abstract class ScopedElement extends XMLElement
Data about an element with a name and optional namespace/schema/package attributes
loadFromXML(array $attributes)
This is the entry point method for loading data from XML. |
from XMLElement | |
array |
Returns the assoc array of attributes. |
from XMLElement |
mixed |
getAttribute(string $name, mixed $defaultValue = null)
Gets a particular attribute by [case-insensitive] name. |
from XMLElement |
appendXml(DOMNode $node)
Appends DOM elements to represent this object in XML. |
from XMLElement | |
VendorInfo |
addVendorInfo(mixed $data)
Sets an associated VendorInfo object. |
from XMLElement |
VendorInfo |
Gets the any associated VendorInfo object. |
from XMLElement |
string |
getConfiguredBehavior(string $bname)
Find the best class name for a given behavior Looks in build.properties for path like propel.behavior.[bname].class If not found, tries to autoload [Bname]Behavior If no success, returns 'Behavior' |
from XMLElement |
String representation of the current object. |
from XMLElement | |
Magic string method |
from XMLElement | |
value |
Get the value of the namespace. |
setNamespace(v $v)
Set the value of the namespace. |
value |
Get the value of package. |
setPackage(v $v)
Set the value of package. |
value |
Get the value of schema. |
setSchema(v $v)
Set the value of schema. |
in XMLElement at line 47
loadFromXML(array $attributes)
This is the entry point method for loading data from XML.
It calls a setupObject() method that must be implemented by the child class.
in XMLElement at line 58
public array
Returns the assoc array of attributes.
All attribute names (keys) are lowercase.
in XMLElement at line 70
public mixed
getAttribute(string $name, mixed $defaultValue = null)
Gets a particular attribute by [case-insensitive] name.
If attribute is not set then the $defaultValue is returned.
in XMLElement at line 119
abstract public
appendXml(DOMNode $node)
Appends DOM elements to represent this object in XML.
in XMLElement at line 127
public VendorInfo
addVendorInfo(mixed $data)
Sets an associated VendorInfo object.
in XMLElement at line 146
public VendorInfo
Gets the any associated VendorInfo object.
in XMLElement at line 166
public string
getConfiguredBehavior(string $bname)
Find the best class name for a given behavior Looks in build.properties for path like propel.behavior.[bname].class If not found, tries to autoload [Bname]Behavior If no success, returns 'Behavior'
in XMLElement at line 189
String representation of the current object.
This is an xml representation with the XML declaration removed.
in XMLElement at line 203
Magic string method
at line 71
public value
Get the value of the namespace.
at line 80
setNamespace(v $v)
Set the value of the namespace.
at line 96
public value
Get the value of package.
at line 105
setPackage(v $v)
Set the value of package.
at line 118
public value
Get the value of schema.
at line 127
setSchema(v $v)
Set the value of schema.