Propel API


class MssqlPropelPDO extends PropelPDO

dblib doesn't support transactions so we need to add a workaround for transactions, last insert ID, and quoting



Attribute to use to set whether to cache prepared statements.


Attribute to use to set the connection name usefull for explains




boolean $useDebug Whether or not the debug is enabled


__construct(string $dsn, string $username = null, string $password = null, array $driver_options = array())

Creates a PropelPDO instance representing a connection to a database.

from PropelPDO
setConfiguration(PropelConfiguration $configuration)

Inject the runtime configuration

from PropelPDO
PropelConfiguration getConfiguration()

Get the runtime configuration

from PropelPDO
integer getNestedTransactionCount()

Gets the current transaction depth.

from PropelPDO
boolean isInTransaction()

Is this PDO connection currently in-transaction? This is equivalent to asking whether the current nested transaction count is greater than 0.

from PropelPDO
boolean isCommitable()

Check whether the connection contains a transaction that can be committed.

from PropelPDO
integer beginTransaction()

Begin a transaction.

integer commit()

Commit a transaction.

integer rollBack()

Roll-back a transaction.

integer forceRollBack()

Rollback the whole transaction, even if this is a nested rollback and reset the nested transaction count to 0.

void setAttribute(integer $attribute, mixed $value)

Sets a connection attribute.

from PropelPDO
mixed getAttribute(integer $attribute)

Gets a connection attribute.

from PropelPDO
PDOStatement prepare(string $sql, array $driver_options = array())

Prepares a statement for execution and returns a statement object.

from PropelPDO
integer exec(string $sql)

Execute an SQL statement and return the number of affected rows.

from PropelPDO
PDOStatement query()

Executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as a PDOStatement object.

from PropelPDO

Clears any stored prepared statements for this connection.

from PropelPDO
integer getQueryCount()

Returns the number of queries this DebugPDO instance has performed on the database connection.

from PropelPDO
integer incrementQueryCount()

Increments the number of queries performed by this DebugPDO instance.

from PropelPDO
string getLastExecutedQuery()

Get the SQL code for the latest query executed by Propel

from PropelPDO
setLastExecutedQuery(string $query)

Set the SQL code for the latest query executed by Propel

from PropelPDO
useDebug(boolean $value = true)

Enable or disable the query debug features

from PropelPDO
setLogLevel(integer $level)

Sets the logging level to use for logging method calls and SQL statements.

from PropelPDO
setLogger(BasicLogger $logger)

Sets a logger to use.

from PropelPDO
BasicLogger getLogger()

Gets the logger in use.

from PropelPDO
log(string $msg, integer $level = null, string $methodName = null, array $debugSnapshot = null)

Logs the method call or SQL using the Propel::log() method or a registered logger class.

from PropelPDO
array getDebugSnapshot()

Returns a snapshot of the current values of some functions useful in debugging.

from PropelPDO

If so configured, makes an entry to the log of the state of this object just prior to its destruction.

from PropelPDO
integer lastInsertId(string $seqname = null)

string quoteIdentifier(string $text)

boolean useQuoteIdentifier()


in PropelPDO at line 146
public __construct(string $dsn, string $username = null, string $password = null, array $driver_options = array())

Creates a PropelPDO instance representing a connection to a database.

If so configured, specifies a custom PDOStatement class and makes an entry
to the log with the state of this object just after its initialization.
Add PropelPDO::__construct to $defaultLogMethods to see this message


string $dsn Connection DSN.
string $username The user name for the DSN string.
string $password The password for the DSN string.
array $driver_options A key=>value array of driver-specific connection options.


PDOException if there is an error during connection initialization.

in PropelPDO at line 165
public setConfiguration(PropelConfiguration $configuration)

Inject the runtime configuration


PropelConfiguration $configuration

in PropelPDO at line 175
public PropelConfiguration getConfiguration()

Get the runtime configuration

Return Value


in PropelPDO at line 189
public integer getNestedTransactionCount()

Gets the current transaction depth.

Return Value


in PropelPDO at line 209
public boolean isInTransaction()

Is this PDO connection currently in-transaction? This is equivalent to asking whether the current nested transaction count is greater than 0.

Return Value


in PropelPDO at line 220
public boolean isCommitable()

Check whether the connection contains a transaction that can be committed.

To be used in an evironment where Propelexceptions are caught.

Return Value

boolean True if the connection is in a committable transaction

at line 26
public integer beginTransaction()

Begin a transaction.

It is necessary to override the abstract PDO transaction functions here, as
the PDO driver for MSSQL does not support transactions.

Return Value


at line 52
public integer commit()

Commit a transaction.

It is necessary to override the abstract PDO transaction functions here, as
the PDO driver for MSSQL does not support transactions.

Return Value




at line 82
public integer rollBack()

Roll-back a transaction.

It is necessary to override the abstract PDO transaction functions here, as
the PDO driver for MSSQL does not support transactions.

Return Value


at line 110
public integer forceRollBack()

Rollback the whole transaction, even if this is a nested rollback and reset the nested transaction count to 0.

It is necessary to override the abstract PDO transaction functions here, as
the PDO driver for MSSQL does not support transactions.

Return Value


in PropelPDO at line 340
public void setAttribute(integer $attribute, mixed $value)

Sets a connection attribute.

This is overridden here to provide support for setting Propel-specific attributes too.


integer $attribute The attribute to set (e.g. PropelPDO::PROPEL_ATTR_CACHE_PREPARES).
mixed $value The attribute value.

Return Value


in PropelPDO at line 362
public mixed getAttribute(integer $attribute)

Gets a connection attribute.

This is overridden here to provide support for setting Propel-specific attributes too.


integer $attribute The attribute to get (e.g. PropelPDO::PROPEL_ATTR_CACHE_PREPARES).

Return Value


in PropelPDO at line 389
public PDOStatement prepare(string $sql, array $driver_options = array())

Prepares a statement for execution and returns a statement object.

Overrides PDO::prepare() in order to:
- Add logging and query counting if logging is true.
- Add query caching support if the PropelPDO::PROPEL_ATTR_CACHE_PREPARES was set to true.


string $sql This must be a valid SQL statement for the target database server.
array $driver_options One $array or more key => value pairs to set attribute values for the PDOStatement object that this method returns.

Return Value


in PropelPDO at line 420
public integer exec(string $sql)

Execute an SQL statement and return the number of affected rows.

Overrides PDO::exec() to log queries when required


string $sql

Return Value


in PropelPDO at line 447
public PDOStatement query()

Executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as a PDOStatement object.

Despite its signature here, this method takes a variety of parameters.

Overrides PDO::query() to log queries when required

Return Value


See also for a description of the possible parameters.

in PropelPDO at line 473
public clearStatementCache()

Clears any stored prepared statements for this connection.

in PropelPDO at line 505
public integer getQueryCount()

Returns the number of queries this DebugPDO instance has performed on the database connection.

When using DebugPDOStatement as the statement class, any queries by DebugPDOStatement instances
are counted as well.

Return Value



PropelException if persistent connection is used (since unable to override PDOStatement in that case).

in PropelPDO at line 522
public integer incrementQueryCount()

Increments the number of queries performed by this DebugPDO instance.

Returns the original number of queries (ie the value of $this->queryCount before calling this method).

Return Value


in PropelPDO at line 532
public string getLastExecutedQuery()

Get the SQL code for the latest query executed by Propel

Return Value

string Executable SQL code

in PropelPDO at line 542
public setLastExecutedQuery(string $query)

Set the SQL code for the latest query executed by Propel


string $query Executable SQL code

in PropelPDO at line 552
public useDebug(boolean $value = true)

Enable or disable the query debug features


boolean $value True to enable debug (default), false to disable it

in PropelPDO at line 571
public setLogLevel(integer $level)

Sets the logging level to use for logging method calls and SQL statements.


integer $level Value of one of the Propel::LOG_* class constants.

in PropelPDO at line 583
public setLogger(BasicLogger $logger)

Sets a logger to use.

The logger will be used by this class to log various method calls and their properties.


BasicLogger $logger A Logger with an API compatible with BasicLogger (or PEAR Log).

in PropelPDO at line 593
public BasicLogger getLogger()

Gets the logger in use.

Return Value

BasicLogger A Logger with an API compatible with BasicLogger (or PEAR Log).

in PropelPDO at line 609
public log(string $msg, integer $level = null, string $methodName = null, array $debugSnapshot = null)

Logs the method call or SQL using the Propel::log() method or a registered logger class.


string $msg Message to log.
integer $level Log level to use; will use self::setLogLevel() specified level by default.
string $methodName Name of the method whose execution is being logged.
array $debugSnapshot Previous return value from self::getDebugSnapshot().

See also


in PropelPDO at line 657
public array getDebugSnapshot()

Returns a snapshot of the current values of some functions useful in debugging.

Return Value




in PropelPDO at line 796
public __destruct()

If so configured, makes an entry to the log of the state of this object just prior to its destruction.

Add PropelPDO::__destruct to $defaultLogMethods to see this message

See also


at line 135
public integer lastInsertId(string $seqname = null)


string $seqname

Return Value


at line 146
public string quoteIdentifier(string $text)


string $text

Return Value


at line 154
public boolean useQuoteIdentifier()

Return Value
