class Criteria
This is a utility class for holding criteria information for a query.
Comparison type. |
Comparison type. |
Comparison type. |
Comparison type. |
Comparison type. |
Comparison type. |
Comparison type. |
Comparison type. |
Comparison type. |
Comparison for array column types |
Comparison for array column types |
Comparison for array column types |
PostgreSQL comparison type |
PostgreSQL comparison type |
Comparison type. |
Comparison type |
Comparison type for update |
Comparison type. |
IN |
Comparison type. |
Comparison type. |
Comparison type. |
Comparison type. |
Binary math operator: AND |
Binary math operator: OR |
'Order by' qualifier - ascending |
'Order by' qualifier - descending |
'IS NULL' null comparison |
'IS NOT NULL' null comparison |
'LEFT JOIN' SQL statement |
'RIGHT JOIN' SQL statement |
'INNER JOIN' SQL statement |
logical OR operator |
logical AND operator |
__construct(String $dbName = null)
Creates a new instance with the default capacity which corresponds to the specified database. |
array |
Get the criteria map, i.e. |
void |
Brings this criteria back to its initial state, so that it can be reused as if it was new. |
Criteria |
addAsColumn(string $name, string $clause)
Add an AS clause to the select columns. |
array |
Get the column aliases. |
string |
Returns the column name associated with an alias (AS-column). |
Criteria |
addAlias(string $alias, string $table)
Allows one to specify an alias for a table that can be used in various parts of the SQL. |
Criteria |
removeAlias(string $alias)
Remove an alias for a table (useful when merging Criterias). |
array |
Returns the aliases for this Criteria |
string |
getTableForAlias(string $alias)
Returns the table name associated with an alias. |
array($tableName, |
getTableNameAndAlias(string $tableAliasOrName)
Returns the table name and alias based on a table alias or name. |
array |
Get the keys of the criteria map, i.e. |
boolean |
containsKey(string $column)
Does this Criteria object contain the specified key? |
boolean |
keyContainsValue(string $column)
Does this Criteria object contain the specified key and does it have a value set for the key |
boolean |
Whether this Criteria has any where columns. |
void |
Will force the sql represented by this criteria to be executed within a transaction. |
boolean |
Whether the sql command specified by this criteria must be wrapped in a transaction. |
AbstractCriterion |
getCriterion(string $column)
Method to return criteria related to columns in a table. |
AbstractCriterion |
Method to return the latest Criterion in a table. |
AbstractCriterion |
getNewCriterion(string $column, mixed $value = null, string $comparison = self::EQUAL)
Method to return a Criterion that is not added automatically to this Criteria. |
string |
getColumnName(string $name)
Method to return a String table name. |
array |
Shortcut method to get an array of columns indexed by table. |
string |
getComparison(string $key)
Method to return a comparison String. |
string |
Get the Database(Map) name. |
void |
setDbName(string $dbName = null)
Set the DatabaseMap name. |
string |
Get the primary table for this Criteria. |
Sets the primary table for this Criteria. |
string |
getTableName(string $name)
Method to return a String table name. |
mixed |
getValue(string $name)
Method to return the value that was added to Criteria. |
mixed |
get(string $key)
An alias to getValue() -- exposing a Hashtable-like interface. |
Instance |
put(string $key, mixed $value)
Overrides Hashtable put, so that this object is returned instead of the value previously in the Criteria object. |
putAll(mixed $t)
Copies all of the mappings from the specified Map to this Criteria These mappings will replace any mappings that this Criteria had for any of the keys currently in the specified Map. |
A |
add($p1, $value = null, $comparison = null)
This method adds a new criterion to the list of criterias. |
string | __toString() | |
A |
addCond(string $name, string $p1, mixed $value = null, string $comparison = null)
This method creates a new criterion but keeps it for later use with combine() Until combine() is called, the condition is not added to the query |
combine(array $criterions = array(), string $operator = self::LOGICAL_AND, string $name = null)
Combine several named criterions with a logical operator |
Criteria |
addJoin(mixed $left, mixed $right, mixed $joinType = null)
This is the way that you should add a join of two tables. |
Criteria |
addMultipleJoin(array $conditions, string $joinType = null)
Add a join with multiple conditions |
Criteria |
addJoinObject(Join $join)
Add a join object to the Criteria |
array |
Get the array of Joins. |
Criteria |
addSelectQuery(Criteria $subQueryCriteria, string $alias = null)
Adds a Criteria as subQuery in the From Clause. |
boolean |
Checks whether this Criteria has a subquery. |
array |
Get the associative array of Criteria for the subQueries per alias. |
Criteria |
getSelectQuery(string $alias)
Get the Criteria for a specific subQuery. |
boolean |
hasSelectQuery(string $alias)
checks if the Criteria for a specific subQuery is set. |
forgeSelectQueryAlias() | ||
Criteria |
Adds 'ALL' modifier to the SQL statement. |
Criteria |
Adds 'DISTINCT' modifier to the SQL statement. |
Criteria |
addSelectModifier(string $modifier)
Adds a modifier to the SQL statement. |
Criteria |
removeSelectModifier(string $modifier)
Removes a modifier to the SQL statement. |
boolean |
hasSelectModifier(string $modifier)
Checks the existence of a SQL select modifier |
Criteria |
setIgnoreCase(boolean $b)
Sets ignore case. |
boolean |
Is ignore case on or off? |
Criteria |
setSingleRecord(boolean $b)
Set single record? Set this to <code>true</code> if you expect the query to result in only a single result record (the default behaviour is to throw a PropelException if multiple records are returned when the query is executed). |
boolean |
Is single record? |
Criteria |
setLimit(int $limit)
Set limit. |
int |
Get limit. |
Criteria |
setOffset(int $offset)
Set offset. |
int |
Get offset. |
Criteria |
addSelectColumn(string $name)
Add select column. |
Criteria |
setComment(string $comment = null)
Set the query comment, that appears after the first verb in the SQL query |
string |
Get the query comment, that appears after the first verb in the SQL query |
boolean |
Whether this Criteria has any select columns. |
array |
Get select columns. |
Criteria |
Clears current select columns. |
An |
Get select modifiers. |
A |
addGroupByColumn(string $groupBy)
Add group by column name. |
A |
addAscendingOrderByColumn(string $name)
Add order by column name, explicitly specifying ascending. |
Criteria |
addDescendingOrderByColumn(string $name)
Add order by column name, explicitly specifying descending. |
array |
Get order by columns. |
Criteria |
Clear the order-by columns. |
Criteria |
Clear the group-by columns. |
array |
Get group by columns. |
AbstractCriterion |
Get Having Criterion. |
mixed |
remove(string $key)
Remove an object from the criteria. |
string |
Build a string representation of the Criteria. |
int |
Returns the size (count) of this criteria. |
boolean |
This method checks another Criteria to see if they contain the same attributes and hashtable entries. |
Criteria |
mergeWith(Criteria $criteria, string $operator = null)
Add the content of a Criteria to the current Criteria In case of conflict, the current Criteria keeps its properties |
A |
addHaving(mixed $p1, mixed $value = null, mixed $comparison = null)
This method adds a prepared Criterion object to the Criteria as a having clause. |
Criteria |
addAnd($p1, $p2 = null, $p3 = null, $preferColumnCondition = true)
If a criterion for the requested column already exists, the condition is "AND"ed to the existing criterion (necessary for Propel 1.4 compatibility). |
Criteria |
addOr($p1, $p2 = null, $p3 = null, $preferColumnCondition = true)
If a prior criterion exists, the condition is "OR"ed to it. |
Criteria |
addUsingOperator(string|AbstractCriterion $p1, mixed $value = null, string $operator = null, boolean $preferColumnCondition = true)
Overrides Criteria::add() to use the default combine operator |
string |
createSelectSql(array $params)
Method to create an SQL query based on values in a Criteria. |
mixed |
doInsert(ConnectionInterface $con = null)
Method to perform inserts based on values and keys in a Criteria. |
getPrimaryKey(Criteria $criteria = null) | ||
int |
doUpdate(Criteria $updateValues, ConnectionInterface $con)
Method used to update rows in the DB. |
buildParams($columns, Criteria $values = null) | ||
doCount($con = null) | ||
Checks whether the Criteria needs to use column aliasing This is implemented in a service class rather than in Criteria itself in order to avoid doing the tests when it's not necessary (e.g. |
int |
doDelete(ConnectionInterface $con = null)
Issue a DELETE query based on the current ModelCriteria This method is called by ModelCriteria::delete() inside a transaction |
DataFetcherInterface |
doSelect($con $con = null)
Builds, binds and executes a SELECT query based on the current object. |
_or() | ||
_and() | ||
PropelConditionalProxy|Criteria |
_if(boolean $cond)
Returns the current object if the condition is true, or a PropelConditionalProxy instance otherwise. |
PropelConditionalProxy|Criteria |
_elseif(boolean $cond)
Returns a PropelConditionalProxy instance. |
PropelConditionalProxy|Criteria |
Returns a PropelConditionalProxy instance. |
Criteria |
Returns the current object Allows for conditional statements in a fluid interface. |
Ensures deep cloning of attached objects |
at line 263
__construct(String $dbName = null)
Creates a new instance with the default capacity which corresponds to the specified database.
at line 273
public array
Get the criteria map, i.e.
the array of Criterions
at line 284
public void
Brings this criteria back to its initial state, so that it can be reused as if it was new.
Except if the criteria has grown in
capacity, it is left at the current capacity.
at line 322
public Criteria
addAsColumn(string $name, string $clause)
Add an AS clause to the select columns.
Criteria myCrit = new Criteria();
myCrit->addAsColumn('alias', 'ALIAS('.MyTableMap::ID.')');
If the name already exists, it is replaced by the new clause.
at line 335
public array
Get the column aliases.
at line 346
public string
Returns the column name associated with an alias (AS-column).
at line 362
public Criteria
addAlias(string $alias, string $table)
Allows one to specify an alias for a table that can be used in various parts of the SQL.
at line 376
public Criteria
removeAlias(string $alias)
Remove an alias for a table (useful when merging Criterias).
at line 388
public array
Returns the aliases for this Criteria
at line 399
public string
getTableForAlias(string $alias)
Returns the table name associated with an alias.
at line 414
public array($tableName,
getTableNameAndAlias(string $tableAliasOrName)
Returns the table name and alias based on a table alias or name.
Use this method to get the details of a table name that comes in a clause,
which can be either a table name or an alias name.
at line 432
public array
Get the keys of the criteria map, i.e.
the list of columns bearing a condition
=> array('book.price', 'book.title', 'author.first_name')
at line 443
public boolean
containsKey(string $column)
Does this Criteria object contain the specified key?
at line 456
public boolean
keyContainsValue(string $column)
Does this Criteria object contain the specified key and does it have a value set for the key
at line 471
public boolean
Whether this Criteria has any where columns.
This counts conditions added with the add() method.
at line 483
public void
Will force the sql represented by this criteria to be executed within a transaction.
This is here primarily to support the oid type in
postgresql. Though it can be used to require any single sql statement
to use a transaction.
at line 494
public boolean
Whether the sql command specified by this criteria must be wrapped in a transaction.
at line 508
public AbstractCriterion
getCriterion(string $column)
Method to return criteria related to columns in a table.
Make sure you call containsKey($column) prior to calling this method,
since no check on the existence of the $column is made in this method.
at line 518
public AbstractCriterion
Method to return the latest Criterion in a table.
at line 539
public AbstractCriterion
getNewCriterion(string $column, mixed $value = null, string $comparison = self::EQUAL)
Method to return a Criterion that is not added automatically to this Criteria.
This can be used to chain the
Criterions to form a more complex where clause.
at line 577
public string
getColumnName(string $name)
Method to return a String table name.
at line 598
public array
Shortcut method to get an array of columns indexed by table.
=> array(
'book' => array('book.price', 'book.title'),
'author' => array('author.first_name')
at line 615
public string
getComparison(string $key)
Method to return a comparison String.
at line 629
public string
Get the Database(Map) name.
at line 641
public void
setDbName(string $dbName = null)
Set the DatabaseMap name.
If <code>null</code> is supplied, uses value
provided by <code>Configuration::getDefaultDatasource()</code>.
at line 655
public string
Get the primary table for this Criteria.
This is useful for cases where a Criteria may not contain
any SELECT columns or WHERE columns. This must be explicitly
set, of course, in order to be useful.
at line 669
Sets the primary table for this Criteria.
This is useful for cases where a Criteria may not contain
any SELECT columns or WHERE columns. This must be explicitly
set, of course, in order to be useful.
at line 680
public string
getTableName(string $name)
Method to return a String table name.
at line 695
public mixed
getValue(string $name)
Method to return the value that was added to Criteria.
at line 710
public mixed
get(string $key)
An alias to getValue() -- exposing a Hashtable-like interface.
at line 729
public Instance
put(string $key, mixed $value)
Overrides Hashtable put, so that this object is returned instead of the value previously in the Criteria object.
The reason is so that it more closely matches the behavior
of the add() methods. If you want to get the previous value
then you should first Criteria.get() it yourself. Note, if
you attempt to pass in an Object that is not a String, it will
throw a NPE. The reason for this is that none of the add()
methods support adding anything other than a String as a key.
at line 744
putAll(mixed $t)
Copies all of the mappings from the specified Map to this Criteria These mappings will replace any mappings that this Criteria had for any of the keys currently in the specified Map.
if the map was another Criteria, its attributes are copied to this
Criteria, overwriting previous settings.
at line 780
public A
add($p1, $value = null, $comparison = null)
This method adds a new criterion to the list of criterias.
If a criterion for the requested column already exists, it is
replaced. If is used as follow:
$crit = new Criteria();
$crit->add($column, $value, Criteria::GREATER_THAN);
Any comparison can be used.
The name of the table must be used implicitly in the column name,
so the Column name must be something like ''.
at line 794
public string
at line 822
public A
addCond(string $name, string $p1, mixed $value = null, string $comparison = null)
This method creates a new criterion but keeps it for later use with combine() Until combine() is called, the condition is not added to the query
$crit = new Criteria();
$crit->addCond('cond1', $column1, $value1, Criteria::GREATER_THAN);
$crit->addCond('cond2', $column2, $value2, Criteria::EQUAL);
$crit->combine(array('cond1', 'cond2'), Criteria::LOGICAL_OR);
Any comparison can be used.
The name of the table must be used implicitly in the column name,
so the Column name must be something like ''.
at line 836
combine(array $criterions = array(), string $operator = self::LOGICAL_AND, string $name = null)
Combine several named criterions with a logical operator
at line 877
public Criteria
addJoin(mixed $left, mixed $right, mixed $joinType = null)
This is the way that you should add a join of two tables.
Example usage:
$c->addJoin(ProjectTableMap::ID, FooTableMap::PROJECT_ID, Criteria::LEFT_JOIN);
at line 934
public Criteria
addMultipleJoin(array $conditions, string $joinType = null)
Add a join with multiple conditions
at line 993
public Criteria
addJoinObject(Join $join)
Add a join object to the Criteria
at line 1006
public array
Get the array of Joins.
at line 1019
public Criteria
addSelectQuery(Criteria $subQueryCriteria, string $alias = null)
Adds a Criteria as subQuery in the From Clause.
at line 1034
public boolean
Checks whether this Criteria has a subquery.
at line 1044
public array
Get the associative array of Criteria for the subQueries per alias.
at line 1055
public Criteria
getSelectQuery(string $alias)
Get the Criteria for a specific subQuery.
at line 1066
public boolean
hasSelectQuery(string $alias)
checks if the Criteria for a specific subQuery is set.
at line 1071
at line 1085
public Criteria
Adds 'ALL' modifier to the SQL statement.
at line 1097
public Criteria
Adds 'DISTINCT' modifier to the SQL statement.
at line 1113
public Criteria
addSelectModifier(string $modifier)
Adds a modifier to the SQL statement.
at line 1131
public Criteria
removeSelectModifier(string $modifier)
Removes a modifier to the SQL statement.
Checks for existence before removal
at line 1145
public boolean
hasSelectModifier(string $modifier)
Checks the existence of a SQL select modifier
at line 1156
public Criteria
setIgnoreCase(boolean $b)
Sets ignore case.
at line 1168
public boolean
Is ignore case on or off?
at line 1185
public Criteria
setSingleRecord(boolean $b)
Set single record? Set this to <code>true</code> if you expect the query to result in only a single result record (the default behaviour is to throw a PropelException if multiple records are returned when the query is executed).
This should be used in situations where returning multiple
rows would indicate an error of some sort. If your query might return
multiple records but you are only interested in the first one then you
should be using setLimit(1).
at line 1197
public boolean
Is single record?
at line 1208
public Criteria
setLimit(int $limit)
Set limit.
at line 1221
public int
Get limit.
at line 1233
public Criteria
setOffset(int $offset)
Set offset.
at line 1245
public int
Get offset.
at line 1256
public Criteria
addSelectColumn(string $name)
Add select column.
at line 1269
public Criteria
setComment(string $comment = null)
Set the query comment, that appears after the first verb in the SQL query
at line 1281
public string
Get the query comment, that appears after the first verb in the SQL query
at line 1295
public boolean
Whether this Criteria has any select columns.
This will include columns added with addAsColumn() method.
at line 1305
public array
Get select columns.
at line 1315
public Criteria
Clears current select columns.
at line 1327
public An
Get select modifiers.
at line 1338
public A
addGroupByColumn(string $groupBy)
Add group by column name.
at line 1351
public A
addAscendingOrderByColumn(string $name)
Add order by column name, explicitly specifying ascending.
at line 1364
public Criteria
addDescendingOrderByColumn(string $name)
Add order by column name, explicitly specifying descending.
at line 1376
public array
Get order by columns.
at line 1386
public Criteria
Clear the order-by columns.
at line 1398
public Criteria
Clear the group-by columns.
at line 1410
public array
Get group by columns.
at line 1420
public AbstractCriterion
Get Having Criterion.
at line 1431
public mixed
remove(string $key)
Remove an object from the criteria.
at line 1449
public string
Build a string representation of the Criteria.
at line 1476
public int
Returns the size (count) of this criteria.
at line 1486
public boolean
This method checks another Criteria to see if they contain the same attributes and hashtable entries.
at line 1557
public Criteria
mergeWith(Criteria $criteria, string $operator = null)
Add the content of a Criteria to the current Criteria In case of conflict, the current Criteria keeps its properties
at line 1652
public A
addHaving(mixed $p1, mixed $value = null, mixed $comparison = null)
This method adds a prepared Criterion object to the Criteria as a having clause.
You can get a new, empty Criterion object with the
getNewCriterion() method.
$crit = new Criteria();
$c = $crit->getNewCriterion(BaseTableMap::ID, 5, Criteria::LESS_THAN);
at line 1706
public Criteria
addAnd($p1, $p2 = null, $p3 = null, $preferColumnCondition = true)
If a criterion for the requested column already exists, the condition is "AND"ed to the existing criterion (necessary for Propel 1.4 compatibility).
If no criterion for the requested column already exists, the condition is "AND"ed to the latest criterion.
If no criterion exist, the condition is added a new criterion
Any comparison can be used.
Supports a number of different signatures:
- addAnd(column, value, comparison)
- addAnd(column, value)
- addAnd(Criterion)
at line 1736
public Criteria
addOr($p1, $p2 = null, $p3 = null, $preferColumnCondition = true)
If a prior criterion exists, the condition is "OR"ed to it.
If no criterion exist, the condition is added a new criterion
Any comparison can be used.
Supports a number of different signatures:
- addOr(column, value, comparison)
- addOr(column, value)
- addOr(Criterion)
at line 1766
public Criteria
addUsingOperator(string|AbstractCriterion $p1, mixed $value = null, string $operator = null, boolean $preferColumnCondition = true)
Overrides Criteria::add() to use the default combine operator
at line 1790
public string
createSelectSql(array $params)
Method to create an SQL query based on values in a Criteria.
This method creates only prepared statement SQL (using ? where values
will go). The second parameter ($params) stores the values that need
to be set before the statement is executed. The reason we do it this way
is to let the PDO layer handle all escaping & value formatting.
at line 2007
public mixed
doInsert(ConnectionInterface $con = null)
Method to perform inserts based on values and keys in a Criteria.
If the primary key is auto incremented the data in Criteria
will be inserted and the auto increment value will be returned.
If the primary key is included in Criteria then that value will
be used to insert the row.
If no primary key is included in Criteria then we will try to
figure out the primary key from the database map and insert the
row with the next available id using util.db.IDBroker.
If no primary key is defined for the table the values will be
inserted as specified in Criteria and null will be returned.
at line 2103
getPrimaryKey(Criteria $criteria = null)
at line 2147
public int
doUpdate(Criteria $updateValues, ConnectionInterface $con)
Method used to update rows in the DB.
Rows are selected based
on selectCriteria and updated using values in updateValues.
Use this method for performing an update of the kind:
WHERE some_column = some value AND could_have_another_column =
another value AND so on.
at line 2272
buildParams($columns, Criteria $values = null)
at line 2292
doCount($con = null)
at line 2341
Checks whether the Criteria needs to use column aliasing This is implemented in a service class rather than in Criteria itself in order to avoid doing the tests when it's not necessary (e.g.
for SELECTs)
at line 2367
public int
doDelete(ConnectionInterface $con = null)
Issue a DELETE query based on the current ModelCriteria This method is called by ModelCriteria::delete() inside a transaction
at line 2429
public DataFetcherInterface
doSelect($con $con = null)
Builds, binds and executes a SELECT query based on the current object.
at line 2456
at line 2463
at line 2481
public PropelConditionalProxy|Criteria
_if(boolean $cond)
Returns the current object if the condition is true, or a PropelConditionalProxy instance otherwise.
Allows for conditional statements in a fluid interface.
at line 2496
public PropelConditionalProxy|Criteria
_elseif(boolean $cond)
Returns a PropelConditionalProxy instance.
Allows for conditional statements in a fluid interface.
at line 2511
public PropelConditionalProxy|Criteria
Returns a PropelConditionalProxy instance.
Allows for conditional statements in a fluid interface.
at line 2526
public Criteria
Returns the current object Allows for conditional statements in a fluid interface.
at line 2545
Ensures deep cloning of attached objects