Propel 2 API


Propel\Common\Pluralizer\PluralizerInterface The generic interface to create a plural form of a name.
Propel\Common\Pluralizer\SimpleEnglishPluralizer The Propel 1.6 default English pluralizer class for compatibility only.
Propel\Common\Pluralizer\StandardEnglishPluralizer Standard replacement English pluralizer class.
Propel\Generator\Behavior\AggregateColumn\AggregateColumnBehavior Keeps an aggregate column updated with related table
Propel\Generator\Behavior\AggregateColumn\AggregateColumnRelationBehavior Keeps an aggregate column updated with related table
Propel\Generator\Behavior\Archivable\ArchivableBehavior Keeps tracks of an ActiveRecord object, even after deletion
Propel\Generator\Behavior\Archivable\ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier Keeps tracks of an ActiveRecord object, even after deletion
Propel\Generator\Behavior\Archivable\ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier Keeps tracks of an ActiveRecord object, even after deletion
Propel\Generator\Behavior\AutoAddPk\AutoAddPkBehavior Adds a primary key to models defined without one
Propel\Generator\Behavior\ConcreteInheritance\ConcreteInheritanceBehavior Makes a model inherit another one.
Propel\Generator\Behavior\ConcreteInheritance\ConcreteInheritanceParentBehavior Symmetrical behavior of the concrete_inheritance.
Propel\Generator\Behavior\Delegate\DelegateBehavior Gives a model class the ability to delegate methods to a relationship.
Propel\Generator\Behavior\I18n\I18nBehavior Allows translation of text columns through transparent one-to-many relationship.
Propel\Generator\Behavior\I18n\I18nBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier Allows translation of text columns through transparent one-to-many relationship.
Propel\Generator\Behavior\I18n\I18nBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier Allows translation of text columns through transparent one-to-many relationship.
Propel\Generator\Behavior\NestedSet\NestedSetBehavior Behavior to adds nested set tree structure columns and abilities
Propel\Generator\Behavior\NestedSet\NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier Behavior to adds nested set tree structure columns and abilities
Propel\Generator\Behavior\NestedSet\NestedSetBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier Behavior to adds nested set tree structure columns and abilities
Propel\Generator\Behavior\QueryCache\QueryCacheBehavior Speeds up queries on a model by caching the query
Propel\Generator\Behavior\Sluggable\SluggableBehavior Adds a slug column
Propel\Generator\Behavior\Sortable\SortableBehavior Gives a model class the ability to be ordered Uses one additional column storing the rank
Propel\Generator\Behavior\Sortable\SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier Behavior to add sortable columns and abilities
Propel\Generator\Behavior\Sortable\SortableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier Behavior to add sortable query methods
Propel\Generator\Behavior\Sortable\SortableBehaviorTableMapBuilderModifier Behavior to add sortable methods
Propel\Generator\Behavior\Timestampable\TimestampableBehavior Gives a model class the ability to track creation and last modification dates Uses two additional columns storing the creation and update date
Propel\Generator\Behavior\Validate\ValidateBehavior Validate a model object using Symfony2 Validator component
Propel\Generator\Behavior\Versionable\VersionableBehavior Keeps tracks of all the modifications in an ActiveRecord object
Propel\Generator\Behavior\Versionable\VersionableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier Behavior to add versionable columns and abilities
Propel\Generator\Behavior\Versionable\VersionableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier Behavior to add versionable columns and abilities
Propel\Generator\Builder\DataModelBuilder This is the base class for any builder class that is using the data model.
Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\AbstractOMBuilder Baseclass for OM-building classes.
Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\AbstractObjectBuilder Base class for object-building classes.
Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ClassTools Tools to support class & package inclusion and referencing.
Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ExtensionObjectBuilder Generates the empty PHP5 stub object class for user object model (OM).
Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ExtensionQueryBuilder Generates the empty PHP5 stub class for object query
Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ExtensionQueryInheritanceBuilder Generates the empty PHP5 stub query class for use with single table inheritance.
Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\InterfaceBuilder Generates the empty PHP5 stub interface for user object model (OM).
Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\MultiExtendObjectBuilder Generates the empty PHP5 stub object class for use with inheritance in the user object model (OM).
Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\ObjectBuilder Generates a PHP5 base Object class for user object model (OM).
Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\QueryBuilder Generates a PHP5 base Query class for user object model (OM).
Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\QueryInheritanceBuilder Generates the empty PHP5 stub query class for use with single table inheritance.
Propel\Generator\Builder\Om\TableMapBuilder Generates the PHP5 table map class for user object model (OM).
Propel\Generator\Builder\Sql\DataSQLBuilder Baseclass for SQL data dump SQL building classes.
Propel\Generator\Builder\Sql\Mssql\MssqlDataSQLBuilder MS SQL Server class for building data dump SQL.
Propel\Generator\Builder\Sql\Mysql\MysqlDataSQLBuilder MySQL class for building data dump SQL.
Propel\Generator\Builder\Sql\Oracle\OracleDataSQLBuilder Oracle class for building data dump SQL.
Propel\Generator\Builder\Sql\Sqlsrv\SqlsrvDataSQLBuilder MS SQL Server using pdo_sqlsrv driver class for building data dump SQL.
Propel\Generator\Builder\Util\PropelTemplate Simple templating system to ease behavior writing
Propel\Generator\Builder\Util\SchemaReader A class that is used to parse an input xml schema file and creates a Schema PHP object.
Propel\Generator\Config\ArrayToPhpConverter Runtime configuration converter From array to PHP string
Propel\Generator\Config\GeneratorConfig A class that holds build properties and provide a class loading mechanism for the generator.
Propel\Generator\Config\XmlToArrayConverter Runtime configuration converter From XML string to array
Propel\Generator\Exception\EngineException The base class of all exceptions thrown by the engine.
Propel\Generator\Exception\SchemaException Class for exceptions thrown during schema parsing
Propel\Generator\Manager\AbstractManager An abstract base Propel manager to perform work related to the XML schema file.
Propel\Generator\Manager\GraphvizManager Manager for Graphviz representation.
Propel\Generator\Manager\MigrationManager Service class for preparing and executing migrations
Propel\Generator\Manager\ModelManager This manager creates the Object Model classes based on the XML schema file.
Propel\Generator\Manager\SqlManager Service class for managing SQL.
Propel\Generator\Model\Behavior Information about behaviors of a table.
Propel\Generator\Model\Column A class for holding data about a column used in an application.
Propel\Generator\Model\ColumnDefaultValue A class for holding a column default value.
Propel\Generator\Model\ConstraintNameGenerator A <code>NameGenerator</code> implementation for table-specific constraints.
Propel\Generator\Model\Database A class for holding application data structures.
Propel\Generator\Model\Diff\ColumnComparator Service class for comparing Column objects.
Propel\Generator\Model\Diff\ColumnDiff Value object for storing Column object diffs.
Propel\Generator\Model\Diff\DatabaseComparator Service class for comparing Database objects Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see
Propel\Generator\Model\Diff\DatabaseDiff Value object for storing Database object diffs Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see
Propel\Generator\Model\Diff\ForeignKeyComparator Service class for comparing ForeignKey objects Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see
Propel\Generator\Model\Diff\IndexComparator Service class for comparing Index objects Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see
Propel\Generator\Model\Diff\TableComparator Service class for comparing Table objects Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see
Propel\Generator\Model\Diff\TableDiff Value object for storing Table object diffs Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see
Propel\Generator\Model\Domain A class for holding data about a domain used in the schema.
Propel\Generator\Model\ForeignKey A class for information about table foreign keys.
Propel\Generator\Model\IdMethod Interface for various ID retrieval method types (i.e.
Propel\Generator\Model\IdMethodParameter Information related to an ID method strategy.
Propel\Generator\Model\Index Information about indices of a table.
Propel\Generator\Model\Inheritance A class for information regarding possible objects representing a table.
Propel\Generator\Model\MappingModel An abstract model class to represent objects that belongs to a schema like databases, tables, columns, indices, unices, foreign keys...
Propel\Generator\Model\MappingModelInterface An interface for representing mapping model objects.
Propel\Generator\Model\NameFactory A name generation factory.
Propel\Generator\Model\NameGenerator The generic interface to a name generation algorithm.
Propel\Generator\Model\PhpNameGenerator A <code>NameGenerator</code> implementation for PHP-esque names.
Propel\Generator\Model\PropelTypes A class that maps PropelTypes to PHP native types and PDO types.
Propel\Generator\Model\Schema A class for holding application data structures.
Propel\Generator\Model\ScopedMappingModel Data about an element with a name and optional namespace, schema and package attributes.
Propel\Generator\Model\Table Data about a table used in an application.
Propel\Generator\Model\Unique Information about unique columns of a table.
Propel\Generator\Model\VendorInfo Object to hold vendor specific information.
Propel\Generator\Platform\DefaultPlatform Default implementation for the PlatformInterface interface.
Propel\Generator\Platform\MssqlPlatform MS SQL PlatformInterface implementation.
Propel\Generator\Platform\MysqlPlatform MySql PlatformInterface implementation.
Propel\Generator\Platform\OraclePlatform Oracle PlatformInterface implementation.
Propel\Generator\Platform\PgsqlPlatform Postgresql PlatformInterface implementation.
Propel\Generator\Platform\PlatformInterface Interface for RDBMS platform specific behaviour.
Propel\Generator\Platform\SqlitePlatform SQLite PlatformInterface implementation.
Propel\Generator\Platform\SqlsrvPlatform MS SQL Server using pdo_sqlsrv implementation.
Propel\Generator\Reverse\AbstractSchemaParser Base class for reverse engineering a database schema.
Propel\Generator\Reverse\MssqlSchemaParser Microsoft SQL Server database schema parser.
Propel\Generator\Reverse\MysqlSchemaParser Mysql database schema parser.
Propel\Generator\Reverse\OracleSchemaParser Oracle database schema parser.
Propel\Generator\Reverse\PgsqlSchemaParser Postgresql database schema parser.
Propel\Generator\Reverse\SchemaParserInterface Interface for reverse engineering schema parsers.
Propel\Generator\Reverse\SqliteSchemaParser SQLite database schema parser.
Propel\Generator\Reverse\SqlsrvSchemaParser Microsoft SQL Server database schema parser.
Propel\Generator\Util\PhpParser Service class for parsing PHP code strings and editing them
Propel\Generator\Util\SchemaValidator Service class for validating XML schemas.
Propel\Generator\Util\SqlParser Service class for parsing a large SQL string into an array of SQL statements
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criteria This is a utility class for holding criteria information for a query.
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion\AbstractCriterion This is an "inner" class that describes an object in the criteria.
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion\AbstractModelCriterion This is an "inner" class that describes an object in the criteria.
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion\BasicCriterion Specialized Criterion used for traditional expressions, e.g.
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion\BasicModelCriterion Specialized ModelCriterion used for traditional expressions, e.g.
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion\CustomCriterion Specialized Criterion used for custom expressions with no binding, e.g.
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion\InCriterion Specialized Criterion used for IN expressions, e.g.
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion\InModelCriterion Specialized ModelCriterion used for IN or NOT IN model clauses, e.g.
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion\LikeCriterion Specialized Criterion used for LIKE expressions e.g.
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion\LikeModelCriterion Specialized ModelCriterion used for LIKE expressions e.g.
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion\RawCriterion Specialized Criterion used for custom expressions with a typed binding, e.g.
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion\RawModelCriterion Specialized ModelCriterion used for custom expressions with a typed binding, e.g.
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Criterion\SeveralModelCriterion Specialized ModelCriterion used for ternary model clause, e.G 'book.ID BETWEEN ? AND ?'
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\Join Data object to describe a join between two tables, for example <pre> table_a LEFT JOIN table_b ON = table_b.a_id </pre>
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\ModelCriteria This class extends the Criteria by adding runtime introspection abilities in order to ease the building of queries.
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\ModelJoin A ModelJoin is a Join object tied to a RelationMap object
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\ModelWith Data object to describe a joined hydration in a Model Query ModelWith objects are used by formatters to hydrate related objects
Propel\Runtime\ActiveQuery\PropelQuery Factory for model queries
Propel\Runtime\ActiveRecord\ActiveRecordInterface This ActiveRecord interface helps to find Propel Object
Propel\Runtime\ActiveRecord\NestedSetRecursiveIterator Pre-order node iterator for Node objects.
Propel\Runtime\Adapter\AdapterFactory Factory for Adapter classes.
Propel\Runtime\Adapter\AdapterInterface Interface for adapters.
Propel\Runtime\Adapter\MSSQL\MssqlDebugPDO dblib doesn't support transactions so we need to add a workaround for transactions, last insert ID, and quoting
Propel\Runtime\Adapter\MSSQL\MssqlPropelPDO dblib doesn't support transactions so we need to add a workaround for transactions, last insert ID, and quoting
Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo\MssqlAdapter This is used to connect to a MSSQL database.
Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo\MysqlAdapter This is used in order to connect to a MySQL database.
Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo\OracleAdapter Oracle adapter.
Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo\PdoAdapter Base for PDO database adapters.
Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo\PdoConnection PDO extension that implements ConnectionInterface and builds statements implementing StatementInterface.
Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo\PdoStatement PDO statement that provides the basic enhancements that are required by Propel.
Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo\PgsqlAdapter This is used to connect to PostgreSQL databases.
Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo\SqliteAdapter This is used in order to connect to a SQLite database.
Propel\Runtime\Adapter\Pdo\SqlsrvAdapter This is used to connect to a MSSQL database using pdo_sqlsrv driver.
Propel\Runtime\Adapter\SqlAdapterInterface Interface for adapters.
Propel\Runtime\Collection\ArrayCollection Class for iterating over a list of Propel objects stored as arrays
Propel\Runtime\Collection\Collection Class for iterating over a list of Propel elements The collection keys must be integers - no associative array accepted
Propel\Runtime\Collection\ObjectCollection Class for iterating over a list of Propel objects
Propel\Runtime\Collection\OnDemandCollection Class for iterating over a statement and returning one Propel object at a time
Propel\Runtime\Collection\OnDemandIterator Class for iterating over a statement and returning one Propel object at a time
Propel\Runtime\Connection\ConnectionInterface Interface for Propel Connection object.
Propel\Runtime\Connection\ConnectionManagerMasterSlave Manager for master/slave connection to a datasource.
Propel\Runtime\Connection\ConnectionManagerSingle Manager for single connection to a datasource.
Propel\Runtime\Connection\ConnectionWrapper Wraps a Connection class, providing nested transactions, statement cache, and logging.
Propel\Runtime\Connection\DebugPDO Connection wrapper class with debug enabled by default.
Propel\Runtime\Connection\PdoConnection PDO extension that implements ConnectionInterface and builds statements implementing StatementInterface.
Propel\Runtime\Connection\ProfilerConnectionWrapper Connection class with profiling abilities.
Propel\Runtime\Connection\ProfilerStatementWrapper Statement class with profiling abilities.
Propel\Runtime\Connection\PropelPDO Class kept for BC sake - the functionality of the old PropelPDO class was moved to: - AbstractConnection for the nested transactions, and logging - PDOConnection for the PDO wrapper
Propel\Runtime\Connection\SqlConnectionInterface Interface for Propel Connection object.
Propel\Runtime\Connection\StatementInterface Interface for Propel Connection object.
Propel\Runtime\Connection\StatementWrapper Wraps a Statement class, providing logging.
Propel\Runtime\DataFetcher\AbstractDataFetcher Abstract class for DataFetcher.
Propel\Runtime\DataFetcher\ArrayDataFetcher Class ArrayDataFetcher
Propel\Runtime\DataFetcher\DataFetcherInterface Interface class for DataFetcher.
Propel\Runtime\DataFetcher\PDODataFetcher Class PDODataFetcher
Propel\Runtime\Formatter\AbstractFormatter Abstract class for query formatter
Propel\Runtime\Formatter\ArrayFormatter Array formatter for Propel query format() returns a ArrayCollection of associative arrays
Propel\Runtime\Formatter\ObjectFormatter Object formatter for Propel query format() returns a ObjectCollection of Propel model objects
Propel\Runtime\Formatter\OnDemandFormatter Object formatter for Propel query format() returns a OnDemandCollection that hydrates objects as the use iterates on the collection This formatter consumes less memory than the ObjectFormatter, but doesn't use Instance Pool
Propel\Runtime\Formatter\SimpleArrayFormatter Array formatter for Propel select query format() returns a ArrayCollection of associative arrays, a string, or an array
Propel\Runtime\Formatter\StatementFormatter statement formatter for Propel query format() returns a PDO statement
Propel\Runtime\Map\ColumnMap ColumnMap is used to model a column of a table in a database.
Propel\Runtime\Map\DatabaseMap DatabaseMap is used to model a database.
Propel\Runtime\Map\RelationMap RelationMap is used to model a database relationship.
Propel\Runtime\Map\TableMap TableMap is used to model a table in a database.
Propel\Runtime\Parser\AbstractParser Base class for all parsers.
Propel\Runtime\Parser\CsvParser CSV parser.
Propel\Runtime\Parser\JsonParser JSON parser.
Propel\Runtime\Parser\XmlParser XML parser.
Propel\Runtime\Parser\YamlParser YAML parser.
Propel\Runtime\Propel Propel's main resource pool and initialization & configuration class.
Propel\Runtime\Util\Profiler Profiler for Propel
Propel\Runtime\Util\PropelColumnTypes Enumeration of Propel types.
Propel\Runtime\Util\PropelConditionalProxy Proxy for conditional statements in a fluid interface.
Propel\Runtime\Util\PropelDateTime DateTime subclass which supports serialization.
Propel\Runtime\Util\PropelModelPager Implements a pager based on a ModelCriteria The code from this class heavily borrows from symfony's sfPager class