class PropelDateTime extends DateTime
DateTime subclass which supports serialization.
Currently Propel is not using this for storing date/time objects
within model objeects; however, we are keeping it in the repository
because it is useful if you want to store a DateTime object in a session.
static mixed |
newInstance(mixed $value, DateTimeZone $timeZone = null, string $dateTimeClass = 'DateTime')
Factory method to get a DateTime object from a temporal input |
static | isTimestamp($value) | |
array |
PHP "magic" function called when object is serialized. |
PHP "magic" function called when object is restored from serialized state. |
at line 49
static public mixed
newInstance(mixed $value, DateTimeZone $timeZone = null, string $dateTimeClass = 'DateTime')
Factory method to get a DateTime object from a temporal input
at line 80
static public
at line 105
public array
PHP "magic" function called when object is serialized.
Sets an internal property with the date string and returns properties
of class that should be serialized.
at line 119
PHP "magic" function called when object is restored from serialized state.
Calls DateTime constructor with previously stored string value of date.