Propel API


class ValidationFailed

Simple class that serves as a container for any information about a failed validation.

Currently this class stores the qualified column name (e.g. tablename.COLUMN_NAME) and
the message that should be displayed to the user.

An array of these objects will be returned by BasePeer::doValidate() if validation


__construct(string $colname, string $message, object $validator = null)

Construct a new ValidationFailed object.

setColumn(string $v)

Set the column name.

string getColumn()

Gets the column name.

setMessage(string $v)

Set the message for the validation failure.

string getMessage()

Gets the message for the validation failure.

setValidator(object $v)

Set the validator object that caused this to fail.

object getValidator()

Gets the validator object that caused this to fail.

string __toString()

"magic" method to get string represenation of object.


at line 43
public __construct(string $colname, string $message, object $validator = null)

Construct a new ValidationFailed object.


string $colname Column name.
string $message Message to display to user.
object $validator The Validator that caused this column to fail.

at line 54
public setColumn(string $v)

Set the column name.


string $v

at line 63
public string getColumn()

Gets the column name.

Return Value

string Qualified column name (tablename.COLUMN_NAME)

at line 72
public setMessage(string $v)

Set the message for the validation failure.


string $v

at line 81
public string getMessage()

Gets the message for the validation failure.

Return Value


at line 90
public setValidator(object $v)

Set the validator object that caused this to fail.


object $v

at line 99
public object getValidator()

Gets the validator object that caused this to fail.

Return Value


at line 110
public string __toString()

"magic" method to get string represenation of object.

Maybe someday PHP5 will support the invoking this method automatically
on (string) cast. Until then it's pretty useless.

Return Value
