
AbstractPropelDataModelTask An abstract base Propel task to perform work related to the XML schema file.
AggregateColumnBehavior Keeps an aggregate column updated with related table
AggregateColumnRelationBehavior Keeps an aggregate column updated with related table
AlternativeCodingStandardsBehavior Changes the coding standard of Propel generated Model classes - Opening brackets always use newline, e.g.
AppData A class for holding application data structures.
ArchivableBehavior Keeps tracks of an ActiveRecord object, even after deletion
ArchivableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier Keeps tracks of an ActiveRecord object, even after deletion
ArchivableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier Keeps tracks of an ActiveRecord object, even after deletion
AutoAddPkBehavior Adds a primary key to models defined without one
BaseObject This class contains attributes and methods that are used by all business objects within the system.
BasePeer This is a utility class for all generated Peer classes in the system.
BasePropelMigrationTask This Task lists the migrations yet to be executed
BaseSchemaParser Base class for reverse engineering a database schema.
BasicLogger This is a minimalistic interface that any logging class must implement for Propel.
BasicValidator Basic Validator interface.
Behavior Information about behaviors of a table.
ClassTools Tools to support class & package inclusion and referencing.
Column A Class for holding data about a column used in an Application.
ColumnDefaultValue A class for holding a column default value.
ColumnMap ColumnMap is used to model a column of a table in a database.
ColumnValue "inner" class
ConcreteInheritanceBehavior Makes a model inherit another one.
ConcreteInheritanceParentBehavior Symmetrical behavior of the concrete_inheritance.
ConstraintNameGenerator A NameGenerator implementation for table-specific constraints.
Criteria This is a utility class for holding criteria information for a query.
Criterion This is an "inner" class that describes an object in the criteria.
CriterionIterator Class that implements SPL Iterator interface.
DBAdapter DBAdapter defines the interface for a Propel database adapter.
DBMSSQL This is used to connect to a MSSQL database.
DBMySQL This is used in order to connect to a MySQL database.
DBNone This adapter is used when you do not have a database installed.
DBOracle Oracle adapter.
DBPostgres This is used to connect to PostgresQL databases.
DBSQLSRV This is used to connect to a MSSQL database using pdo_sqlsrv driver.
DBSQLite This is used in order to connect to a SQLite database.
DataModelBuilder This is the base class for any builder class that is using the data model.
DataRow "inner class"
DataSQLBuilder Baseclass for SQL data dump SQL building classes.
Database A class for holding application data structures.
DatabaseMap DatabaseMap is used to model a database.
DebugPDO PDO connection subclass that provides some basic support for query counting and logging.
DebugPDOStatement PDOStatement that provides some enhanced functionality needed by Propel.
DefaultEnglishPluralizer The default English pluralizer class.
DefaultPlatform Default implementation for the Platform interface.
DelegateBehavior Gives a model class the ability to delegate methods to a relationship.
Domain A class for holding data about a domain used in the schema.
EngineException The base class of all exceptions thrown by the engine.
ExtensionQueryBuilder Generates the empty PHP5 stub class for object query
ExtensionQueryInheritanceBuilder Generates the empty PHP5 stub query class for use with single table inheritance.
ForeignKey A Class for information about foreign keys of a table.
GeneratorConfig A class that holds build properties and provide a class loading mechanism for the generator.
I18nBehavior Allows translation of text columns through transparent one-to-many relationship
I18nBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier Allows translation of text columns through transparent one-to-many relationship.
I18nBehaviorPeerBuilderModifier Allows translation of text columns through transparent one-to-many relationship.
I18nBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier Allows translation of text columns through transparent one-to-many relationship.
IDMethod Interface for various ID retrieval method types (i.e.
IdMethodParameter Information related to an ID method.
Index Information about indices of a table.
Inheritance A Class for information regarding possible objects representing a table
Join Data object to describe a join between two tables, for example
 tablea LEFT JOIN tableb ON = tableb.a_id 
MatchValidator A validator for regular expressions.
MaxLengthValidator A validator for maximum string length.
MaxValueValidator A validator for maximum values.
MinLengthValidator A validator for minimum string length.
MinValueValidator A validator for minimum values.
ModelCriteria This class extends the Criteria by adding runtime introspection abilities in order to ease the building of queries.
ModelCriterion This is an "inner" class that describes an object in the criteria.
ModelJoin A ModelJoin is a Join object tied to a RelationMap object
ModelWith Data object to describe a joined hydration in a Model Query ModelWith objects are used by formatters to hydrate related objects
MojaviLogAdapter Mojavi logging adapter for propel
MssqlDataSQLBuilder MS SQL Server class for building data dump SQL.
MssqlDebugPDO dblib doesn't support transactions so we need to add a workaround for transactions, last insert ID, and quoting
MssqlPlatform MS SQL PropelPlatformInterface implementation.
MssqlPropelPDO dblib doesn't support transactions so we need to add a workaround for transactions, last insert ID, and quoting
MssqlSchemaParser Microsoft SQL Server database schema parser.
MysqlDataSQLBuilder MySQL class for building data dump SQL.
MysqlPlatform MySql PropelPlatformInterface implementation.
MysqlSchemaParser Mysql database schema parser.
NameFactory A name generation factory.
NameGenerator The generic interface to a name generation algorithm.
NestedSetBehavior Behavior to adds nested set tree structure columns and abilities
NestedSetBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier Behavior to adds nested set tree structure columns and abilities
NestedSetBehaviorPeerBuilderModifier Behavior to adds nested set tree structure columns and abilities
NestedSetBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier Behavior to adds nested set tree structure columns and abilities
NestedSetRecursiveIterator Pre-order node iterator for Node objects.
NodeObject This interface defines methods that must be implemented by all business objects within the system to handle Node object.
NodePeer This is a utility interface for all generated NodePeer classes in the system.
NotMatchValidator A validator for regular expressions.
OMBuilder Baseclass for OM-building classes.
ObjectBuilder Base class for Peer-building classes.
OracleDataSQLBuilder Oracle class for building data dump SQL.
OraclePlatform Oracle PropelPlatformInterface implementation.
OracleSchemaParser Oracle database schema parser.
PHP5ExtensionNodeBuilder Generates the empty PHP5 stub node object class for user object model (OM).
PHP5ExtensionNodePeerBuilder Generates the empty PHP5 stub node peer class for user object model (OM).
PHP5ExtensionObjectBuilder Generates the empty PHP5 stub object class for user object model (OM).
PHP5ExtensionPeerBuilder Generates the empty PHP5 stub peer class for user object model (OM).
PHP5InterfaceBuilder Generates the empty PHP5 stub interface for user object model (OM).
PHP5MultiExtendObjectBuilder Generates the empty PHP5 stub object class for use with inheritance in the user object model (OM).
PHP5NestedSetBuilder Generates a PHP5 tree node Object class for user object model (OM) using Nested Set way.
PHP5NestedSetPeerBuilder Generates a PHP5 tree nested set Peer class for user object model (OM).
PHP5NodeBuilder Generates a PHP5 tree node Object class for user object model (OM).
PHP5NodePeerBuilder Generates a PHP5 tree node Peer class for user object model (OM).
PHP5ObjectBuilder Generates a PHP5 base Object class for user object model (OM).
PHP5ObjectNoCollectionBuilder Generates a PHP5 base Object class for user object model (OM).
PHP5PeerBuilder Generates a PHP5 base Peer class for user object model (OM).
PHP5TableMapBuilder Generates the PHP5 table map class for user object model (OM).
PeerBuilder Base class for Peer-building classes.
Persistent This interface defines methods related to saving an object
PgsqlDataSQLBuilder PostgreSQL class for building data dump SQL.
PgsqlPlatform Postgresql PropelPlatformInterface implementation.
PgsqlSchemaParser Postgresql database schema parser.
PhpNameGenerator A NameGenerator implementation for PHP-esque names.
Pluralizer The generic interface to create a plural form of a name.
PreOrderNodeIterator Pre-order node iterator for Node objects.
Propel Propel's main resource pool and initialization & configuration class.
PropelArrayCollection Class for iterating over a list of Propel objects stored as arrays
PropelArrayFormatter Array formatter for Propel query format() returns a PropelArrayCollection of associative arrays
PropelAutoloader Simple autoloader for Propel generated model classes.
PropelCSVParser CSV parser.
PropelCollection Class for iterating over a list of Propel elements The collection keys must be integers - no associative array accepted
PropelColumnComparator Service class for comparing Column objects.
PropelColumnDiff Value object for storing Column object diffs.
PropelColumnTypes Enumeration of Propel types.
PropelConditionalProxy Proxy for conditional statements in a fluid interface.
PropelConfiguration PropelConfiguration is a container for all Propel's runtime configuration data.
PropelConfigurationIterator PropelConfigurationIterator is used internally by PropelConfiguration to build a flat array from nesting configuration arrays.
PropelConvertConfTask This Task converts the XML runtime configuration file into a PHP array for faster performance.
PropelDataDumpTask Dumps the content of selected databases to XML data dump file.
PropelDataSQLTask Task that transforms XML datadump files into files containing SQL INSERT statements.
PropelDatabaseComparator Service class for comparing Database objects Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see
PropelDatabaseDiff Value object for storing Database object diffs Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see
PropelDateTime DateTime subclass which supports serialization.
PropelDotGenerator A generator for DOT graph information.
PropelException The base class of all exceptions thrown by Propel.
PropelForeignKeyComparator Service class for comparing ForeignKey objects Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see
PropelFormatter Abstract class for query formatter
PropelGraphvizTask A task to generate Graphviz dot files from Propel datamodel.
PropelIndexComparator Service class for comparing Index objects Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see
PropelJSONParser JSON parser.
PropelMigrationDownTask This Task executes the next migration down
PropelMigrationManager Service class for preparing and executing migrations
PropelMigrationStatusTask This Task lists the migrations yet to be executed
PropelMigrationTask This Task executes the next migrations up
PropelMigrationUpTask This Task executes the next migration up
PropelModelPager Implements a pager based on a ModelCriteria The code from this class heavily borrows from symfony's sfPager class
PropelOMTask This Task creates the OM classes based on the XML schema file.
PropelObjectCollection Class for iterating over a list of Propel objects
PropelObjectFormatter Object formatter for Propel query format() returns a PropelObjectCollection of Propel model objects
PropelOnDemandCollection Class for iterating over a statement and returning one Propel object at a time
PropelOnDemandFormatter Object formatter for Propel query format() returns a PropelOnDemandCollection that hydrates objects as the use iterates on the collection This formatter consumes less memory than the PropelObjectFormatter, but doesn't use Instance Pool
PropelOnDemandIterator Class for iterating over a statement and returning one Propel object at a time
PropelPDO PDO connection subclass that provides the basic fixes to PDO that are required by Propel.
PropelPHPParser Service class for parsing PHP code strings and editing them
PropelPager PropelPager
PropelParser Base class for all parsers.
PropelPlatformInterface Interface for RDBMS platform specific behaviour.
PropelQuery Factory for model queries
PropelSQLDiffTask This Task creates the OM classes based on the XML schema file.
PropelSQLExec Executes all SQL files referenced in the sqldbmap file against their mapped databases.
PropelSQLParser Service class for parsing a large SQL string into an array of SQL statements
PropelSQLTask The task for building SQL DDL based on the XML datamodel.
PropelSchemaReverseTask This class generates an XML schema of an existing database from the database metadata.
PropelSchemaReverse_ValidatorSet A helper class to store validator sets indexed by column.
PropelSchemaValidator Service class for validating XML schemas.
PropelSimpleArrayFormatter Array formatter for Propel select query format() returns a PropelArrayCollection of associative arrays, a string, or an array
PropelSqlBuildTask The new task for building SQL DDL based on the XML datamodel.
PropelSqlManager Service class for managing SQL.
PropelStatementFormatter statement formatter for Propel query format() returns a PDO statement
PropelStringReader Overrides Phing's StringReader to allow inclusion inside a BufferedReader
PropelTableComparator Service class for comparing Table objects Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see
PropelTableDiff Value object for storing Table object diffs Heavily inspired by Doctrine2's Migrations (see
PropelTemplate Simple templating system to ease behavior writing
PropelTypes A class that maps PropelTypes to PHP native types, PDO types (and Creole types).
PropelXMLParser XML parser.
PropelYAMLParser YAML parser.
QueryBuilder Generates a PHP5 base Query class for user object model (OM).
QueryCacheBehavior Speeds up queries on a model by caching the query
QueryInheritanceBuilder Generates the empty PHP5 stub query class for use with single table inheritance.
RelationMap RelationMap is used to model a database relationship.
RequiredValidator A validator for required fields.
Rule Data about a validation rule used in an application.
SchemaException Class for exceptions thrown during schema parsing
SchemaParser Interface for reverse engineering schema parsers.
ScopedElement Data about an element with a name and optional namespace/schema/package attributes
SluggableBehavior Adds a slug column
SoftDeleteBehavior Gives a model class the ability to remain in database even when the user deletes object Uses an additional column storing the deletion date And an additional condition for every read query to only consider rows with no deletion date
SortableBehavior Gives a model class the ability to be ordered Uses one additional column storing the rank
SortableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier Behavior to add sortable columns and abilities
SortableBehaviorPeerBuilderModifier Behavior to add sortable peer methods
SortableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier Behavior to add sortable query methods
SortableRelationBehavior Moves objects to the end of null scope of related table
SqliteDataSQLBuilder SQLite class for building data dump SQL.
SqlitePlatform SQLite PropelPlatformInterface implementation.
SqliteSchemaParser SQLite database schema parser.
SqlsrvDataSQLBuilder MS SQL Server using pdo_sqlsrv driver class for building data dump SQL.
SqlsrvPlatform MS SQL Server using pdo_sqlsrv implementation.
SqlsrvSchemaParser Microsoft SQL Server database schema parser.
StandardEnglishPluralizer Standard replacement English pluralizer class.
Table Data about a table used in an application.
TableMap TableMap is used to model a table in a database.
TimestampableBehavior Gives a model class the ability to track creation and last modification dates Uses two additional columns storing the creation and update date
TypeValidator A validator for validating the (PHP) type of the value submitted.
Unique Information about unique columns of a table.
UniqueValidator A validator for unique column names.
ValidValuesValidator A validator for valid values (e.g.
ValidationFailed Simple class that serves as a container for any information about a failed validation.
Validator Validator.
ValidatorMap ValidatorMap is used to model a column validator.
VendorInfo Object to hold vendor-specific info.
VersionableBehavior Keeps tracks of all the modifications in an ActiveRecord object
VersionableBehaviorObjectBuilderModifier Behavior to add versionable columns and abilities
VersionableBehaviorPeerBuilderModifier Behavior to add versionable columns and abilities
VersionableBehaviorQueryBuilderModifier Behavior to add versionable columns and abilities
XMLElement An abstract class for elements represented by XML tags (e.g.
XmlToAppData A class that is used to parse an input xml schema file and creates an AppData PHP object.
XmlToDataSQL A Class that is used to parse an data dump XML file and create SQL using a DataSQLBuilder class.
sfYaml sfYaml offers convenience methods to load and dump YAML.
sfYamlDumper sfYamlDumper dumps PHP variables to YAML strings.
sfYamlInline sfYamlInline implements a YAML parser/dumper for the YAML inline syntax.
sfYamlParser sfYamlParser parses YAML strings to convert them to PHP arrays.