abstract class ScopedMappingModel extends MappingModel
Data about an element with a name and optional namespace, schema and package attributes.
Constructs a new scoped model object. |
loadMapping(array $attributes)
Loads a mapping definition from an array. |
from MappingModel | |
array |
Returns all definition attributes. |
from MappingModel |
mixed |
getAttribute(string $name, mixed $default = null)
Returns a particular attribute by a case-insensitive name. |
from MappingModel |
appendXml(DOMNode $node)
Appends DOM elements to represent this object in XML. |
from MappingModel | |
VendorInfo |
addVendorInfo(VendorInfo|array $vendor)
Adds a new VendorInfo instance to this current model object. |
from MappingModel |
VendorInfo |
getVendorInfoForType(string $type)
Returns a VendorInfo object by its type. |
from MappingModel |
string |
getConfiguredBehavior(string $behavior)
Returns the best class name for a given behavior. |
from MappingModel |
string |
String representation of the current object. |
from MappingModel |
string |
String representation of the current object. |
from MappingModel |
string |
Returns the namespace. |
setNamespace(string $namespace)
Sets the namespace. |
boolean |
isAbsoluteNamespace(string $namespace)
Returns whether or not the namespace is absolute. |
string |
Returns the package name. |
setPackage(string $package)
Sets the package name. |
string |
Returns the schema name. |
setSchema(string $schema)
Sets the schema name. |
at line 31
Constructs a new scoped model object.
in MappingModel at line 38
loadMapping(array $attributes)
Loads a mapping definition from an array.
in MappingModel at line 58
public array
Returns all definition attributes.
All attribute names (keys) are lowercase.
in MappingModel at line 73
public mixed
getAttribute(string $name, mixed $default = null)
Returns a particular attribute by a case-insensitive name.
If the attribute is not set, then the second default value is
returned instead.
in MappingModel at line 130
abstract public
appendXml(DOMNode $node)
Appends DOM elements to represent this object in XML.
in MappingModel at line 138
public VendorInfo
addVendorInfo(VendorInfo|array $vendor)
Adds a new VendorInfo instance to this current model object.
in MappingModel at line 158
public VendorInfo
getVendorInfoForType(string $type)
Returns a VendorInfo object by its type.
in MappingModel at line 176
public string
getConfiguredBehavior(string $behavior)
Returns the best class name for a given behavior.
If not found, the method tries to autoload \Propel\Generator\Behavior\[Bname]\[Bname]Behavior
in MappingModel at line 198
public string
String representation of the current object.
in MappingModel at line 213
public string
String representation of the current object.
at line 57
public string
Returns the namespace.
at line 67
setNamespace(string $namespace)
Sets the namespace.
at line 90
public boolean
isAbsoluteNamespace(string $namespace)
Returns whether or not the namespace is absolute.
A namespace is absolute if it starts with a "\".
at line 100
public string
Returns the package name.
at line 110
setPackage(string $package)
Sets the package name.
at line 125
public string
Returns the schema name.
at line 135
setSchema(string $schema)
Sets the schema name.