLeftKey() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not the column is a nested set key of a tree.
- Column::isNestedSetRightKey() — Method in class Column
- Return whether or not the column is a nested set right key of a tree.
- Column::isTreeScopeKey() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not the column is a scope key of a tree.
- Column::isUnique() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not the column must have a unique index.
- Column::isForeignKey() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not this column is a foreign key.
- Column::isDefaultSqlType() — Method in class Column
- Column::isLobType() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not this column is a blob/lob type.
- Column::isTextType() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not this column is a text type.
- Column::isNumericType() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not this column is a numeric type.
- Column::isBooleanType() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not this column is a boolean type.
- Column::isTemporalType() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not this column is a temporal type.
- Column::isPhpArrayType() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not the column is an array column.
- Column::isEnumType() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not this column is an ENUM column.
- Column::isAutoIncrement() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or the column is an auto increment/sequence value for the target database.
- Column::isLazyLoad() — Method in class Column
- Return whether or not the column has to be lazy loaded.
- Column::isPhpPrimitiveType() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not the column PHP native type is primitive type (aka a boolean, an integer, a long, a float, a double or a string).
- Column::isPhpPrimitiveNumericType() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not the column PHP native type is a primitive numeric type (aka an integer, a long, a float or a double).
- Column::isPhpObjectType() — Method in class Column
- Returns whether or not the column PHP native type is an object.
- ColumnDefaultValue::isExpression() — Method in class ColumnDefaultValue
- Convenience method to indicate whether the value in this object is an expression (as opposed to simple value).
- Database::isHeavyIndexing() — Method in class Database
- Returns whether or not heavy indexing is enabled.
- IndexComparator — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model\Diff
- Service class for comparing Index objects Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see http://github.com/doctrine/dbal/tree/master/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Schema/)
- ForeignKey::isLocalColumnsRequired() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns whether this foreign key uses a required column, or a list of required columns.
- ForeignKey::isForeignPrimaryKey() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns whether this foreign key is also the primary key of the foreign table.
- ForeignKey::isComposite() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns whether or not this foreign key relies on more than one column binding.
- ForeignKey::isLocalPrimaryKey() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns whether or not this foreign key is also the primary key of the local table.
- ForeignKey::isSkipSql() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns whether or not the SQL generation must be skipped for this foreign key.
- ForeignKey::isMatchedByInverseFK() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Whether this foreign key is matched by an inverted foreign key (on foreign table).
- ForeignKey::isAtLeastOneForeignPrimaryKey() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Whether at least one foreign column is also the primary key of the foreign table.
- ForeignKey::isAtLeastOneLocalPrimaryKey() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Whether at least one local column is also a primary key.
- IdMethod — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- Interface for various ID retrieval method types (i.e.
- IdMethodParameter — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- Information related to an ID method strategy.
- Index — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- Information about indices of a table.
- Index::isUnique() — Method in class Index
- Returns the uniqueness of this index.
- Inheritance — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- A class for information regarding possible objects representing a table.
- PropelTypes::isTemporalType() — Method in class PropelTypes
- Returns whether or not the given type is a temporal type.
- PropelTypes::isTextType() — Method in class PropelTypes
- Returns whether or not the given type is a text type.
- PropelTypes::isNumericType() — Method in class PropelTypes
- Returns whether or not the given type is a numeric type.
- PropelTypes::isBooleanType() — Method in class PropelTypes
- Returns whether or not this column is a boolean type.
- PropelTypes::isLobType() — Method in class PropelTypes
- Returns whether or not this column is a lob/blob type.
- PropelTypes::isPhpPrimitiveType() — Method in class PropelTypes
- Returns whether or not a passed-in PHP type is a primitive type.
- PropelTypes::isPhpPrimitiveNumericType() — Method in class PropelTypes
- Returns whether or not a passed-in PHP type is a primitive numeric type.
- PropelTypes::isPhpObjectType() — Method in class PropelTypes
- Returns whether or not a passed-in PHP type is an object.
- PropelTypes::isPhpArrayType() — Method in class PropelTypes
- Convenience method to indicate whether a passed-in PHP type is an array.
- ScopedMappingModel::isAbsoluteNamespace() — Method in class ScopedMappingModel
- Returns whether or not the namespace is absolute.
- Table::isAllowPkInsert() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether we allow to insert primary keys on tables with native id method.
- Table::isSkipSql() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not Propel has to skip DDL SQL generation for this table (in the event it should not be created from scratch).
- Table::isReadOnly() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not this table is read-only.
- Table::isReloadOnInsert() — Method in class Table
- Whether to force object to reload on INSERT.
- Table::isReloadOnUpdate() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not to force object to reload on UPDATE.
- Table::isAlias() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not this table is specified in the schema or if there is just a foreign key reference to it.
- Table::isAbstract() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not a table is abstract, it marks the business object class that is generated as being abstract.
- Table::isForReferenceOnly() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not code and SQL must be created for this table.
- Table::isCrossRef() — Method in class Table
- Alias for Table::getIsCrossRef.
- Unique::isUnique() — Method in class Unique
- Returns whether or not this index is unique.
- VendorInfo::isEmpty() — Method in class VendorInfo
- Returns whether or not this vendor info is empty.
- DefaultPlatform::isNativeIdMethodAutoIncrement() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Criteria::isUseTransaction() — Method in class Criteria
- Whether the sql command specified by this criteria must be wrapped in a transaction.
- Criteria::isIgnoreCase() — Method in class Criteria
- Is ignore case on or off?
- Criteria::isSingleRecord() — Method in class Criteria
- Is single record?
- AbstractCriterion::init() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- Init some properties with the help of outer class
- BasicCriterion::isIgnoreCase() — Method in class BasicCriterion
- Is ignore case on or off?
- InvalidClauseException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion\Exception
- InvalidValueException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion\Exception
- InCriterion — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion
- Specialized Criterion used for IN expressions, e.g.
- InModelCriterion — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion
- Specialized ModelCriterion used for IN or NOT IN model clauses, e.g.
- LikeCriterion::isIgnoreCase() — Method in class LikeCriterion
- Is ignore case on or off?
- LikeModelCriterion::isIgnoreCase() — Method in class LikeModelCriterion
- Is ignore case on or off?
- ModelCriteria::isWithOneToMany() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- ModelCriteria::isKeepQuery() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Checks whether the automated cloning on termination is enabled.
- ModelCriteria::innerJoin() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a INNER JOIN clause to the query
- ModelJoin::isPrimary() — Method in class ModelJoin
- ModelWith::init() — Method in class ModelWith
- Define the joined hydration schema based on a join object.
- ModelWith::isSingleTableInheritance() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::isAdd() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::isWithOneToMany() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::isPrimary() — Method in class ModelWith
- AdapterInterface::ignoreCaseInOrderBy() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- This method is used to ignore case in an ORDER BY clause.
- AdapterInterface::isGetIdBeforeInsert() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Whether this adapter uses an ID generation system that requires getting ID _before_ performing INSERT.
- AdapterInterface::isGetIdAfterInsert() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Whether this adapter uses an ID generation system that requires getting ID _before_ performing INSERT.
- OracleAdapter::initConnection() — Method in class OracleAdapter
- This method is called after a connection was created to run necessary post-initialization queries or code.
- PdoAdapter::initConnection() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- This method is called after a connection was created to run necessary post-initialization queries or code.
- PdoAdapter::ignoreCase() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- This method is used to ignore case.
- PdoAdapter::ignoreCaseInOrderBy() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- This method is used to ignore case in an ORDER BY clause.
- PdoAdapter::isGetIdBeforeInsert() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Whether this adapter uses an ID generation system that requires getting ID _before_ performing INSERT.
- PdoAdapter::isGetIdAfterInsert() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Whether this adapter uses an ID generation system that requires getting ID _before_ performing INSERT.
- SqlsrvAdapter::initConnection() — Method in class SqlsrvAdapter
- SqlAdapterInterface::ignoreCase() — Method in class SqlAdapterInterface
- This method is used to ignore case.
- Collection::isFirst() — Method in class Collection
- Check whether the internal pointer is at the beginning of the list
- Collection::isLast() — Method in class Collection
- Check whether the internal pointer is at the end of the list
- Collection::isEmpty() — Method in class Collection
- Check if the collection is empty
- Collection::isOdd() — Method in class Collection
- Check if the current index is an odd integer
- Collection::isEven() — Method in class Collection
- Check if the current index is an even integer
- Collection::importFrom() — Method in class Collection
- Populate the current collection from a string, using a given parser format <code> $coll = new ObjectCollection(); $coll->setModel('Book'); $coll->importFrom('JSON', '{{"Id":9012,"Title":"Don Juan","ISBN":"0140422161","Price":12.99,"PublisherId":1234,"AuthorId":5678}}'); </code>
- OnDemandCollection::initIterator() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- ConnectionInterface::inTransaction() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Checks if inside a transaction.
- ConnectionManagerMasterSlave::isForceMasterConnection() — Method in class ConnectionManagerMasterSlave
- For replication, whether to always force the use of a master connection.
- ConnectionWrapper::isInTransaction() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Is this PDO connection currently in-transaction? This is equivalent to asking whether the current nested transaction count is greater than 0.
- ConnectionWrapper::isCommitable() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Check whether the connection contains a transaction that can be committed.
- ConnectionWrapper::inTransaction() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Checks if inside a transaction.
- ConnectionWrapper::incrementQueryCount() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Increments the number of queries performed by this DebugPDO instance.
- InvalidArgumentException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Exception
- AbstractFormatter::init() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- Define the hydration schema based on a query object.
- AbstractFormatter::isObjectFormatter() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- ArrayFormatter::isObjectFormatter() — Method in class ArrayFormatter
- ObjectFormatter::isObjectFormatter() — Method in class ObjectFormatter
- OnDemandFormatter::init() — Method in class OnDemandFormatter
- SimpleArrayFormatter::isObjectFormatter() — Method in class SimpleArrayFormatter
- StatementFormatter::isObjectFormatter() — Method in class StatementFormatter
- ColumnMap::isLob() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Whether this is a BLOB, LONGVARBINARY, or VARBINARY.
- ColumnMap::isTemporal() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Whether this is a DATE/TIME/TIMESTAMP column.
- ColumnMap::isNumeric() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Whether this column is numeric (int, decimal, bigint etc).
- ColumnMap::isText() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Whether this column is a text column (varchar, char, longvarchar).
- ColumnMap::isPrimaryKey() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Is this column a primary key?
- ColumnMap::isNotNull() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Is null value allowed ?
- ColumnMap::isForeignKey() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Is this column a foreign key?
- ColumnMap::isInValueSet() — Method in class ColumnMap
- ColumnMap::ignoreCase() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Performs DB-specific ignore case, but only if the column type necessitates it.
- ColumnMap::isPrimaryString() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Is this column a primaryString column?
- RelationMap::isComposite() — Method in class RelationMap
- Returns true if the relation has more than one column mapping
- TableMap::initialize() — Method in class TableMap
- Initialize the TableMap to build columns, relations, etc This method should be overridden by descendants
- TableMap::isUseIdGenerator() — Method in class TableMap
- Whether to use Id generator for primary key.
- TableMap::isSingleTableInheritance() — Method in class TableMap
- Whether this table uses single table inheritance
- TableMap::isCrossRef() — Method in class TableMap
- Propel::init() — Method in class Propel
- Configure Propel using the given config file.
- Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled() — Method in class Propel
- the instance pooling behaviour.
- Profiler::isSlow() — Method in class Profiler
- PropelModelPager::init() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- PropelModelPager::isFirstPage() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Check whether the current page is the first page
- PropelModelPager::isLastPage() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Check whether the current page is the last page
- PropelModelPager::isFirst() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Check whether the internal pointer is at the beginning of the list
- PropelModelPager::isLast() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Check whether the internal pointer is at the end of the list
- PropelModelPager::isEmpty() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Check if the collection is empty
- PropelModelPager::isOdd() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Check if the current index is an odd integer
- PropelModelPager::isEven() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Check if the current index is an even integer
- Schema::joinSchemas() — Method in class Schema
- Merge other Schema objects together into this Schema object.
- Join — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery
- Data object to describe a join between two tables, for example <pre> table_a LEFT JOIN table_b ON table_a.id = table_b.a_id </pre>
- ModelCriteria::join() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a JOIN clause to the query Infers the ON clause from a relation name Uses the Propel table maps, based on the schema, to guess the related columns Beware that the default JOIN operator is INNER JOIN, while Criteria defaults to WHERE Examples: <code> $c->join('Book.Author'); => $c->addJoin(BookTableMap::AUTHOR_ID, AuthorTableMap::ID, Criteria::INNER_JOIN); $c->join('Book.Author', Criteria::RIGHT_JOIN); => $c->addJoin(BookTableMap::AUTHOR_ID, AuthorTableMap::ID, Criteria::RIGHT_JOIN); $c->join('Book.Author a', Criteria::RIGHT_JOIN); => $c->addAlias('a', AuthorTableMap::TABLE_NAME); => $c->addJoin(BookTableMap::AUTHOR_ID, 'a.ID', Criteria::RIGHT_JOIN); </code>
- ModelCriteria::joinWith() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a JOIN clause to the query and hydrates the related objects Shortcut for $c->join()->with() <code> $c->joinWith('Book.Author'); => $c->join('Book.Author'); => $c->with('Author'); $c->joinWith('Book.Author a', Criteria::RIGHT_JOIN); => $c->join('Book.Author a', Criteria::RIGHT_JOIN); => $c->with('a'); </code>
- JsonParser — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Parser
- JSON parser.
- Criteria::keys() — Method in class Criteria
- Get the keys of the criteria map, i.e.
- Criteria::keyContainsValue() — Method in class Criteria
- Does this Criteria object contain the specified key and does it have a value set for the key
- ModelCriteria::keepQuery() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Triggers the automated cloning on termination.
- NestedSetRecursiveIterator::key() — Method in class NestedSetRecursiveIterator
- OnDemandCollection::ksort() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- OnDemandIterator::key() — Method in class OnDemandIterator
- Gets the current key in the iterator
- ArrayDataFetcher::key() — Method in class ArrayDataFetcher
- Return the key of the current element
- DataFetcherInterface::key() — Method in class DataFetcherInterface
- Return the key of the current element
- PDODataFetcher::key() — Method in class PDODataFetcher
- Return the key of the current element
- LogicException — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Exception
- MappingModel::loadMapping() — Method in class MappingModel
- Loads a mapping definition from an array.
- MappingModelInterface::loadMapping() — Method in class MappingModelInterface
- Loads a model definition from an array.
- LikeCriterion — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion
- Specialized Criterion used for LIKE expressions e.g.
- LikeModelCriterion — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion
- Specialized ModelCriterion used for LIKE expressions e.g.
- ModelCriteria::limit() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a LIMIT clause (or its subselect equivalent) to the query Alias for Criteria:::setLimit()
- ModelCriteria::leftJoin() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a LEFT JOIN clause to the query
- MssqlPropelPDO::lastInsertId() — Method in class MssqlPropelPDO
- MysqlAdapter::lockTable() — Method in class MysqlAdapter
- Locks the specified table.
- ConnectionInterface::lastInsertId() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Returns the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value.
- ConnectionWrapper::lastInsertId() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Returns the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value.
- ConnectionWrapper::log() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Logs the method call or the executed SQL statement.
- ProfilerConnectionWrapper::log() — Method in class ProfilerConnectionWrapper
- Logs the method call or SQL using the Propel::log() method or a registered logger class.
- LogicException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Exception
- AbstractParser::listFromArray() — Method in class AbstractParser
- AbstractParser::listToArray() — Method in class AbstractParser
- AbstractParser::load() — Method in class AbstractParser
- Loads data from a file.
- $CsvParser — Property in class CsvParser
- CsvParser::listFromArray() — Method in class CsvParser
- CsvParser::listToArray() — Method in class CsvParser
- XmlParser::listFromArray() — Method in class XmlParser
- XmlParser::listToXML() — Method in class XmlParser
- Alias for XmlParser::listFromArray()
- Propel::log() — Method in class Propel
- Logs a message If a logger has been configured, the logger will be used, otherwise the logging message will be discarded without any further action
- AggregateColumnBehavior::modifyTable() — Method in class AggregateColumnBehavior
- Add the aggregate key to the current table
- ArchivableBehavior::modifyDatabase() — Method in class ArchivableBehavior
- This method is automatically called on database behaviors when the database model is finished.
- ArchivableBehavior::modifyTable() — Method in class ArchivableBehavior
- This method is automatically called on table behaviors when the database model is finished.
- AutoAddPkBehavior::modifyDatabase() — Method in class AutoAddPkBehavior
- Copy the behavior to the database tables Only for tables that have no Pk
- AutoAddPkBehavior::modifyTable() — Method in class AutoAddPkBehavior
- Add the primary key to the current table
- ConcreteInheritanceBehavior::modifyTable() — Method in class ConcreteInheritanceBehavior
- This method is automatically called on table behaviors when the database model is finished.
- ConcreteInheritanceParentBehavior::modifyTable() — Method in class ConcreteInheritanceParentBehavior
- This method is automatically called on table behaviors when the database model is finished.
- DelegateBehavior::modifyTable() — Method in class DelegateBehavior
- Lists the delegates and checks that the behavior can use them, And adds a fk from the delegate to the main table if not already set
- I18nBehavior::modifyDatabase() — Method in class I18nBehavior
- This method is automatically called on database behaviors when the database model is finished.
- I18nBehavior::modifyTable() — Method in class I18nBehavior
- This method is automatically called on table behaviors when the database model is finished.
- NestedSetBehavior::modifyTable() — Method in class NestedSetBehavior
- Add the left, right and scope to the current table
- SluggableBehavior::modifyTable() — Method in class SluggableBehavior
- Add the slug_column to the current table
- SortableBehavior::modifyTable() — Method in class SortableBehavior
- Add the rank_column to the current table
- TimestampableBehavior::modifyTable() — Method in class TimestampableBehavior
- Add the create_column and update_columns to the current table
- ValidateBehavior::mergeParameters() — Method in class ValidateBehavior
- Merge $paramArray array into parameters array.
- VersionableBehavior::modifyDatabase() — Method in class VersionableBehavior
- This method is automatically called on database behaviors when the database model is finished.
- VersionableBehavior::modifyTable() — Method in class VersionableBehavior
- This method is automatically called on table behaviors when the database model is finished.
- MultiExtendObjectBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Om
- Generates the empty PHP5 stub object class for use with inheritance in the user object model (OM).
- MssqlDataSQLBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Sql\Mssql
- MS SQL Server class for building data dump SQL.
- MysqlDataSQLBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Sql\Mysql
- MySQL class for building data dump SQL.
- MigrationDiffCommand — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Command
- MigrationDownCommand — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Command
- MigrationMigrateCommand — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Command
- MigrationStatusCommand — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Command
- MigrationUpCommand — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Command
- ModelBuildCommand — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Command
- MigrationManager — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Manager
- Service class for preparing and executing migrations
- MigrationManager::migrationTableExists() — Method in class MigrationManager
- ModelManager — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Manager
- This manager creates the Object Model classes based on the XML schema file.
- Behavior::modifyDatabase() — Method in class Behavior
- This method is automatically called on database behaviors when the database model is finished.
- Behavior::modifyTable() — Method in class Behavior
- This method is automatically called on table behaviors when the database model is finished.
- MappingModel — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- An abstract model class to represent objects that belongs to a schema like databases, tables, columns, indices, unices, foreign keys...
- MappingModelInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- An interface for representing mapping model objects.
- MssqlPlatform — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Platform
- MS SQL PlatformInterface implementation.
- MysqlPlatform — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Platform
- MySql PlatformInterface implementation.
- MssqlSchemaParser — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Reverse
- Microsoft SQL Server database schema parser.
- MysqlSchemaParser — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Reverse
- Mysql database schema parser.
- Criteria::mergeWith() — Method in class Criteria
- Add the content of a Criteria to the current Criteria In case of conflict, the current Criteria keeps its properties
- ModelCriteria — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery
- This class extends the Criteria by adding runtime introspection abilities in order to ease the building of queries.
- ModelCriteria::mergeWith() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Add the content of a Criteria to the current Criteria In case of conflict, the current Criteria keeps its properties
- ModelJoin — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery
- A ModelJoin is a Join object tied to a RelationMap object
- ModelWith — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery
- Data object to describe a joined hydration in a Model Query ModelWith objects are used by formatters to hydrate related objects
- MalformedClauseException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Exception
- MssqlDebugPDO — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter\MSSQL
- dblib doesn't support transactions so we need to add a workaround for transactions, last insert ID, and quoting
- MssqlPropelPDO — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter\MSSQL
- dblib doesn't support transactions so we need to add a workaround for transactions, last insert ID, and quoting
- MssqlAdapter — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo
- This is used to connect to a MSSQL database.
- MysqlAdapter — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo
- This is used in order to connect to a MySQL database.
- ModelNotFoundException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Collection\Exception
- $Unique — Property in class Unique
- NestedSetBehavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\NestedSet
- Behavior to adds nested set tree structure columns and abilities
- NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\NestedSet
- Behavior to adds nested set tree structure columns and abilities
- NestedSetBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\NestedSet
- Behavior to adds nested set tree structure columns and abilities
- ForeignKey::normalizeFKey() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Returns the normalized input of onDelete and onUpdate behaviors.
- NameFactory — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- A name generation factory.
- NameGenerator — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- The generic interface to a name generation algorithm.
- Criteria::needsSelectAliases() — Method in class Criteria
- Checks whether the Criteria needs to use column aliasing This is implemented in a service class rather than in Criteria itself in order to avoid doing the tests when it's not necessary (e.g.
- NestedSetRecursiveIterator — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveRecord
- Pre-order node iterator for Node objects.
- NestedSetRecursiveIterator::next() — Method in class NestedSetRecursiveIterator
- OnDemandCollection::natcasesort() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- OnDemandCollection::natsort() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- OnDemandIterator::next() — Method in class OnDemandIterator
- Advances the cursor in the statement Closes the cursor if the end of the statement is reached
- ArrayDataFetcher::next() — Method in class ArrayDataFetcher
- Move forward to next element
- DataFetcherInterface::next() — Method in class DataFetcherInterface
- Move forward to next element
- PDODataFetcher::next() — Method in class PDODataFetcher
- Move forward to next element
- ColumnMap::normalizeName() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Normalizes the column name, removing table prefix and uppercasing.
- PropelDateTime::newInstance() — Method in class PropelDateTime
- Factory method to get a DateTime object from a temporal input
- AggregateColumnBehavior::objectMethods() — Method in class AggregateColumnBehavior
- AggregateColumnRelationBehavior::objectAttributes() — Method in class AggregateColumnRelationBehavior
- AggregateColumnRelationBehavior::objectMethods() — Method in class AggregateColumnRelationBehavior
- AggregateColumnRelationBehavior::objectFilter() — Method in class AggregateColumnRelationBehavior
- ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::objectAttributes() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::objectMethods() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- ConcreteInheritanceBehavior::objectMethods() — Method in class ConcreteInheritanceBehavior
- ConcreteInheritanceParentBehavior::objectMethods() — Method in class ConcreteInheritanceParentBehavior
- DelegateBehavior::objectCall() — Method in class DelegateBehavior
- I18nBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::objectAttributes() — Method in class I18nBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- I18nBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::objectClearReferences() — Method in class I18nBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- I18nBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::objectMethods() — Method in class I18nBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- I18nBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::objectFilter() — Method in class I18nBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::objectClearReferences() — Method in class NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::objectMethods() — Method in class NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::objectAttributes() — Method in class NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- SluggableBehavior::objectMethods() — Method in class SluggableBehavior
- SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::objectAttributes() — Method in class SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::objectMethods() — Method in class SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::objectFilter() — Method in class SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- TimestampableBehavior::objectMethods() — Method in class TimestampableBehavior
- ValidateBehavior::objectMethods() — Method in class ValidateBehavior
- Add behavior methods to model class
- ValidateBehavior::objectAttributes() — Method in class ValidateBehavior
- Add behavior attributes to model class
- VersionableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::objectAttributes() — Method in class VersionableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- VersionableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::objectMethods() — Method in class VersionableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- ObjectBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Om
- Generates a PHP5 base Object class for user object model (OM).
- OracleDataSQLBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Sql\Oracle
- Oracle class for building data dump SQL.
- OraclePlatform — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Platform
- Oracle PlatformInterface implementation.
- OracleSchemaParser — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Reverse
- Oracle database schema parser.
- ModelCriteria::orderBy() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds an ORDER BY clause to the query Usability layer on top of Criteria::addAscendingOrderByColumn() and Criteria::addDescendingOrderByColumn() Infers $column and $order from $columnName and some optional arguments Examples: $c->orderBy('Book.CreatedAt') => $c->addAscendingOrderByColumn(BookTableMap::CREATED_AT) $c->orderBy('Book.CategoryId', 'desc') => $c->addDescendingOrderByColumn(BookTableMap::CATEGORY_ID)
- ModelCriteria::offset() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds an OFFSET clause (or its subselect equivalent) to the query Alias for of Criteria::setOffset()
- OracleAdapter — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo
- Oracle adapter.
- ObjectCollection — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Collection
- Class for iterating over a list of Propel objects
- OnDemandCollection — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Collection
- Class for iterating over a statement and returning one Propel object at a time
- OnDemandCollection::offsetExists() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- OnDemandCollection::offsetGet() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- OnDemandCollection::offsetSet() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- OnDemandCollection::offsetUnset() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- OnDemandIterator — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Collection
- Class for iterating over a statement and returning one Propel object at a time
- ObjectFormatter — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Formatter
- Object formatter for Propel query format() returns a ObjectCollection of Propel model objects
- OnDemandFormatter — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Formatter
- Object formatter for Propel query format() returns a OnDemandCollection that hydrates objects as the use iterates on the collection This formatter consumes less memory than the ObjectFormatter, but doesn't use Instance Pool
- PluralizerInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Common\Pluralizer
- The generic interface to create a plural form of a name.
- AggregateColumnRelationBehavior::postSave() — Method in class AggregateColumnRelationBehavior
- AggregateColumnRelationBehavior::preUpdateQuery() — Method in class AggregateColumnRelationBehavior
- AggregateColumnRelationBehavior::preDeleteQuery() — Method in class AggregateColumnRelationBehavior
- AggregateColumnRelationBehavior::postUpdateQuery() — Method in class AggregateColumnRelationBehavior
- AggregateColumnRelationBehavior::postDeleteQuery() — Method in class AggregateColumnRelationBehavior
- ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::postInsert() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::postUpdate() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::preDelete() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- Using preDelete rather than postDelete to allow user to retrieve related records and archive them before cascade deletion.
- ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::preDeleteQuery() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::postUpdateQuery() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- ConcreteInheritanceBehavior::parentClass() — Method in class ConcreteInheritanceBehavior
- ConcreteInheritanceBehavior::preSave() — Method in class ConcreteInheritanceBehavior
- ConcreteInheritanceBehavior::postDelete() — Method in class ConcreteInheritanceBehavior
- I18nBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::postDelete() — Method in class I18nBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::preSave() — Method in class NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::preDelete() — Method in class NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::postDelete() — Method in class NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- SluggableBehavior::preSave() — Method in class SluggableBehavior
- Add code in ObjectBuilder::preSave
- SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::preSave() — Method in class SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::preInsert() — Method in class SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::preUpdate() — Method in class SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::preDelete() — Method in class SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- TimestampableBehavior::preUpdate() — Method in class TimestampableBehavior
- Add code in ObjectBuilder::preUpdate
- TimestampableBehavior::preInsert() — Method in class TimestampableBehavior
- Add code in ObjectBuilder::preInsert
- VersionableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::preSave() — Method in class VersionableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- VersionableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::postSave() — Method in class VersionableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- VersionableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::postDelete() — Method in class VersionableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- DataModelBuilder::prefixClassName() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Returns the name of the current class being built, with a possible prefix.
- PropelTemplate — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Util
- Simple templating system to ease behavior writing
- SchemaReader::parseFile() — Method in class SchemaReader
- Parses a XML input file and returns a newly created and populated Schema structure.
- SchemaReader::parseString() — Method in class SchemaReader
- Parses a XML input string and returns a newly created and populated Schema structure.
- PhpNameGenerator — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- A <code>NameGenerator</code> implementation for PHP-esque names.
- PropelTypes — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- A class that maps PropelTypes to PHP native types and PDO types.
- PgsqlPlatform — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Platform
- Postgresql PlatformInterface implementation.
- PlatformInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Platform
- Interface for RDBMS platform specific behaviour.
- MssqlSchemaParser::parse() — Method in class MssqlSchemaParser
- Parse the schema and populate passed-in Database model object.
- MysqlSchemaParser::parse() — Method in class MysqlSchemaParser
- OracleSchemaParser::parse() — Method in class OracleSchemaParser
- Searches for tables in the database.
- PgsqlSchemaParser — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Reverse
- Postgresql database schema parser.
- PgsqlSchemaParser::parse() — Method in class PgsqlSchemaParser
- SchemaParserInterface::parse() — Method in class SchemaParserInterface
- Parse the schema and populate passed-in Database model object.
- SqliteSchemaParser::parse() — Method in class SqliteSchemaParser
- PhpParser — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Util
- Service class for parsing PHP code strings and editing them
- SqlParser::parseString() — Method in class SqlParser
- Explodes a SQL string into an array of SQL statements.
- SqlParser::parseFile() — Method in class SqlParser
- Explodes a SQL file into an array of SQL statements.
- Criteria::put() — Method in class Criteria
- Overrides Hashtable put, so that this object is returned instead of the value previously in the Criteria object.
- Criteria::putAll() — Method in class Criteria
- Copies all of the mappings from the specified Map to this Criteria These mappings will replace any mappings that this Criteria had for any of the keys currently in the specified Map.
- ModelCriteria::paginate() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Issue a SELECT query based on the current ModelCriteria and uses a page and a maximum number of results per page to compute an offset and a limit.
- PropelQuery — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery
- Factory for model queries
- PdoAdapter — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo
- Base for PDO database adapters.
- PdoConnection — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo
- PDO extension that implements ConnectionInterface and builds statements implementing StatementInterface.
- PdoStatement — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo
- PDO statement that provides the basic enhancements that are required by Propel.
- PgsqlAdapter — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo
- This is used to connect to PostgreSQL databases.
- Collection::pop() — Method in class Collection
- Pops an element off the end of the collection
- Collection::prepend() — Method in class Collection
- Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of the collection
- ObjectCollection::populateRelation() — Method in class ObjectCollection
- Makes an additional query to populate the objects related to the collection objects by a certain relation
- OnDemandCollection::prepend() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of the collection
- ConnectionWrapper::prepare() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Prepares a statement for execution and returns a statement object.
- PdoConnection — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection
- PDO extension that implements ConnectionInterface and builds statements implementing StatementInterface.
- ProfilerConnectionWrapper — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection
- Connection class with profiling abilities.
- ProfilerConnectionWrapper::prepare() — Method in class ProfilerConnectionWrapper
- Prepares a statement for execution and returns a statement object.
- ProfilerStatementWrapper — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection
- Statement class with profiling abilities.
- PropelPDO — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection
- Class kept for BC sake - the functionality of the old PropelPDO class was moved to: - AbstractConnection for the nested transactions, and logging - PDOConnection for the PDO wrapper
- SqlConnectionInterface::prepare() — Method in class SqlConnectionInterface
- Prepares a statement for execution and returns a statement object.
- PDODataFetcher — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\DataFetcher
- Class PDODataFetcher
- PropelException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Exception
- Propel — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime
- Propel's main resource pool and initialization & configuration class.
- Profiler — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Util
- Profiler for Propel
- PropelColumnTypes — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Util
- Enumeration of Propel types.
- PropelConditionalProxy — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Util
- Proxy for conditional statements in a fluid interface.
- PropelDateTime — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Util
- DateTime subclass which supports serialization.
- PropelModelPager — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Util
- Implements a pager based on a ModelCriteria The code from this class heavily borrows from symfony's sfPager class
- AggregateColumnRelationBehavior::queryMethods() — Method in class AggregateColumnRelationBehavior
- ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::queryAttributes() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::queryMethods() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- I18nBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::queryMethods() — Method in class I18nBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- NestedSetBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::queryMethods() — Method in class NestedSetBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- QueryCacheBehavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\QueryCache
- Speeds up queries on a model by caching the query
- QueryCacheBehavior::queryAttributes() — Method in class QueryCacheBehavior
- QueryCacheBehavior::queryMethods() — Method in class QueryCacheBehavior
- SluggableBehavior::queryMethods() — Method in class SluggableBehavior
- SortableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::queryMethods() — Method in class SortableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- TimestampableBehavior::queryMethods() — Method in class TimestampableBehavior
- VersionableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::queryAttributes() — Method in class VersionableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- VersionableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::queryMethods() — Method in class VersionableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- DataModelBuilder::quoteIdentifier() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Wraps call to Platform->quoteIdentifier() with a check to see whether quoting is enabled.
- QueryBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Om
- Generates a PHP5 base Query class for user object model (OM).
- QueryInheritanceBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Om
- Generates the empty PHP5 stub query class for use with single table inheritance.
- QuickGeneratorConfig — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Config
- DefaultPlatform::quote() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Quote and escape needed characters in the string for underlying RDBMS.
- DefaultPlatform::quoteIdentifier() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Quotes identifiers used in database SQL.
- MssqlPlatform::quoteIdentifier() — Method in class MssqlPlatform
- Quotes identifiers used in database SQL.
- MysqlPlatform::quoteIdentifier() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- MySQL documentation says that identifiers cannot contain '.'.
- OraclePlatform::quoteIdentifier() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Quotes identifiers used in database SQL.
- PlatformInterface::quote() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Quote and escape needed characters in the string for underlying RDBMS.
- PlatformInterface::quoteIdentifier() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Quotes identifiers used in database SQL.
- SqlitePlatform::quoteIdentifier() — Method in class SqlitePlatform
- Quotes identifiers used in database SQL.
- QuickBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Util
- AdapterInterface::quoteIdentifier() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Quotes database object identifiers (table names, col names, sequences, etc.).
- AdapterInterface::quoteIdentifierTable() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Quotes a database table which could have space separating it from an alias, both should be identified separately.
- MssqlPropelPDO::quoteIdentifier() — Method in class MssqlPropelPDO
- MssqlAdapter::quoteIdentifier() — Method in class MssqlAdapter
- MssqlAdapter::quoteIdentifierTable() — Method in class MssqlAdapter
- MysqlAdapter::quoteIdentifier() — Method in class MysqlAdapter
- MysqlAdapter::quoteIdentifierTable() — Method in class MysqlAdapter
- PdoAdapter::quoteIdentifier() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Quotes database object identifiers (table names, col names, sequences, etc.).
- PdoAdapter::quoteIdentifierTable() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Quotes a database table which could have space separating it from an alias, both should be identified separately.
- PgsqlAdapter::quoteIdentifierTable() — Method in class PgsqlAdapter
- SqliteAdapter::quoteIdentifier() — Method in class SqliteAdapter
- ConnectionWrapper::query() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as a PDOStatement object.
- ConnectionWrapper::quote() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Quotes a string for use in a query.
- PdoConnection::query() — Method in class PdoConnection
- Executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as a Statement object.
- ProfilerConnectionWrapper::query() — Method in class ProfilerConnectionWrapper
- Executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as a PDOStatement object.
- SqlConnectionInterface::query() — Method in class SqlConnectionInterface
- Executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as a Statement object.
- SqlConnectionInterface::quote() — Method in class SqlConnectionInterface
- Quotes a string for use in a query.
- $CsvParser — Property in class CsvParser
- $CsvParser — Property in class CsvParser
- I18nBehavior::replaceTokens() — Method in class I18nBehavior
- ValidateBehavior::removeParametersFromColumnName() — Method in class ValidateBehavior
- Remove parameters associated with given column.
- AbstractOMBuilder::renderTemplate() — Method in class AbstractOMBuilder
- Use Propel simple templating system to render a PHP file using variables passed as arguments.
- DataSQLBuilder::reset() — Method in class DataSQLBuilder
- Performs any reset between runs of this builder.
- PropelTemplate::render() — Method in class PropelTemplate
- Render the template using the variable provided as arguments.
- RuntimeException — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Exception
- ReverseManager — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Manager
- ReverseManager::reverse() — Method in class ReverseManager
- Behavior::renderTemplate() — Method in class Behavior
- Use Propel simple templating system to render a PHP file using variables passed as arguments.
- Column::requiresTransactionInPostgres() — Method in class Column
- Returns true if the column requires a transaction in PostGreSQL.
- DatabaseDiff::removeAddedTable() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Removes an added table.
- DatabaseDiff::removeRemovedTable() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Removes a removed table.
- TableDiff::removeAddedColumn() — Method in class TableDiff
- Removes an added column.
- TableDiff::removeRemovedColumn() — Method in class TableDiff
- Remove a removed column
- TableDiff::removeAddedPkColumn() — Method in class TableDiff
- Remove an added Pk column
- TableDiff::removeRemovedPkColumn() — Method in class TableDiff
- Remove a removed Pk column
- TableDiff::removeAddedFk() — Method in class TableDiff
- Remove an added Fk column
- TableDiff::removeRemovedFk() — Method in class TableDiff
- Remove a removed Fk column
- Domain::replaceScale() — Method in class Domain
- Replaces the size if the new value is not null.
- Domain::replaceSize() — Method in class Domain
- Replaces the size if the new value is not null.
- Domain::replaceType() — Method in class Domain
- Replaces the mapping type if the new value is not null.
- Domain::replaceDefaultValue() — Method in class Domain
- Replaces the default value if the new value is not null.
- Domain::replaceSqlType() — Method in class Domain
- Replaces the SQL type if the new value is not null.
- Index::resetColumnsSize() — Method in class Index
- Resets the columns sizes.
- Table::removeColumn() — Method in class Table
- Removes a column from the table.
- Table::requiresTransactionInPostgres() — Method in class Table
- Return true if the column requires a transaction in Postgres.
- Table::removeIndex() — Method in class Table
- Removes a index from the table.
- PhpParser::removeMethod() — Method in class PhpParser
- Parse the code looking for a method definition, and removes the code if found
- PhpParser::replaceMethod() — Method in class PhpParser
- Parse the code looking for a method definition, and replaces the code if found
- Criteria::removeAlias() — Method in class Criteria
- Remove an alias for a table (useful when merging Criterias).
- Criteria::removeSelectModifier() — Method in class Criteria
- Removes a modifier to the SQL statement.
- Criteria::remove() — Method in class Criteria
- Remove an object from the criteria.
- RawCriterion — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion
- Specialized Criterion used for custom expressions with a typed binding, e.g.
- RawModelCriterion — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion
- Specialized ModelCriterion used for custom expressions with a typed binding, e.g.
- ModelCriteria::rightJoin() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a RIGHT JOIN clause to the query
- NestedSetRecursiveIterator::rewind() — Method in class NestedSetRecursiveIterator
- MssqlPropelPDO::rollBack() — Method in class MssqlPropelPDO
- Roll-back a transaction.
- MssqlAdapter::random() — Method in class MssqlAdapter
- MysqlAdapter::random() — Method in class MysqlAdapter
- OracleAdapter::random() — Method in class OracleAdapter
- PgsqlAdapter::random() — Method in class PgsqlAdapter
- SqliteAdapter::random() — Method in class SqliteAdapter
- SqlAdapterInterface::random() — Method in class SqlAdapterInterface
- Gets the SQL string that this adapter uses for getting a random number.
- Collection::remove() — Method in class Collection
- Removes a specified collection element Alias for ArrayObject::offsetUnset()
- ReadOnlyModelException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Collection\Exception
- OnDemandIterator::rewind() — Method in class OnDemandIterator
- Initializes the iterator by advancing to the first position This method can only be called once (this is a NoRewindIterator)
- ConnectionInterface::rollBack() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Rolls back a transaction.
- ConnectionWrapper::rollBack() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Overrides PDO::rollBack() to only rollback the transaction if we are in the outermost transaction nesting level
- RollbackException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection\Exception
- StatementInterface::rowCount() — Method in class StatementInterface
- Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement
- StatementWrapper::rowCount() — Method in class StatementWrapper
- Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement
- ArrayDataFetcher::rewind() — Method in class ArrayDataFetcher
- Rewind the Iterator to the first element
- DataFetcherInterface::rewind() — Method in class DataFetcherInterface
- Rewind the Iterator to the first element
- PDODataFetcher::rewind() — Method in class PDODataFetcher
- Not supported in PDODataFetcher.
- RuntimeException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Exception
- RelationNotFoundException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Map\Exception
- RelationMap — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Map
- RelationMap is used to model a database relationship.
- SimpleEnglishPluralizer — Class in namespace Propel\Common\Pluralizer
- The Propel 1.6 default English pluralizer class for compatibility only.
- StandardEnglishPluralizer — Class in namespace Propel\Common\Pluralizer
- Standard replacement English pluralizer class.
- I18nBehavior::staticAttributes() — Method in class I18nBehavior
- SluggableBehavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\Sluggable
- Adds a slug column
- SortableBehavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\Sortable
- Gives a model class the ability to be ordered Uses one additional column storing the rank
- SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\Sortable
- Behavior to add sortable columns and abilities
- SortableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\Sortable
- Behavior to add sortable query methods
- SortableBehaviorTableMapBuilderModifier — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\Sortable
- Behavior to add sortable methods
- SortableBehaviorTableMapBuilderModifier::staticAttributes() — Method in class SortableBehaviorTableMapBuilderModifier
- DataModelBuilder::setGeneratorConfig() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Sets the GeneratorConfig object.
- DataModelBuilder::setTable() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Sets the table for this builder.
- DataModelBuilder::setPlatform() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Platform setter
- ExtensionQueryInheritanceBuilder::setChild() — Method in class ExtensionQueryInheritanceBuilder
- Set the child object that we're operating on currently.
- MultiExtendObjectBuilder::setChild() — Method in class MultiExtendObjectBuilder
- Sets the child object that we're operating on currently.
- QueryInheritanceBuilder::setChild() — Method in class QueryInheritanceBuilder
- Sets the child object that we're operating on currently.
- SqlsrvDataSQLBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Sql\Sqlsrv
- MS SQL Server using pdo_sqlsrv driver class for building data dump SQL.
- PropelTemplate::setTemplate() — Method in class PropelTemplate
- Sets a string as a template.
- PropelTemplate::setTemplateFile() — Method in class PropelTemplate
- Set a file as a template.
- SchemaReader — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Util
- A class that is used to parse an input xml schema file and creates a Schema PHP object.
- SchemaReader::setGeneratorConfig() — Method in class SchemaReader
- Set the Schema generator configuration
- SchemaReader::startElement() — Method in class SchemaReader
- SqlBuildCommand — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Command
- SqlInsertCommand — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Command
- GeneratorConfig::setBuildProperties() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
- Parses the passed-in properties, renaming and saving eligible properties in this object.
- GeneratorConfig::setBuildProperty() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
- Sets a specific propel (renamed) property from the build.
- GeneratorConfig::setBuildConnections() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
- GeneratorConfigInterface::setBuildProperty() — Method in class GeneratorConfigInterface
- Sets a specific propel (renamed) property from the build.
- QuickGeneratorConfig::setBuildProperties() — Method in class QuickGeneratorConfig
- Parses the passed-in properties, renaming and saving eligible properties in this object.
- QuickGeneratorConfig::setBuildProperty() — Method in class QuickGeneratorConfig
- Sets a specific propel (renamed) property from the build.
- SchemaException — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Exception
- Class for exceptions thrown during schema parsing
- AbstractManager::setSchemas() — Method in class AbstractManager
- Sets the schemas list.
- AbstractManager::setWorkingDirectory() — Method in class AbstractManager
- Sets the working directory path.
- AbstractManager::setValidate() — Method in class AbstractManager
- Sets whether to perform validation on the datamodel schema.xml file(s).
- AbstractManager::setXsd() — Method in class AbstractManager
- Sets the XSD schema to use for validation of any datamodel schema.xml file(s).
- AbstractManager::setXsl() — Method in class AbstractManager
- Sets the normalization XSLT to use to transform datamodel schema.xml file(s) before validation and parsing.
- AbstractManager::setDbEncoding() — Method in class AbstractManager
- Sets the current target database encoding.
- AbstractManager::setLoggerClosure() — Method in class AbstractManager
- Sets a logger closure.
- AbstractManager::setGeneratorConfig() — Method in class AbstractManager
- Sets the GeneratorConfigInterface implementation.
- MigrationManager::setConnections() — Method in class MigrationManager
- Set the database connection settings
- MigrationManager::setMigrationTable() — Method in class MigrationManager
- Set the migration table name
- ModelManager::setFilesystem() — Method in class ModelManager
- ReverseManager::setConnection() — Method in class ReverseManager
- ReverseManager::setSchemaName() — Method in class ReverseManager
- Sets the name of a database schema to use (optional).
- ReverseManager::setDatabaseName() — Method in class ReverseManager
- Sets the datasource name.
- ReverseManager::setSamePhpName() — Method in class ReverseManager
- Sets whether to use the column name as phpName without any translation.
- ReverseManager::setAddVendorInfo() — Method in class ReverseManager
- Sets whether to add vendor info to the schema.
- SqlManager — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Manager
- Service class for managing SQL.
- SqlManager::setConnections() — Method in class SqlManager
- Set the database connection settings
- Behavior::setName() — Method in class Behavior
- Sets the name of the Behavior
- Behavior::setTable() — Method in class Behavior
- Sets the table this behavior is applied to
- Behavior::setDatabase() — Method in class Behavior
- Sets the database this behavior is applied to
- Behavior::setParameters() — Method in class Behavior
- Overrides the behavior parameters.
- Behavior::setTableModificationOrder() — Method in class Behavior
- Defines when this behavior must execute its modifyTable() method relative to other behaviors.
- Behavior::setTableModified() — Method in class Behavior
- Sets whether or not the table has been modified.
- Column::setDomain() — Method in class Column
- Sets the domain for this column.
- Column::setName() — Method in class Column
- Sets the column name.
- Column::setDescription() — Method in class Column
- Sets the column description.
- Column::setPhpName() — Method in class Column
- Sets the name to use in PHP sources.
- Column::setAccessorVisibility() — Method in class Column
- Sets the accessor methods visibility for this column / attribute.
- Column::setMutatorVisibility() — Method in class Column
- Sets the mutator methods visibility for this column / attribute.
- Column::setTableMapName() — Method in class Column
- Sets the TableMap constant name that will identify this column.
- Column::setPosition() — Method in class Column
- Returns the location of this column within the table (one-based).
- Column::setTable() — Method in class Column
- Sets the parent table.
- Column::setNotNull() — Method in class Column
- Sets whether or not the column is not null.
- Column::setPrimaryString() — Method in class Column
- Sets whether or not the column is used as the primary string.
- Column::setPrimaryKey() — Method in class Column
- Sets whether or not the column is a primary key.
- Column::setNodeKey() — Method in class Column
- Sets whether or not the column is a node key of a tree.
- Column::setNodeKeySep() — Method in class Column
- Sets the separator for the node key column in a tree.
- Column::setNestedSetLeftKey() — Method in class Column
- Sets whether or not the column is the nested set left key of a tree.
- Column::setNestedSetRightKey() — Method in class Column
- Set if the column is the nested set right key of a tree.
- Column::setTreeScopeKey() — Method in class Column
- Sets whether or not the column is the scope key of a tree.
- Column::setUnique() — Method in class Column
- Sets whether or not the column must have a unique index on it.
- Column::setDomainForType() — Method in class Column
- Sets the domain up for specified mapping type.
- Column::setType() — Method in class Column
- Sets the mapping column type.
- Column::setValueSet() — Method in class Column
- Sets the list of possible values for an ENUM column.
- Column::setSize() — Method in class Column
- Sets the column size.
- Column::setScale() — Method in class Column
- Sets the column scale.
- Column::setDefaultValue() — Method in class Column
- Sets a string that will give this column a default value.
- Column::setAutoIncrement() — Method in class Column
- Sets whether or not this column is an auto incremented value.
- ColumnDefaultValue::setType() — Method in class ColumnDefaultValue
- ColumnDefaultValue::setValue() — Method in class ColumnDefaultValue
- Database::setPlatform() — Method in class Database
- Sets the PlatformInterface implementation for this database.
- Database::setName() — Method in class Database
- Sets the database name.
- Database::setBaseClass() — Method in class Database
- Sets the name of the base super class inherited by active record objects.
- Database::setDefaultIdMethod() — Method in class Database
- Sets the name of the default ID method strategy.
- Database::setDefaultPhpNamingMethod() — Method in class Database
- Sets name of the default PHP naming method strategy.
- Database::setDefaultStringFormat() — Method in class Database
- Sets the default string format for ActiveRecord objects in this table.
- Database::setHeavyIndexing() — Method in class Database
- Sets whether or not heavy indexing is enabled.
- Database::setParentSchema() — Method in class Database
- Sets the parent schema
- ColumnDiff::setChangedProperties() — Method in class ColumnDiff
- Sets for the changed properties.
- ColumnDiff::setFromColumn() — Method in class ColumnDiff
- Sets the fromColumn property.
- ColumnDiff::setToColumn() — Method in class ColumnDiff
- Sets the toColumn property.
- DatabaseComparator::setFromDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseComparator
- Sets the fromDatabase property.
- DatabaseComparator::setToDatabase() — Method in class DatabaseComparator
- Sets the toDatabase property.
- DatabaseDiff::setAddedTables() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Sets the added tables.
- DatabaseDiff::setRemovedTables() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Sets the removes tables.
- DatabaseDiff::setModifiedTables() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Sets the modified tables
- DatabaseDiff::setRenamedTables() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- Sets the renamed tables.
- TableComparator::setFromTable() — Method in class TableComparator
- Sets the table the comparator starts from.
- TableComparator::setToTable() — Method in class TableComparator
- Sets the table the comparator goes to.
- TableDiff::setFromTable() — Method in class TableDiff
- Sets the fromTable property.
- TableDiff::setToTable() — Method in class TableDiff
- Sets the toTable property.
- TableDiff::setAddedColumns() — Method in class TableDiff
- Sets the added columns.
- TableDiff::setRemovedColumns() — Method in class TableDiff
- Setter for the removedColumns property
- TableDiff::setModifiedColumns() — Method in class TableDiff
- Setter for the modifiedColumns property
- TableDiff::setRenamedColumns() — Method in class TableDiff
- Setter for the renamedColumns property
- TableDiff::setAddedPkColumns() — Method in class TableDiff
- Setter for the addedPkColumns property
- TableDiff::setRemovedPkColumns() — Method in class TableDiff
- Setter for the removedPkColumns property
- TableDiff::setRenamedPkColumns() — Method in class TableDiff
- Setter for the renamedPkColumns property
- TableDiff::setAddedIndices() — Method in class TableDiff
- Setter for the addedIndices property
- TableDiff::setRemovedIndices() — Method in class TableDiff
- Setter for the removedIndices property
- TableDiff::setModifiedIndices() — Method in class TableDiff
- Setter for the modifiedIndices property
- TableDiff::setAddedFks() — Method in class TableDiff
- Setter for the addedFks property
- TableDiff::setRemovedFks() — Method in class TableDiff
- Setter for the removedFks property
- TableDiff::setModifiedFks() — Method in class TableDiff
- Setter for the modifiedFks property
- Domain::setDatabase() — Method in class Domain
- Sets the owning database object (if this domain is being setup via XML).
- Domain::setDescription() — Method in class Domain
- Sets the domain description.
- Domain::setName() — Method in class Domain
- Sets the domain name.
- Domain::setScale() — Method in class Domain
- Sets the scale value.
- Domain::setSize() — Method in class Domain
- Sets the size.
- Domain::setType() — Method in class Domain
- Sets the mapping type.
- Domain::setDefaultValue() — Method in class Domain
- Sets the default value.
- Domain::setSqlType() — Method in class Domain
- Sets the SQL type.
- ForeignKey::setOnDelete() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Sets the onDelete behavior.
- ForeignKey::setOnUpdate() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Sets the onUpdate behavior.
- ForeignKey::setName() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Sets the foreign key name.
- ForeignKey::setPhpName() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Sets a phpName to use for this foreign key.
- ForeignKey::setRefPhpName() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Sets a refPhpName to use for this foreign key.
- ForeignKey::setDefaultJoin() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Sets the default join strategy for this foreign key (if any).
- ForeignKey::setForeignTableCommonName() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Sets the foreign table common name of the FK.
- ForeignKey::setForeignSchemaName() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Set the foreign schema name of the foreign key.
- ForeignKey::setTable() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Sets the parent Table of the foreign key.
- ForeignKey::setSkipSql() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Sets whether or not this foreign key should have its creation SQL generated.
- IdMethodParameter::setName() — Method in class IdMethodParameter
- Sets the parameter name.
- IdMethodParameter::setValue() — Method in class IdMethodParameter
- Sets the parameter value.
- IdMethodParameter::setTable() — Method in class IdMethodParameter
- Sets the parent table.
- Index::setName() — Method in class Index
- Sets the index name.
- Index::setTable() — Method in class Index
- Sets the index parent Table.
- Index::setColumns() — Method in class Index
- Sets an array of columns to use for the index.
- Inheritance::setKey() — Method in class Inheritance
- Sets a key name.
- Inheritance::setColumn() — Method in class Inheritance
- Sets the parent column
- Inheritance::setClassName() — Method in class Inheritance
- Sets the class name.
- Inheritance::setPackage() — Method in class Inheritance
- Sets the package.
- Inheritance::setAncestor() — Method in class Inheritance
- Sets the ancestor.
- Schema — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- A class for holding application data structures.
- Schema::setPlatform() — Method in class Schema
- Sets the platform object to use for any databases added to this application schema.
- Schema::setGeneratorConfig() — Method in class Schema
- Sets the generator configuration
- Schema::setName() — Method in class Schema
- Sets the schema name.
- ScopedMappingModel — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- Data about an element with a name and optional namespace, schema and package attributes.
- ScopedMappingModel::setNamespace() — Method in class ScopedMappingModel
- Sets the namespace.
- ScopedMappingModel::setPackage() — Method in class ScopedMappingModel
- Sets the package name.
- ScopedMappingModel::setSchema() — Method in class ScopedMappingModel
- Sets the schema name.
- Table::setupObject() — Method in class Table
- Table::setBaseClass() — Method in class Table
- Sets the base class name.
- Table::setupReferrers() — Method in class Table
- Browses the foreign keys and creates referrers for the foreign table.
- Table::setContainsForeignPK() — Method in class Table
- Sets whether or not this table contains a foreign primary key.
- Table::setDescription() — Method in class Table
- Sets the table description.
- Table::setPhpName() — Method in class Table
- Sets the name to use in PHP sources.
- Table::setCommonName() — Method in class Table
- Sets the table common name (without schema name).
- Table::setDefaultStringFormat() — Method in class Table
- Sets the default string format for ActiveRecord objects in this table.
- Table::setIdMethod() — Method in class Table
- Sets the method strategy for generating primary keys.
- Table::setSkipSql() — Method in class Table
- Sets whether or not this table should have its SQL DDL code generated.
- Table::setAlias() — Method in class Table
- Sets whether or not this table is specified in the schema or if there is just a foreign key reference to it.
- Table::setInterface() — Method in class Table
- Sets the interface objects of this table will implement.
- Table::setAbstract() — Method in class Table
- Sets whether or not a table is abstract, it marks the business object class that is generated as being abstract.
- Table::setDatabase() — Method in class Table
- Set the database that contains this table.
- Table::setForReferenceOnly() — Method in class Table
- Returns whether or not to determine if code/sql gets created for this table.
- Table::setIsCrossRef() — Method in class Table
- Sets a cross reference status for this foreign key.
- VendorInfo::setType() — Method in class VendorInfo
- Sets the RDBMS type for this vendor specific information.
- VendorInfo::setParameter() — Method in class VendorInfo
- Sets a parameter value.
- VendorInfo::setParameters() — Method in class VendorInfo
- Sets an associative array of parameters for vendor specific information.
- DefaultPlatform::setConnection() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Sets the database connection to use for this Platform class.
- DefaultPlatform::setGeneratorConfig() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Sets the GeneratorConfigInterface to use in the parsing.
- DefaultPlatform::setIdentifierQuoting() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- DefaultPlatform::supportsNativeDeleteTrigger() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Whether RDBMS supports native ON DELETE triggers (e.g.
- DefaultPlatform::supportsInsertNullPk() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Whether RDBMS supports INSERT null values in autoincremented primary keys
- DefaultPlatform::supportsSchemas() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- DefaultPlatform::supportsMigrations() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- DefaultPlatform::supportsVarcharWithoutSize() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Whether RDBMS supports VARCHAR without explicit size
- MssqlPlatform::supportsNativeDeleteTrigger() — Method in class MssqlPlatform
- Whether RDBMS supports native ON DELETE triggers (e.g.
- MssqlPlatform::supportsInsertNullPk() — Method in class MssqlPlatform
- Whether RDBMS supports INSERT null values in autoincremented primary keys
- MssqlPlatform::supportsSchemas() — Method in class MssqlPlatform
- MysqlPlatform::setGeneratorConfig() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Sets the GeneratorConfigInterface to use in the parsing.
- MysqlPlatform::setTableEngineKeyword() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Setter for the tableEngineKeyword property
- MysqlPlatform::setDefaultTableEngine() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Setter for the defaultTableEngine property
- MysqlPlatform::supportsNativeDeleteTrigger() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- Whether RDBMS supports native ON DELETE triggers (e.g.
- MysqlPlatform::supportsForeignKeys() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- MysqlPlatform::supportsSchemas() — Method in class MysqlPlatform
- OraclePlatform::supportsNativeDeleteTrigger() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- Whether RDBMS supports native ON DELETE triggers (e.g.
- OraclePlatform::supportsSchemas() — Method in class OraclePlatform
- PgsqlPlatform::supportsNativeDeleteTrigger() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Whether RDBMS supports native ON DELETE triggers (e.g.
- PgsqlPlatform::supportsSchemas() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- PgsqlPlatform::supportsVarcharWithoutSize() — Method in class PgsqlPlatform
- Whether RDBMS supports VARCHAR without explicit size
- PlatformInterface::setConnection() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Sets a database connection to use (for quoting, etc.).
- PlatformInterface::setGeneratorConfig() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Sets the GeneratorConfigInterface which contains any generator build properties.
- PlatformInterface::supportsNativeDeleteTrigger() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Whether RDBMS supports native ON DELETE triggers (e.g.
- PlatformInterface::supportsInsertNullPk() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Whether RDBMS supports INSERT null values in autoincremented primary keys
- PlatformInterface::supportsSchemas() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Whether RDBMS supports native schemas for table layout.
- PlatformInterface::supportsMigrations() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Whether RDBMS supports migrations.
- PlatformInterface::supportsVarcharWithoutSize() — Method in class PlatformInterface
- Whether RDBMS supports VARCHAR without explicit size
- SqlitePlatform — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Platform
- SQLite PlatformInterface implementation.
- SqlitePlatform::supportsMigrations() — Method in class SqlitePlatform
- SqlsrvPlatform — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Platform
- MS SQL Server using pdo_sqlsrv implementation.
- AbstractSchemaParser::setConnection() — Method in class AbstractSchemaParser
- Sets the database connection.
- AbstractSchemaParser::setMigrationTable() — Method in class AbstractSchemaParser
- Setter for the migrationTable property
- AbstractSchemaParser::setGeneratorConfig() — Method in class AbstractSchemaParser
- Sets the GeneratorConfig to use in the parsing.
- AbstractSchemaParser::setPlatform() — Method in class AbstractSchemaParser
- SchemaParserInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Reverse
- Interface for reverse engineering schema parsers.
- SchemaParserInterface::setConnection() — Method in class SchemaParserInterface
- Sets the database connection.
- SchemaParserInterface::setGeneratorConfig() — Method in class SchemaParserInterface
- Sets the GeneratorConfig to use in the parsing.
- SqliteSchemaParser — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Reverse
- SQLite database schema parser.
- SqlsrvSchemaParser — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Reverse
- Microsoft SQL Server database schema parser.
- QuickBuilder::setSchema() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- QuickBuilder::setPlatform() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- Setter for the platform property
- QuickBuilder::setConfig() — Method in class QuickBuilder
- Setter for the config property
- SchemaValidator — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Util
- Service class for validating XML schemas.
- SqlParser — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Util
- Service class for parsing a large SQL string into an array of SQL statements
- SqlParser::setSQL() — Method in class SqlParser
- Sets the inner SQL string for this object.
- SqlParser::stripSQLCommentLines() — Method in class SqlParser
- BaseModelCriteria::setWith() — Method in class BaseModelCriteria
- Sets the array of ModelWith specifying which objects must be hydrated together with the main object.
- BaseModelCriteria::setFormatter() — Method in class BaseModelCriteria
- Sets the formatter to use for the find() output Formatters must extend AbstractFormatter Use the ModelCriteria constants for class names: <code> $c->setFormatter(ModelCriteria::FORMAT_ARRAY); </code>
- BaseModelCriteria::setModelName() — Method in class BaseModelCriteria
- Sets the model name.
- BaseModelCriteria::setModelAlias() — Method in class BaseModelCriteria
- Sets the alias for the model in this query
- Criteria::setUseTransaction() — Method in class Criteria
- Will force the sql represented by this criteria to be executed within a transaction.
- Criteria::setDbName() — Method in class Criteria
- Set the DatabaseMap name.
- Criteria::setPrimaryTableName() — Method in class Criteria
- Sets the primary table for this Criteria.
- Criteria::setAll() — Method in class Criteria
- Adds 'ALL' modifier to the SQL statement.
- Criteria::setDistinct() — Method in class Criteria
- Adds 'DISTINCT' modifier to the SQL statement.
- Criteria::setIgnoreCase() — Method in class Criteria
- Sets ignore case.
- Criteria::setSingleRecord() — Method in class Criteria
- Set single record? Set this to <code>true</code> if you expect the query to result in only a single result record (the default behaviour is to throw a PropelException if multiple records are returned when the query is executed).
- Criteria::setLimit() — Method in class Criteria
- Set limit.
- Criteria::setOffset() — Method in class Criteria
- Set offset.
- Criteria::setComment() — Method in class Criteria
- Set the query comment, that appears after the first verb in the SQL query
- Criteria::size() — Method in class Criteria
- Returns the size (count) of this criteria.
- AbstractCriterion::setTable() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- Set the table name.
- AbstractCriterion::setAdapter() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- Set the adapter.
- BasicCriterion::setIgnoreCase() — Method in class BasicCriterion
- Sets ignore case.
- LikeCriterion::setIgnoreCase() — Method in class LikeCriterion
- Sets ignore case.
- LikeModelCriterion::setIgnoreCase() — Method in class LikeModelCriterion
- Sets ignore case.
- SeveralModelCriterion — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion
- Specialized ModelCriterion used for ternary model clause, e.G 'book.ID BETWEEN ? AND ?'
- Join::setJoinType() — Method in class Join
- Set the join type
- Join::setLeftTableName() — Method in class Join
- Join::setLeftTableAlias() — Method in class Join
- Join::setRightTableName() — Method in class Join
- Join::setRightTableAlias() — Method in class Join
- Join::setAdapter() — Method in class Join
- Set the adapter.
- Join::setJoinCondition() — Method in class Join
- Set a custom join condition
- ModelCriteria::select() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Makes the ModelCriteria return a string, array, or ArrayCollection Examples: ArticleQuery::create()->select('Name')->find(); => ArrayCollection Object ('Foo', 'Bar')
- ModelCriteria::setPreviousJoin() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- This method sets the previousJoin for this ModelCriteria, by default this is null, but after useQuery this is set the to the join of that use
- ModelCriteria::setJoinCondition() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Replace the condition of an already added join
- ModelCriteria::setPrimaryCriteria() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Sets the primary Criteria for this secondary Criteria
- ModelJoin::setRelationMap() — Method in class ModelJoin
- ModelJoin::setTableMap() — Method in class ModelJoin
- Sets the right tableMap for this join
- ModelJoin::setPreviousJoin() — Method in class ModelJoin
- ModelJoin::setRelationAlias() — Method in class ModelJoin
- ModelWith::setModelName() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::setIsSingleTableInheritance() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::setIsAdd() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::setIsWithOneToMany() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::setRelationName() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::setRelationMethod() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::setInitMethod() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::setResetPartialMethod() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::setLeftPhpName() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::setRightPhpName() — Method in class ModelWith
- AdapterInterface::setCharset() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Sets the character encoding using SQL standard SET NAMES statement.
- AdapterInterface::subString() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Returns SQL which extracts a substring.
- AdapterInterface::strLength() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Returns SQL which calculates the length (in chars) of a string.
- MssqlAdapter::setCharset() — Method in class MssqlAdapter
- MS SQL Server does not support SET NAMES
- MssqlAdapter::subString() — Method in class MssqlAdapter
- Returns SQL which extracts a substring.
- MssqlAdapter::strLength() — Method in class MssqlAdapter
- Returns SQL which calculates the length (in chars) of a string.
- MysqlAdapter::subString() — Method in class MysqlAdapter
- Returns SQL which extracts a substring.
- MysqlAdapter::strLength() — Method in class MysqlAdapter
- Returns SQL which calculates the length (in chars) of a string.
- OracleAdapter::subString() — Method in class OracleAdapter
- Returns SQL which extracts a substring.
- OracleAdapter::strLength() — Method in class OracleAdapter
- Returns SQL which calculates the length (in chars) of a string.
- PdoAdapter::setCharset() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Sets the character encoding using SQL standard SET NAMES statement.
- PdoConnection::setName() — Method in class PdoConnection
- PdoConnection::setAttribute() — Method in class PdoConnection
- Sets a connection attribute.
- PgsqlAdapter::subString() — Method in class PgsqlAdapter
- Returns SQL which extracts a substring.
- PgsqlAdapter::strLength() — Method in class PgsqlAdapter
- Returns SQL which calculates the length (in chars) of a string.
- SqliteAdapter — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo
- This is used in order to connect to a SQLite database.
- SqliteAdapter::setCharset() — Method in class SqliteAdapter
- For SQLite this method has no effect, since SQLite doesn't support specifying a character set (or, another way to look at it, it doesn't require a single character set per DB).
- SqliteAdapter::subString() — Method in class SqliteAdapter
- Returns SQL which extracts a substring.
- SqliteAdapter::strLength() — Method in class SqliteAdapter
- Returns SQL which calculates the length (in chars) of a string.
- SqlsrvAdapter — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo
- This is used to connect to a MSSQL database using pdo_sqlsrv driver.
- SqlsrvAdapter::setCharset() — Method in class SqlsrvAdapter
- SqlAdapterInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter
- Interface for adapters.
- ArrayCollection::save() — Method in class ArrayCollection
- Save all the elements in the collection
- Collection::setData() — Method in class Collection
- Set the data in the collection
- Collection::shift() — Method in class Collection
- Pops an element off the beginning of the collection
- Collection::set() — Method in class Collection
- Add an element to the collection with the given key Alias for ArrayObject::offsetSet()
- Collection::search() — Method in class Collection
- Search an element in the collection
- Collection::serialize() — Method in class Collection
- Collection::setModel() — Method in class Collection
- Set the model of the elements in the collection
- Collection::setFormatter() — Method in class Collection
- ObjectCollection::save() — Method in class ObjectCollection
- Save all the elements in the collection
- ObjectCollection::search() — Method in class ObjectCollection
- Search an element in the collection
- OnDemandCollection::serialize() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- OnDemandCollection::setFlags() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- ConnectionInterface::setName() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- ConnectionInterface::setAttribute() — Method in class ConnectionInterface
- Set an attribute.
- ConnectionManagerInterface::setName() — Method in class ConnectionManagerInterface
- ConnectionManagerMasterSlave::setName() — Method in class ConnectionManagerMasterSlave
- ConnectionManagerMasterSlave::setForceMasterConnection() — Method in class ConnectionManagerMasterSlave
- For replication, set whether to always force the use of a master connection.
- ConnectionManagerMasterSlave::setWriteConfiguration() — Method in class ConnectionManagerMasterSlave
- Set the configuration for the master (write) connection.
- ConnectionManagerMasterSlave::setReadConfiguration() — Method in class ConnectionManagerMasterSlave
- Set the configuration for the slave (read) connections.
- ConnectionManagerSingle::setName() — Method in class ConnectionManagerSingle
- ConnectionManagerSingle::setConnection() — Method in class ConnectionManagerSingle
- ConnectionManagerSingle::setConfiguration() — Method in class ConnectionManagerSingle
- ConnectionWrapper::setName() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- ConnectionWrapper::setAttribute() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Set an attribute.
- ConnectionWrapper::setLastExecutedQuery() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Set the SQL code for the latest query executed by Propel
- ConnectionWrapper::setLogMethods() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- ConnectionWrapper::setLogger() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- {@inheritDoc}
- PdoConnection::setName() — Method in class PdoConnection
- PdoConnection::setAttribute() — Method in class PdoConnection
- Sets a connection attribute.
- ProfilerConnectionWrapper::setProfiler() — Method in class ProfilerConnectionWrapper
- ProfilerConnectionWrapper::setAttribute() — Method in class ProfilerConnectionWrapper
- Overrides the parent setAttribute to support the isSlowOnly attribute.
- SqlConnectionInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection
- Interface for Propel Connection object.
- StatementInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection
- Interface for Propel Connection object.
- StatementWrapper — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Connection
- Wraps a Statement class, providing logging.
- AbstractDataFetcher::setDataObject() — Method in class AbstractDataFetcher
- Sets the dataObject.
- ArrayDataFetcher::setIndexType() — Method in class ArrayDataFetcher
- Sets the current index type.
- DataFetcherInterface::setDataObject() — Method in class DataFetcherInterface
- Sets the dataObject.
- AbstractFormatter::setDataFetcher() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- Sets a DataFetcherInterface object.
- AbstractFormatter::setDbName() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- AbstractFormatter::setClass() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- AbstractFormatter::setWith() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- AbstractFormatter::setAsColumns() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- AbstractFormatter::setHasLimit() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- SimpleArrayFormatter — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Formatter
- Array formatter for Propel select query format() returns a ArrayCollection of associative arrays, a string, or an array
- StatementFormatter — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Formatter
- statement formatter for Propel query format() returns a PDO statement
- ColumnMap::setPhpName() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Set the php name of this column.
- ColumnMap::setType() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Set the Propel type of this column.
- ColumnMap::setSize() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Set the size of this column.
- ColumnMap::setPrimaryKey() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Set if this column is a primary key or not.
- ColumnMap::setNotNull() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Set if this column may be null.
- ColumnMap::setDefaultValue() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Sets the default value for this column.
- ColumnMap::setForeignKey() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Set the foreign key for this column.
- ColumnMap::setValueSet() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Set the valueSet of this column (only valid for ENUM columns).
- ColumnMap::setPrimaryString() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Set this column to be a primaryString column.
- RelationMap::setPluralName() — Method in class RelationMap
- RelationMap::setType() — Method in class RelationMap
- Set the type
- RelationMap::setLocalTable() — Method in class RelationMap
- Set the local table
- RelationMap::setForeignTable() — Method in class RelationMap
- Set the foreign table
- RelationMap::setOnUpdate() — Method in class RelationMap
- Set the onUpdate behavior
- RelationMap::setOnDelete() — Method in class RelationMap
- Set the onDelete behavior
- TableMap::setDatabaseMap() — Method in class TableMap
- Set the DatabaseMap containing this TableMap.
- TableMap::setName() — Method in class TableMap
- Set the name of the Table.
- TableMap::setPhpName() — Method in class TableMap
- Set the PHP name of the Table.
- TableMap::setClassName() — Method in class TableMap
- Set the ClassName of the Table.
- TableMap::setPackage() — Method in class TableMap
- Set the Package of the Table
- TableMap::setUseIdGenerator() — Method in class TableMap
- Set whether or not to use Id generator for primary key.
- TableMap::setSingleTableInheritance() — Method in class TableMap
- Set whether or not to this table uses single table inheritance
- TableMap::setPrimaryKeyMethodInfo() — Method in class TableMap
- Sets the name of the sequence used to generate a key
- TableMap::setIsCrossRef() — Method in class TableMap
- Set the isCrossRef
- Propel::setServiceContainer() — Method in class Propel
- Set the service container instance.
- ServiceContainerInterface — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ServiceContainer
- StandardServiceContainer — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ServiceContainer
- StandardServiceContainer::setDefaultDatasource() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- StandardServiceContainer::setAdapterClass() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Set the adapter class for a given datasource.
- StandardServiceContainer::setAdapterClasses() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Reset existing adapters classes and set new classes for all datasources.
- StandardServiceContainer::setAdapter() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Set the adapter for a given datasource.
- StandardServiceContainer::setAdapters() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Reset existing adapters and set new adapters for all datasources.
- StandardServiceContainer::setDatabaseMapClass() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- StandardServiceContainer::setDatabaseMap() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Set the database map object to use for a given datasource.
- StandardServiceContainer::setConnectionManager() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- StandardServiceContainer::setConnection() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Shortcut to define a single connection for a datasource.
- StandardServiceContainer::setProfilerClass() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Override the default profiler class.
- StandardServiceContainer::setProfilerConfiguration() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Set the profiler configuration.
- StandardServiceContainer::setProfiler() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Set the profiler instance.
- StandardServiceContainer::setLogger() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- StandardServiceContainer::setLoggerConfiguration() — Method in class StandardServiceContainer
- Set the configuration for the logger of a given datasource.
- Profiler::setSlowTreshold() — Method in class Profiler
- Set the duration which triggers the 'slow' label on details.
- Profiler::setDetails() — Method in class Profiler
- Set the list of details to be included in a profile.
- Profiler::setInnerGlue() — Method in class Profiler
- Set the inner glue for the details.
- Profiler::setOuterGlue() — Method in class Profiler
- Set the outer glue for the details.
- Profiler::setConfiguration() — Method in class Profiler
- Configure the profiler from an array.
- Profiler::start() — Method in class Profiler
- PropelModelPager::setQuery() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- PropelModelPager::setMaxRecordLimit() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- PropelModelPager::setPage() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Set the number of the current page
- PropelModelPager::setMaxPerPage() — Method in class PropelModelPager
- Set the maximum number results per page
- TimestampableBehavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\Timestampable
- Gives a model class the ability to track creation and last modification dates Uses two additional columns storing the creation and update date
- TableMapBuilder — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Builder\Om
- Generates the PHP5 table map class for user object model (OM).
- TestPrepareCommand — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Command
- TableComparator — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model\Diff
- Service class for comparing Table objects Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see http://github.com/doctrine/dbal/tree/master/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Schema/)
- TableDiff — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model\Diff
- Value object for storing Table object diffs Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see http://github.com/doctrine/dbal/tree/master/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Schema/)
- MappingModel::toString() — Method in class MappingModel
- String representation of the current object.
- Schema::toString() — Method in class Schema
- Creates a string representation of this Schema.
- Table — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- Data about a table used in an application.
- Criteria::toString() — Method in class Criteria
- Build a string representation of the Criteria.
- Join::toString() — Method in class Join
- Returns a string representation of the class,
- OracleAdapter::turnSelectColumnsToAliases() — Method in class OracleAdapter
- Ensures uniqueness of select column names by turning them all into aliases This is necessary for queries on more than one table when the tables share a column name
- PdoAdapter::toUpperCase() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- This method is used to ignore case.
- PdoAdapter::turnSelectColumnsToAliases() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Ensures uniqueness of select column names by turning them all into aliases This is necessary for queries on more than one table when the tables share a column name
- SqlAdapterInterface::toUpperCase() — Method in class SqlAdapterInterface
- This method is used to ignore case.
- SqlAdapterInterface::turnSelectColumnsToAliases() — Method in class SqlAdapterInterface
- Ensures uniqueness of select column names by turning them all into aliases This is necessary for queries on more than one table when the tables share a column name
- ArrayCollection::toArray() — Method in class ArrayCollection
- Get an array representation of the collection This is not an alias for getData(), since it returns a copy of the data
- ArrayCollection::toKeyValue() — Method in class ArrayCollection
- Get an associative array representation of the collection The first parameter specifies the column to be used for the key, And the second for the value.
- Collection::toXML() — Method in class Collection
- Export the collection to an XML string
- Collection::toYAML() — Method in class Collection
- Export the collection to a YAML string
- Collection::toJSON() — Method in class Collection
- Export the collection to a JSON string
- Collection::toCSV() — Method in class Collection
- Export the collection to a CSV string
- ObjectCollection::toArray() — Method in class ObjectCollection
- Get an array representation of the collection Each object is turned into an array and the result is returned
- ObjectCollection::toKeyValue() — Method in class ObjectCollection
- Get an associative array representation of the collection The first parameter specifies the column to be used for the key, And the second for the value.
- ObjectCollection::toKeyIndex() — Method in class ObjectCollection
- Get an associative array representation of the collection.
- OnDemandCollection::toArray() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- Get an array representation of the collection Each object is turned into an array and the result is returned
- TableNotFoundException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Map\Exception
- TableMap — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Map
- TableMap is used to model a table in a database.
- TableMap::translateFieldnameForClass() — Method in class TableMap
- AbstractParser::toArray() — Method in class AbstractParser
- Converts data from the parser format to an associative array.
- CsvParser::toCSV() — Method in class CsvParser
- Alias for CsvParser::fromArray()
- CsvParser::toArray() — Method in class CsvParser
- Converts data from CSV to an associative array.
- JsonParser::toJSON() — Method in class JsonParser
- Alias for JsonParser::fromArray()
- JsonParser::toArray() — Method in class JsonParser
- Converts data from JSON to an associative array.
- XmlParser::toXML() — Method in class XmlParser
- Alias for XmlParser::fromArray()
- XmlParser::toArray() — Method in class XmlParser
- Converts data from XML to an associative array.
- YamlParser::toYAML() — Method in class YamlParser
- Alias for YamlParser::fromArray()
- YamlParser::toArray() — Method in class YamlParser
- Converts data from YAML to an associative array.
- Profiler::toPrecision() — Method in class Profiler
- Rounding to significant digits (sort of like JavaScript's toPrecision()).
- NestedSetBehavior::useScope() — Method in class NestedSetBehavior
- SortableBehavior::useScope() — Method in class SortableBehavior
- MigrationManager::updateLatestMigrationTimestamp() — Method in class MigrationManager
- Unique — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- Information about unique columns of a table.
- UnknownColumnException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Exception
- UnknownModelException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Exception
- UnknownRelationException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Exception
- ModelCriteria::useQuery() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Initializes a secondary ModelCriteria object, to be later merged with the current object
- ModelCriteria::update() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Issue an UPDATE query based the current ModelCriteria and a list of changes.
- AdapterInterface::useQuoteIdentifier() — Method in class AdapterInterface
- Should Column-Names get identifiers for inserts or updates.
- UnsupportedEncodingException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Exception
- $MssqlDebugPDO — Property in class MssqlDebugPDO
- MssqlPropelPDO::useQuoteIdentifier() — Method in class MssqlPropelPDO
- MysqlAdapter::unlockTable() — Method in class MysqlAdapter
- Unlocks the specified table.
- MysqlAdapter::useQuoteIdentifier() — Method in class MysqlAdapter
- PdoAdapter::useQuoteIdentifier() — Method in class PdoAdapter
- Should Column-Names get identifiers for inserts or updates.
- Collection::unserialize() — Method in class Collection
- UnsupportedRelationException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Collection\Exception
- OnDemandCollection::unserialize() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- OnDemandCollection::uasort() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- OnDemandCollection::uksort() — Method in class OnDemandCollection
- $ConnectionWrapper — Property in class ConnectionWrapper
- Whether or not the debug is enabled
- ConnectionWrapper::useDebug() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Enable or disable the query debug features
- $DebugPDO — Property in class DebugPDO
- $ProfilerConnectionWrapper — Property in class ProfilerConnectionWrapper
- Whether or not the debug is enabled
- UnexpectedValueException — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Exception
- Unique — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Validator\Constraints
- UniqueValidator — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Validator\Constraints
- ValidateBehavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\Validate
- Validate a model object using Symfony2 Validator component
- VersionableBehavior — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\Versionable
- Keeps tracks of all the modifications in an ActiveRecord object
- VersionableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\Versionable
- Behavior to add versionable columns and abilities
- VersionableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Behavior\Versionable
- Behavior to add versionable columns and abilities
- $Column — Property in class Column
- VendorInfo — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Model
- Object to hold vendor specific information.
- SchemaValidator::validate() — Method in class SchemaValidator
- NestedSetRecursiveIterator::valid() — Method in class NestedSetRecursiveIterator
- OnDemandIterator::valid() — Method in class OnDemandIterator
- ArrayDataFetcher::valid() — Method in class ArrayDataFetcher
- Checks if current position is valid
- DataFetcherInterface::valid() — Method in class DataFetcherInterface
- Checks if current position is valid
- PDODataFetcher::valid() — Method in class PDODataFetcher
- Checks if current position is valid
- UniqueValidator::validate() — Method in class UniqueValidator
- ModelCriteria::where() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a condition on a column based on a pseudo SQL clause Uses introspection to translate the column phpName into a fully qualified name <code> // simple clause $c->where('b.Title = ?', 'foo'); // named conditions $c->condition('cond1', 'b.Title = ?', 'foo'); $c->condition('cond2', 'b.ISBN = ?', 12345); $c->where(array('cond1', 'cond2'), Criteria::LOGICAL_OR); </code>
- ModelCriteria::with() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a relation to hydrate together with the main object The relation must be initialized via a join() prior to calling with() Examples: <code> $c->join('Book.Author'); $c->with('Author');
- ModelCriteria::withColumn() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Adds a supplementary column to the select clause These columns can later be retrieved from the hydrated objects using getVirtualColumn()
- XmlToArrayConverter — Class in namespace Propel\Generator\Config
- Runtime configuration converter From XML string to array
- XmlParser — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Parser
- XML parser.
- YamlParser — Class in namespace Propel\Runtime\Parser
- YAML parser.
- ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::__construct() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::__construct() — Method in class ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- I18nBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::__construct() — Method in class I18nBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- I18nBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::__construct() — Method in class I18nBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::__construct() — Method in class NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- NestedSetBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::__construct() — Method in class NestedSetBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::__construct() — Method in class SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- SortableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::__construct() — Method in class SortableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- SortableBehaviorTableMapBuilderModifier::__construct() — Method in class SortableBehaviorTableMapBuilderModifier
- VersionableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier::__construct() — Method in class VersionableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier
- VersionableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier::__construct() — Method in class VersionableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier
- DataModelBuilder::__construct() — Method in class DataModelBuilder
- Creates new instance of DataModelBuilder subclass.
- ColumnValue::__construct() — Method in class ColumnValue
- DataRow::__construct() — Method in class DataRow
- SchemaReader::__construct() — Method in class SchemaReader
- Creates a new instance for the specified database type.
- TestPrepareCommand::__construct() — Method in class TestPrepareCommand
- GeneratorConfig::__construct() — Method in class GeneratorConfig
- Construct a new GeneratorConfig.
- QuickGeneratorConfig::__construct() — Method in class QuickGeneratorConfig
- Column::__construct() — Method in class Column
- Creates a new column and set the name.
- Column::__clone() — Method in class Column
- Clones the current object.
- ColumnDefaultValue::__construct() — Method in class ColumnDefaultValue
- Creates a new DefaultValue object.
- Database::__construct() — Method in class Database
- Constructs a new Database object.
- ColumnDiff::__construct() — Method in class ColumnDiff
- ColumnDiff::__toString() — Method in class ColumnDiff
- DatabaseComparator::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseComparator
- DatabaseDiff::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- DatabaseDiff::__toString() — Method in class DatabaseDiff
- TableComparator::__construct() — Method in class TableComparator
- TableDiff::__toString() — Method in class TableDiff
- Domain::__construct() — Method in class Domain
- Creates a new Domain object.
- ForeignKey::__construct() — Method in class ForeignKey
- Constructs a new ForeignKey object.
- Index::__construct() — Method in class Index
- Creates a new Index instance.
- MappingModel::__construct() — Method in class MappingModel
- MappingModel::__toString() — Method in class MappingModel
- String representation of the current object.
- Schema::__construct() — Method in class Schema
- Creates a new instance for the specified database type.
- Schema::__toString() — Method in class Schema
- Magic string method
- ScopedMappingModel::__construct() — Method in class ScopedMappingModel
- Constructs a new scoped model object.
- Table::__construct() — Method in class Table
- Constructs a table object with a name
- VendorInfo::__construct() — Method in class VendorInfo
- Creates a new VendorInfo instance.
- DefaultPlatform::__construct() — Method in class DefaultPlatform
- Default constructor.
- AbstractSchemaParser::__construct() — Method in class AbstractSchemaParser
- PhpParser::__construct() — Method in class PhpParser
- Parser constructor
- SchemaValidator::__construct() — Method in class SchemaValidator
- BaseModelCriteria::__construct() — Method in class BaseModelCriteria
- Creates a new instance with the default capacity which corresponds to the specified database.
- Criteria::__construct() — Method in class Criteria
- Creates a new instance with the default capacity which corresponds to the specified database.
- Criteria::__toString() — Method in class Criteria
- Criteria::_or() — Method in class Criteria
- Criteria::_and() — Method in class Criteria
- Criteria::_if() — Method in class Criteria
- Returns the current object if the condition is true, or a PropelConditionalProxy instance otherwise.
- Criteria::_elseif() — Method in class Criteria
- Returns a PropelConditionalProxy instance.
- Criteria::_else() — Method in class Criteria
- Returns a PropelConditionalProxy instance.
- Criteria::_endif() — Method in class Criteria
- Returns the current object Allows for conditional statements in a fluid interface.
- Criteria::__clone() — Method in class Criteria
- Ensures deep cloning of attached objects
- AbstractCriterion::__construct() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- Create a new instance.
- AbstractCriterion::__toString() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- AbstractCriterion::__clone() — Method in class AbstractCriterion
- Ensures deep cloning of attached objects
- AbstractModelCriterion::__construct() — Method in class AbstractModelCriterion
- Create a new instance.
- BasicCriterion::__construct() — Method in class BasicCriterion
- Create a new instance.
- CustomCriterion::__construct() — Method in class CustomCriterion
- Create a new instance.
- InCriterion::__construct() — Method in class InCriterion
- Create a new instance.
- LikeCriterion::__construct() — Method in class LikeCriterion
- Create a new instance.
- RawCriterion::__construct() — Method in class RawCriterion
- Create a new instance.
- RawModelCriterion::__construct() — Method in class RawModelCriterion
- Create a new instance.
- Join::__construct() — Method in class Join
- Constructor Use it preferably with no arguments, and then use addCondition() and setJoinType() Syntax with arguments used mainly for backwards compatibility
- Join::__toString() — Method in class Join
- ModelCriteria::__call() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Handle the magic Supports findByXXX(), findOneByXXX(), filterByXXX(), orderByXXX(), and groupByXXX() methods, where XXX is a column phpName.
- ModelCriteria::__clone() — Method in class ModelCriteria
- Ensures deep cloning of attached objects
- ModelJoin::__toString() — Method in class ModelJoin
- ModelWith::__construct() — Method in class ModelWith
- ModelWith::__toString() — Method in class ModelWith
- NestedSetRecursiveIterator::__construct() — Method in class NestedSetRecursiveIterator
- PdoConnection::__construct() — Method in class PdoConnection
- Creates a PDO instance representing a connection to a database.
- Collection::__call() — Method in class Collection
- Catches calls to undefined methods.
- Collection::__toString() — Method in class Collection
- Returns a string representation of the current collection.
- Collection::__clone() — Method in class Collection
- Creates clones of the containing data.
- OnDemandIterator::__construct() — Method in class OnDemandIterator
- ConnectionWrapper::__construct() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Creates a Connection instance.
- ConnectionWrapper::__call() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- Forward any call to a method not found to the wrapped connection.
- ConnectionWrapper::__destruct() — Method in class ConnectionWrapper
- If so configured, makes an entry to the log of the state of this object just prior to its destruction.
- PdoConnection::__construct() — Method in class PdoConnection
- Creates a PDO instance representing a connection to a database.
- StatementWrapper::__construct() — Method in class StatementWrapper
- Creates a Statement instance
- StatementWrapper::__call() — Method in class StatementWrapper
- AbstractDataFetcher::__construct() — Method in class AbstractDataFetcher
- FileNotFoundException::__construct() — Method in class FileNotFoundException
- AbstractFormatter::__construct() — Method in class AbstractFormatter
- ColumnMap::__construct() — Method in class ColumnMap
- Constructor.
- DatabaseMap::__construct() — Method in class DatabaseMap
- Constructor.
- RelationMap::__construct() — Method in class RelationMap
- Constructor.
- TableMap::__construct() — Method in class TableMap
- Construct a new TableMap.
- Profiler::__construct() — Method in class Profiler
- PropelConditionalProxy::__construct() — Method in class PropelConditionalProxy
- PropelConditionalProxy::_if() — Method in class PropelConditionalProxy
- Returns a new level PropelConditionalProxy instance.
- PropelConditionalProxy::_elseif() — Method in class PropelConditionalProxy
- Allows for conditional statements in a fluid interface.
- PropelConditionalProxy::_else() — Method in class PropelConditionalProxy
- Allows for conditional statements in a fluid interface.
- PropelConditionalProxy::_endif() — Method in class PropelConditionalProxy
- Returns the parent object Allows for conditional statements in a fluid interface.
- PropelConditionalProxy::__call() — Method in class PropelConditionalProxy
- PropelDateTime::__sleep() — Method in class PropelDateTime
- PHP "magic" function called when object is serialized.
- PropelDateTime::__wakeup() — Method in class PropelDateTime
- PHP "magic" function called when object is restored from serialized state.
- PropelModelPager::__construct() — Method in class PropelModelPager