Propel API


class PropelObjectCollection extends PropelCollection

Class for iterating over a list of Propel objects


array getData()

Get the data in the collection

from PropelCollection
setData(array $data)

Set the data in the collection

from PropelCollection
integer getPosition()

Gets the position of the internal pointer This position can be later used in seek()

from PropelCollection
mixed getFirst()

Move the internal pointer to the beginning of the list And get the first element in the collection

from PropelCollection
boolean isFirst()

Check whether the internal pointer is at the beginning of the list

from PropelCollection
mixed getPrevious()

Move the internal pointer backward And get the previous element in the collection

from PropelCollection
mixed getCurrent()

Get the current element in the collection

from PropelCollection
mixed getNext()

Move the internal pointer forward And get the next element in the collection

from PropelCollection
mixed getLast()

Move the internal pointer to the end of the list And get the last element in the collection

from PropelCollection
boolean isLast()

Check whether the internal pointer is at the end of the list

from PropelCollection
boolean isEmpty()

Check if the collection is empty

from PropelCollection
boolean isOdd()

Check if the current index is an odd integer

from PropelCollection
boolean isEven()

Check if the current index is an even integer

from PropelCollection
mixed get(mixed $key)

Get an element from its key Alias for ArrayObject::offsetGet()

from PropelCollection
mixed pop()

Pops an element off the end of the collection

from PropelCollection
mixed shift()

Pops an element off the beginning of the collection

from PropelCollection
integer prepend(mixed $value)

Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of the collection

from PropelCollection
set(mixed $key, mixed $value)

Add an element to the collection with the given key Alias for ArrayObject::offsetSet()

from PropelCollection
mixed remove(mixed $key)

Removes a specified collection element Alias for ArrayObject::offsetUnset()

from PropelCollection
array clear()

Clears the collection

from PropelCollection
boolean contains(mixed $element)

Whether or not this collection contains a specified element

from PropelCollection
mixed search(mixed $element)

Search an element in the collection

from PropelCollection
PropelCollection diff(PropelCollection $collection)

Returns an array of objects present in the collection that are not presents in the given collection.

from PropelCollection
string serialize()

from PropelCollection
void unserialize(string $data)

from PropelCollection
ArrayIterator getIterator()

Overrides ArrayObject::getIterator() to save the iterator object for internal use e.g.

from PropelCollection
ArrayIterator getInternalIterator()

from PropelCollection

Clear the internal Iterator.

from PropelCollection
setModel(string $model)

Set the model of the elements in the collection

from PropelCollection
string getModel()

Get the model of the elements in the collection

from PropelCollection
string getPeerClass()

Get the peer class of the elements in the collection

from PropelCollection
setFormatter(PropelFormatter $formatter)

from PropelCollection
PropelFormatter getFormatter()

from PropelCollection
PropelPDO getConnection(string $type = Propel::CONNECTION_READ)

Get a connection object for the database containing the elements of the collection

from PropelCollection
BaseObject importFrom(mixed $parser, string $data)

Populate the current collection from a string, using a given parser format <code> $coll = new PropelObjectCollection(); $coll->setModel('Book'); $coll->importFrom('JSON', '{{"Id":9012,"Title":"Don Juan","ISBN":"0140422161","Price":12.99,"PublisherId":1234,"AuthorId":5678}}'); </code>

from PropelCollection
string exportTo(mixed $parser, boolean $usePrefix = true, boolean $includeLazyLoadColumns = true)

Export the current collection to a string, using a given parser format <code> $books = BookQuery::create()->find(); echo $book->exportTo('JSON'); => {{"Id":9012,"Title":"Don Juan","ISBN":"0140422161","Price":12.99,"PublisherId":1234,"AuthorId":5678}}'); </code>

from PropelCollection
array|string __call(string $name, mixed $params)

Catches calls to undefined methods.

from PropelCollection
string __toString()

Returns a string representation of the current collection.

from PropelCollection
save(PropelPDO $con = null)

Save all the elements in the collection

delete(PropelPDO $con = null)

Delete all the elements in the collection

array getPrimaryKeys(boolean $usePrefix = true)

Get an array of the primary keys of all the objects in the collection

fromArray(array $arr)

Populates the collection from an array Each object is populated from an array and the result is stored Does not empty the collection before adding the data from the array

array toArray(string $keyColumn = null, boolean $usePrefix = false, string $keyType = BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME, boolean $includeLazyLoadColumns = true, array $alreadyDumpedObjects = array())

Get an array representation of the collection Each object is turned into an array and the result is returned

array getArrayCopy(string $keyColumn = null, boolean $usePrefix = false)

Get an array representation of the collection

array toKeyValue(string $keyColumn = 'PrimaryKey', string $valueColumn = null)

Get an associative array representation of the collection The first parameter specifies the column to be used for the key, And the seconf for the value.

PropelObjectCollection populateRelation(string $relation, Criteria $criteria = null, PropelPDO $con = null)

Makes an additional query to populate the objects related to the collection objects by a certain relation


in PropelCollection at line 52
public array getData()

Get the data in the collection

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 62
public setData(array $data)

Set the data in the collection


array $data

in PropelCollection at line 73
public integer getPosition()

Gets the position of the internal pointer This position can be later used in seek()

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 84
public mixed getFirst()

Move the internal pointer to the beginning of the list And get the first element in the collection

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 96
public boolean isFirst()

Check whether the internal pointer is at the beginning of the list

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 107
public mixed getPrevious()

Move the internal pointer backward And get the previous element in the collection

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 124
public mixed getCurrent()

Get the current element in the collection

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 135
public mixed getNext()

Move the internal pointer forward And get the next element in the collection

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 148
public mixed getLast()

Move the internal pointer to the end of the list And get the last element in the collection

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 165
public boolean isLast()

Check whether the internal pointer is at the end of the list

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 181
public boolean isEmpty()

Check if the collection is empty

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 191
public boolean isOdd()

Check if the current index is an odd integer

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 201
public boolean isEven()

Check if the current index is an even integer

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 215
public mixed get(mixed $key)

Get an element from its key Alias for ArrayObject::offsetGet()


mixed $key

Return Value

mixed The element



in PropelCollection at line 229
public mixed pop()

Pops an element off the end of the collection

Return Value

mixed The popped element

in PropelCollection at line 246
public mixed shift()

Pops an element off the beginning of the collection

Return Value

mixed The popped element

in PropelCollection at line 263
public integer prepend(mixed $value)

Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of the collection


mixed $value the element to prepend

Return Value

integer The number of new elements in the array

in PropelCollection at line 281
public set(mixed $key, mixed $value)

Add an element to the collection with the given key Alias for ArrayObject::offsetSet()


mixed $key
mixed $value

in PropelCollection at line 295
public mixed remove(mixed $key)

Removes a specified collection element Alias for ArrayObject::offsetUnset()


mixed $key

Return Value

mixed The removed element



in PropelCollection at line 309
public array clear()

Clears the collection

Return Value

array The previous collection

in PropelCollection at line 320
public boolean contains(mixed $element)

Whether or not this collection contains a specified element


mixed $element

Return Value


Search an element in the collection


mixed $element

Return Value

mixed Returns the key for the element if it is found in the collection, FALSE otherwise

in PropelCollection at line 343
public PropelCollection diff(PropelCollection $collection)

Returns an array of objects present in the collection that are not presents in the given collection.


PropelCollection $collection A Propel collection.

Return Value

PropelCollection An array of Propel objects from the collection that are not presents in the given collection.

in PropelCollection at line 362
public string serialize()

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 377
public void unserialize(string $data)


string $data

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 392
public ArrayIterator getIterator()

Overrides ArrayObject::getIterator() to save the iterator object for internal use e.g.

getNext(), isOdd(), etc.

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 402
public ArrayIterator getInternalIterator()

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 417
public clearIterator()

Clear the internal Iterator.

PHP 5.3 doesn't know how to free a PropelCollection object if it has an attached
Iterator, so this must be done manually to avoid memory leaks.

See also

in PropelCollection at line 429
public setModel(string $model)

Set the model of the elements in the collection


string $model Name of the Propel object classes stored in the collection

in PropelCollection at line 439
public string getModel()

Get the model of the elements in the collection

Return Value

string Name of the Propel object class stored in the collection

in PropelCollection at line 451
public string getPeerClass()

Get the peer class of the elements in the collection

Return Value

string Name of the Propel peer class stored in the collection



in PropelCollection at line 463
public setFormatter(PropelFormatter $formatter)


PropelFormatter $formatter

in PropelCollection at line 471
public PropelFormatter getFormatter()

Return Value


in PropelCollection at line 482
public PropelPDO getConnection(string $type = Propel::CONNECTION_READ)

Get a connection object for the database containing the elements of the collection


string $type The connection type (Propel::CONNECTION_READ by default; can be Propel::connection_WRITE)

Return Value

PropelPDO A PropelPDO connection object

in PropelCollection at line 502
public BaseObject importFrom(mixed $parser, string $data)

Populate the current collection from a string, using a given parser format <code> $coll = new PropelObjectCollection(); $coll->setModel('Book'); $coll->importFrom('JSON', '{{"Id":9012,"Title":"Don Juan","ISBN":"0140422161","Price":12.99,"PublisherId":1234,"AuthorId":5678}}'); </code>


mixed $parser A PropelParser instance, or a format name ('XML', 'YAML', 'JSON', 'CSV')
string $data The source data to import from

Return Value

BaseObject The current object, for fluid interface

in PropelCollection at line 531
public string exportTo(mixed $parser, boolean $usePrefix = true, boolean $includeLazyLoadColumns = true)

Export the current collection to a string, using a given parser format <code> $books = BookQuery::create()->find(); echo $book->exportTo('JSON'); => {{"Id":9012,"Title":"Don Juan","ISBN":"0140422161","Price":12.99,"PublisherId":1234,"AuthorId":5678}}'); </code>

A PropelOnDemandCollection cannot be exported. Any attempt will result in a PropelExecption being thrown.


mixed $parser A PropelParser instance, or a format name ('XML', 'YAML', 'JSON', 'CSV')
boolean $usePrefix (optional) If true, the returned element keys will be prefixed with the model class name ('Article_0', 'Article_1', etc). Defaults to TRUE. Not supported by PropelArrayCollection, as PropelArrayFormatter has already created the array used here with integers as keys.
boolean $includeLazyLoadColumns (optional) Whether to include lazy load(ed) columns. Defaults to TRUE. Not supported by PropelArrayCollection, as PropelArrayFormatter has already included lazy-load columns in the array used here.

Return Value

string The exported data

in PropelCollection at line 553
public array|string __call(string $name, mixed $params)

Catches calls to undefined methods.

Provides magic import/export method support (fromXML()/toXML(), fromYAML()/toYAML(), etc.).
Allows to define default __call() behavior if you use a custom BaseObject


string $name
mixed $params

Return Value




in PropelCollection at line 574
public string __toString()

Returns a string representation of the current collection.

Based on the string representation of the underlying objects, defined in
the Peer::DEFAULT_STRING_FORMAT constant

Return Value


at line 27
public save(PropelPDO $con = null)

Save all the elements in the collection


PropelPDO $con



at line 55
public delete(PropelPDO $con = null)

Delete all the elements in the collection


PropelPDO $con



at line 82
public array getPrimaryKeys(boolean $usePrefix = true)

Get an array of the primary keys of all the objects in the collection


boolean $usePrefix

Return Value

array The list of the primary keys of the collection

at line 102
public fromArray(array $arr)

Populates the collection from an array Each object is populated from an array and the result is stored Does not empty the collection before adding the data from the array


array $arr

at line 147
public array toArray(string $keyColumn = null, boolean $usePrefix = false, string $keyType = BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME, boolean $includeLazyLoadColumns = true, array $alreadyDumpedObjects = array())

Get an array representation of the collection Each object is turned into an array and the result is returned


string $keyColumn If null, the returned array uses an incremental index. Otherwise, the array is indexed using the specified column
boolean $usePrefix If true, the returned array prefixes keys with the model class name ('Article_0', 'Article_1', etc).
string $keyType (optional) One of the class type constants BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_NUM. Defaults to BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME.
boolean $includeLazyLoadColumns (optional) Whether to include lazy loaded columns. Defaults to TRUE.
array $alreadyDumpedObjects List of objects to skip to avoid recursion <code> $bookCollection->toArray(); array( 0 => array('Id' => 123, 'Title' => 'War And Peace'), 1 => array('Id' => 456, 'Title' => 'Don Juan'), ) $bookCollection->toArray('Id'); array( 123 => array('Id' => 123, 'Title' => 'War And Peace'), 456 => array('Id' => 456, 'Title' => 'Don Juan'), ) $bookCollection->toArray(null, true); array( 'Book_0' => array('Id' => 123, 'Title' => 'War And Peace'), 'Book_1' => array('Id' => 456, 'Title' => 'Don Juan'), ) </code>

Return Value


at line 190
public array getArrayCopy(string $keyColumn = null, boolean $usePrefix = false)

Get an array representation of the collection


string $keyColumn If null, the returned array uses an incremental index. Otherwise, the array is indexed using the specified column
boolean $usePrefix If true, the returned array prefixes keys with the model class name ('Article_0', 'Article_1', etc). <code> $bookCollection->getArrayCopy(); array( 0 => $book0, 1 => $book1, ) $bookCollection->getArrayCopy('Id'); array( 123 => $book0, 456 => $book1, ) $bookCollection->getArrayCopy(null, true); array( 'Book_0' => $book0, 'Book_1' => $book1, ) </code>

Return Value


at line 220
public array toKeyValue(string $keyColumn = 'PrimaryKey', string $valueColumn = null)

Get an associative array representation of the collection The first parameter specifies the column to be used for the key, And the seconf for the value.

$res = $coll->toKeyValue('Id', 'Name');


string $keyColumn
string $valueColumn

Return Value


at line 244
public PropelObjectCollection populateRelation(string $relation, Criteria $criteria = null, PropelPDO $con = null)

Makes an additional query to populate the objects related to the collection objects by a certain relation


string $relation Relation name (e.g. 'Book')
Criteria $criteria Optional Criteria object to filter the related object collection
PropelPDO $con Optional connection object

Return Value

PropelObjectCollection The list of related objects

