

class Propel

Propel's main resource pool and initialization & configuration class.

This static class is used to handle Propel initialization and to maintain all of the open database connections and instantiated database maps.



The Propel version.


A constant for default.


A constant defining 'System is unusuable' logging level


A constant defining 'Immediate action required' logging level


A constant defining 'Critical conditions' logging level


A constant defining 'Error conditions' logging level


A constant defining 'Warning conditions' logging level


A constant defining 'Normal but significant' logging level


A constant defining 'Informational' logging level


A constant defining 'Debug-level messages' logging level


The class name for a PDO object.


The class name for a PropelPDO object.


The class name for a DebugPDO object.


Constant used to request a READ connection (applies to replication).


Constant used to request a WRITE connection (applies to replication).


static  initialize()

Initializes Propel

static  configure(string $configFile)

Configure Propel a PHP (array) config file.

static  init(string $c)

Initialization of Propel a PHP (array) configuration file.

static bool isInit()

Determine whether Propel has already been initialized.

static  setConfiguration(mixed $c)

Sets the configuration for Propel and all dependencies.

static mixed getConfiguration(int $type = PropelConfiguration::TYPE_ARRAY)

Get the configuration for this component.

static  setLogger(object $logger)

Override the configured logger.

static bool hasLogger()

Returns true if a logger, for example PEAR::Log, has been configured, otherwise false.

static object logger()

Get the configured logger.

static bool log(string $message, string $level = self::LOG_DEBUG)

Logs a message If a logger has been configured, the logger will be used, otherwrise the logging message will be discarded without any further action

static DatabaseMap getDatabaseMap(string $name = null)

Returns the database map information.

static  setDatabaseMap(string $name, DatabaseMap $map)

Sets the database map object to use for specified datasource.

static  setForceMasterConnection(boolean $bit)

For replication, set whether to always force the use of a master connection.

static boolean getForceMasterConnection()

For replication, whether to always force the use of a master connection.

static  setConnection(string $name, PropelPDO $con, string $mode = Propel::CONNECTION_WRITE)

Sets a Connection for specified datasource name.

static PDO getConnection(string $name = null, string $mode = Propel::CONNECTION_WRITE)

Gets an already-opened PDO connection or opens a new one for passed-in db name.

static PDO getMasterConnection(string $name)

Gets an already-opened write PDO connection or opens a new one for passed-in db name.

static PDO getSlaveConnection(string $name)

Gets an already-opened read PDO connection or opens a new one for passed-in db name.

static PDO initConnection(array $conparams, string $name, string $defaultClass = Propel::CLASS_PROPEL_PDO)

Opens a new PDO connection for passed-in db name.

static DBAdapter getDB(string $name = null)

Returns database adapter for a specific datasource.

static  setDB(string $name, DBAdapter $adapter)

Sets a database adapter for specified datasource.

static string getDefaultDB()

Returns the name of the default database.

static  close()

Closes any associated resource handles.

static boolean autoload(string $className)

Autoload function for loading propel dependencies.

static  initBaseDir()

Initialize the base directory for the autoloader.

static string importClass($path)

Include once a file specified in DOT notation and return unqualified classname.

static  setDatabaseMapClass(string $name)

Set your own class-name for Database-Mapping.

static boolean disableInstancePooling()

Disable instance pooling.

static boolean enableInstancePooling()

Enable instance pooling (enabled by default).

static boolean isInstancePoolingEnabled()

the instance pooling behaviour.


at line 263
static public initialize()

Initializes Propel


PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.

at line 301
static public configure(string $configFile)

Configure Propel a PHP (array) config file.


string $configFile Path (absolute or relative to include_path) to config file.


PropelException If configuration file cannot be opened. (E_WARNING probably will also be raised by PHP)

at line 337
static public init(string $c)

Initialization of Propel a PHP (array) configuration file.


string $c The Propel configuration file path.


PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be rethrown wrapped into a PropelException.

at line 348
static public bool isInit()

Determine whether Propel has already been initialized.

Return Value

bool True if Propel is already initialized.

at line 358
static public setConfiguration(mixed $c)

Sets the configuration for Propel and all dependencies.


mixed $c The Configuration (array or PropelConfiguration)

at line 380
static public mixed getConfiguration(int $type = PropelConfiguration::TYPE_ARRAY)

Get the configuration for this component.


int $type
  • PropelConfiguration::TYPEARRAY: return the configuration as an array (for backward compatibility this is the default) - PropelConfiguration::TYPEARRAYFLAT: return the configuration as a flat array ($config['']) - PropelConfiguration::TYPEOBJECT: return the configuration as a PropelConfiguration instance

Return Value

mixed The Configuration (array or PropelConfiguration)

at line 397
static public setLogger(object $logger)

Override the configured logger.

This is primarily for things like unit tests / debugging where you want to change the logger without altering the configuration file.

You can use any logger class that implements the propel.logger.BasicLogger interface. This interface is based on PEAR::Log, so you can also simply pass a PEAR::Log object to this method.


object $logger The new logger to use. ([PEAR] Log or BasicLogger)

at line 408
static public bool hasLogger()

Returns true if a logger, for example PEAR::Log, has been configured, otherwise false.

Return Value

bool True if Propel uses logging

at line 418
static public object logger()

Get the configured logger.

Return Value

object Configured log class ([PEAR] Log or BasicLogger).

at line 433
static public bool log(string $message, string $level = self::LOG_DEBUG)

Logs a message If a logger has been configured, the logger will be used, otherwrise the logging message will be discarded without any further action


string $message The message that will be logged.
string $level The logging level.

Return Value

bool True if the message was logged successfully or no logger was used.

at line 472
static public DatabaseMap getDatabaseMap(string $name = null)

Returns the database map information.

Name relates to the name of the connection pool to associate with the map.

The database maps are "registered" by the generated map builder classes.


string $name The name of the database corresponding to the DatabaseMap to retrieve.

Return Value

DatabaseMap The named DatabaseMap.


  • if database map is null or propel was not initialized properly.

at line 495
static public setDatabaseMap(string $name, DatabaseMap $map)

Sets the database map object to use for specified datasource.


string $name The datasource name.
DatabaseMap $map The database map object to use for specified datasource.

at line 508
static public setForceMasterConnection(boolean $bit)

For replication, set whether to always force the use of a master connection.


boolean $bit True or False

at line 518
static public boolean getForceMasterConnection()

For replication, whether to always force the use of a master connection.

Return Value


at line 530
static public setConnection(string $name, PropelPDO $con, string $mode = Propel::CONNECTION_WRITE)

Sets a Connection for specified datasource name.


string $name The datasource name for the connection being set.
PropelPDO $con The PDO connection.
string $mode Whether this is a READ or WRITE connection (Propel::CONNECTIONREAD, Propel::CONNECTIONWRITE)

at line 552
static public PDO getConnection(string $name = null, string $mode = Propel::CONNECTION_WRITE)

Gets an already-opened PDO connection or opens a new one for passed-in db name.


string $name The datasource name that is used to look up the DSN from the runtime configuration file.
string $mode The connection mode (this applies to replication systems).

Return Value

PDO A database connection


  • if connection cannot be configured or initialized.

at line 578
static public PDO getMasterConnection(string $name)

Gets an already-opened write PDO connection or opens a new one for passed-in db name.


string $name The datasource name that is used to look up the DSN from the runtime configuation file. Empty name not allowed.

Return Value

PDO A database connection


  • if connection cannot be configured or initialized.

at line 604
static public PDO getSlaveConnection(string $name)

Gets an already-opened read PDO connection or opens a new one for passed-in db name.


string $name The datasource name that is used to look up the DSN from the runtime configuation file. Empty name not allowed.

Return Value

PDO A database connection


  • if connection cannot be configured or initialized.

at line 650
static public PDO initConnection(array $conparams, string $name, string $defaultClass = Propel::CLASS_PROPEL_PDO)

Opens a new PDO connection for passed-in db name.


array $conparams Connection paramters.
string $name Datasource name.
string $defaultClass The PDO subclass to instantiate if there is no explicit classname specified in the connection params (default is Propel::CLASSPROPELPDO)

Return Value

PDO A database connection of the given class (PDO, PropelPDO, SlavePDO or user-defined)


  • if lower-level exception caught when trying to connect.

at line 756
static public DBAdapter getDB(string $name = null)

Returns database adapter for a specific datasource.


string $name The datasource name.

Return Value

DBAdapter The corresponding database adapter.


PropelException If unable to find DBdapter for specified db.

at line 780
static public setDB(string $name, DBAdapter $adapter)

Sets a database adapter for specified datasource.


string $name The datasource name.
DBAdapter $adapter The DBAdapter implementation to use.

at line 793
static public string getDefaultDB()

Returns the name of the default database.

Return Value

string Name of the default DB

at line 809
static public close()

Closes any associated resource handles.

This method frees any database connection handles that have been opened by the getConnection() method.

at line 824
static public boolean autoload(string $className)

Autoload function for loading propel dependencies.


string $className The class name needing loading.

Return Value

boolean TRUE if the class was loaded, false otherwise.

at line 840
static public initBaseDir()

Initialize the base directory for the autoloader.

Avoids a call to dirname(FILE) each time self::autoload() is called. FIXME put in the constructor if the Propel class ever becomes a singleton

at line 860
static public string importClass($path)

Include once a file specified in DOT notation and return unqualified classname.

Typically, Propel uses autoload is used to load classes and expects that all classes referenced within Propel are included in Propel's autoload map. This method is only called when a specific non-Propel classname was specified -- for example, the classname of a validator in the schema.xml. This method will attempt to include that class via autoload and then relative to a location on the include_path.



Return Value

string unqualified classname



at line 894
static public setDatabaseMapClass(string $name)

Set your own class-name for Database-Mapping.

Then you can change the whole TableMap-Model, but keep its functionality for Criteria.


string $name The name of the class.

at line 905
static public boolean disableInstancePooling()

Disable instance pooling.

Return Value

boolean true if the method changed the instance pooling state, false if it was already disabled

at line 921
static public boolean enableInstancePooling()

Enable instance pooling (enabled by default).

Return Value

boolean true if the method changed the instance pooling state, false if it was already enabled

at line 936
static public boolean isInstancePoolingEnabled()

the instance pooling behaviour.

True by default.

Return Value

boolean Whether the pooling is enabled or not.