class SqlitePlatform extends DefaultPlatform
SQLite PropelPlatformInterface implementation.
__construct(PDO $con = null)
Default constructor. |
from DefaultPlatform | |
setConnection(PDO $con = null)
Set the database connection to use for this Platform class. |
from DefaultPlatform | |
Returns the database connection to use for this Platform class. |
from DefaultPlatform |
setGeneratorConfig(GeneratorConfig $config)
Sets the GeneratorConfig to use in the parsing. |
from DefaultPlatform | |
string |
Returns the short name of the database type that this platform represents. |
from DefaultPlatform |
getMaxColumnNameLength() | ||
string |
Returns the native IdMethod (sequence|identity) |
from DefaultPlatform |
Domain |
getDomainForType(string $propelType)
Returns the db specific domain for a propelType. |
from DefaultPlatform |
string | getNullString($notNull) | from DefaultPlatform |
getAutoIncrement() | ||
string |
getSequenceName(Table $table)
Gets the name to use for creating a sequence for a table. |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getAddTablesDDL(Database $database)
Builds the DDL SQL to add the tables of a database together with index and foreign keys |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
Gets the requests to execute at the beginning of a DDL file |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
Gets the requests to execute at the end of a DDL file |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getDropTableDDL(Table $table)
Builds the DDL SQL to drop a table |
from DefaultPlatform |
getAddTableDDL(Table $table) | ||
string |
getColumnDDL(Column $col)
Builds the DDL SQL for a Column object. |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getColumnDefaultValueDDL(Column $col)
Returns the SQL for the default value of a Column object |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getColumnListDDL($columns, $delimiter = ',')
Creates a delimiter-delimited string list of column names, quoted using quoteIdentifier(). |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getPrimaryKeyName(Table $table)
Returns the name of a table primary key |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getPrimaryKeyDDL(Table $table)
Returns the SQL for the primary key of a Table object |
from DefaultPlatform |
getDropPrimaryKeyDDL(Table $table) | ||
getAddPrimaryKeyDDL(Table $table) | ||
string |
getAddIndicesDDL(Table $table)
Builds the DDL SQL to add the indices of a table. |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getAddIndexDDL(Index $index)
Builds the DDL SQL to add an Index. |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getDropIndexDDL(Index $index)
Builds the DDL SQL to drop an Index. |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getIndexDDL(Index $index)
Builds the DDL SQL for an Index object. |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getUniqueDDL(Unique $unique)
Builds the DDL SQL for a Unique constraint object. |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getAddForeignKeysDDL(Table $table)
Builds the DDL SQL to add the foreign keys of a table. |
from DefaultPlatform |
getAddForeignKeyDDL(ForeignKey $fk) | ||
getDropForeignKeyDDL(ForeignKey $fk) | ||
getForeignKeyDDL(ForeignKey $fk) | ||
getCommentLineDDL($comment) | from DefaultPlatform | |
getCommentBlockDDL($comment) | from DefaultPlatform | |
string |
getModifyDatabaseDDL(PropelDatabaseDiff $databaseDiff)
Builds the DDL SQL to modify a database based on a PropelDatabaseDiff instance |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getRenameTableDDL($fromTableName, $toTableName)
Builds the DDL SQL to rename a table |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getModifyTableDDL(PropelTableDiff $tableDiff)
Builds the DDL SQL to alter a table based on a PropelTableDiff instance |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getModifyTableColumnsDDL(PropelTableDiff $tableDiff)
Builds the DDL SQL to alter a table based on a PropelTableDiff instance |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getModifyTablePrimaryKeyDDL(PropelTableDiff $tableDiff)
Builds the DDL SQL to alter a table's primary key based on a PropelTableDiff instance |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getModifyTableIndicesDDL(PropelTableDiff $tableDiff)
Builds the DDL SQL to alter a table's indices based on a PropelTableDiff instance |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getModifyTableForeignKeysDDL(PropelTableDiff $tableDiff)
Builds the DDL SQL to alter a table's foreign keys based on a PropelTableDiff instance |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getRemoveColumnDDL(Column $column)
Builds the DDL SQL to remove a column |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getRenameColumnDDL($fromColumn, $toColumn)
Builds the DDL SQL to rename a column |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getModifyColumnDDL(PropelColumnDiff $columnDiff)
Builds the DDL SQL to modify a column |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
Builds the DDL SQL to modify a list of columns |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
getAddColumnDDL(Column $column)
Builds the DDL SQL to remove a column |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
Builds the DDL SQL to remove a list of columns |
from DefaultPlatform |
hasSize($sqlType) | ||
boolean |
hasScale(string $sqlType)
Returns if the RDBMS-specific SQL type has a scale attribute. |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
quote(string $text)
Quote and escape needed characters in the string for unerlying RDBMS. |
from DefaultPlatform |
quoteIdentifier($text) | ||
setIdentifierQuoting($enabled = true) | from DefaultPlatform | |
getIdentifierQuoting() | from DefaultPlatform | |
boolean |
Whether RDBMS supports native ON DELETE triggers (e.g. |
from DefaultPlatform |
boolean |
Whether RDBMS supports INSERT null values in autoincremented primary keys |
from DefaultPlatform |
boolean |
Whether the underlying PDO driver for this platform returns BLOB columns as streams (instead of strings). |
from DefaultPlatform |
supportsSchemas() | from DefaultPlatform | |
mixed |
Returns the boolean value for the RDBMS. |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
Gets the preferred timestamp formatter for setting date/time values. |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
Gets the preferred time formatter for setting date/time values. |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
Gets the preferred date formatter for setting date/time values. |
from DefaultPlatform |
string |
disconnectedEscapeText(string $text)
Escape the string for RDBMS. |
in DefaultPlatform at line 48
__construct(PDO $con = null)
Default constructor.
in DefaultPlatform at line 58
setConnection(PDO $con = null)
Set the database connection to use for this Platform class.
in DefaultPlatform at line 67
public PDO
Returns the database connection to use for this Platform class.
in DefaultPlatform at line 77
setGeneratorConfig(GeneratorConfig $config)
Sets the GeneratorConfig to use in the parsing.
in DefaultPlatform at line 127
public string
Returns the short name of the database type that this platform represents.
For example MysqlPlatform->getDatabaseType() returns 'mysql'.
at line 50
in DefaultPlatform at line 149
public string
Returns the native IdMethod (sequence|identity)
in DefaultPlatform at line 160
public Domain
getDomainForType(string $propelType)
Returns the db specific domain for a propelType.
in DefaultPlatform at line 172
public string
at line 45
in DefaultPlatform at line 195
public string
getSequenceName(Table $table)
Gets the name to use for creating a sequence for a table.
This will create a new name or use one specified in an id-method-parameter
tag, if specified.
in DefaultPlatform at line 225
public string
getAddTablesDDL(Database $database)
Builds the DDL SQL to add the tables of a database together with index and foreign keys
in DefaultPlatform at line 244
public string
Gets the requests to execute at the beginning of a DDL file
in DefaultPlatform at line 253
public string
Gets the requests to execute at the end of a DDL file
in DefaultPlatform at line 261
public string
getDropTableDDL(Table $table)
Builds the DDL SQL to drop a table
at line 55
getAddTableDDL(Table $table)
in DefaultPlatform at line 312
public string
getColumnDDL(Column $col)
Builds the DDL SQL for a Column object.
in DefaultPlatform at line 340
public string
getColumnDefaultValueDDL(Column $col)
Returns the SQL for the default value of a Column object
in DefaultPlatform at line 376
public string
getColumnListDDL($columns, $delimiter = ',')
Creates a delimiter-delimited string list of column names, quoted using quoteIdentifier().
in DefaultPlatform at line 392
public string
getPrimaryKeyName(Table $table)
Returns the name of a table primary key
in DefaultPlatform at line 402
public string
getPrimaryKeyDDL(Table $table)
Returns the SQL for the primary key of a Table object
at line 89
getDropPrimaryKeyDDL(Table $table)
at line 95
getAddPrimaryKeyDDL(Table $table)
in DefaultPlatform at line 449
public string
getAddIndicesDDL(Table $table)
Builds the DDL SQL to add the indices of a table.
in DefaultPlatform at line 464
public string
getAddIndexDDL(Index $index)
Builds the DDL SQL to add an Index.
in DefaultPlatform at line 483
public string
getDropIndexDDL(Index $index)
Builds the DDL SQL to drop an Index.
in DefaultPlatform at line 499
public string
getIndexDDL(Index $index)
Builds the DDL SQL for an Index object.
in DefaultPlatform at line 514
public string
getUniqueDDL(Unique $unique)
Builds the DDL SQL for a Unique constraint object.
in DefaultPlatform at line 525
public string
getAddForeignKeysDDL(Table $table)
Builds the DDL SQL to add the foreign keys of a table.
at line 101
getAddForeignKeyDDL(ForeignKey $fk)
at line 107
getDropForeignKeyDDL(ForeignKey $fk)
at line 112
getForeignKeyDDL(ForeignKey $fk)
in DefaultPlatform at line 604
in DefaultPlatform at line 611
in DefaultPlatform at line 627
public string
getModifyDatabaseDDL(PropelDatabaseDiff $databaseDiff)
Builds the DDL SQL to modify a database based on a PropelDatabaseDiff instance
in DefaultPlatform at line 658
public string
getRenameTableDDL($fromTableName, $toTableName)
Builds the DDL SQL to rename a table
in DefaultPlatform at line 675
public string
getModifyTableDDL(PropelTableDiff $tableDiff)
Builds the DDL SQL to alter a table based on a PropelTableDiff instance
in DefaultPlatform at line 740
public string
getModifyTableColumnsDDL(PropelTableDiff $tableDiff)
Builds the DDL SQL to alter a table based on a PropelTableDiff instance
in DefaultPlatform at line 769
public string
getModifyTablePrimaryKeyDDL(PropelTableDiff $tableDiff)
Builds the DDL SQL to alter a table's primary key based on a PropelTableDiff instance
in DefaultPlatform at line 787
public string
getModifyTableIndicesDDL(PropelTableDiff $tableDiff)
Builds the DDL SQL to alter a table's indices based on a PropelTableDiff instance
in DefaultPlatform at line 814
public string
getModifyTableForeignKeysDDL(PropelTableDiff $tableDiff)
Builds the DDL SQL to alter a table's foreign keys based on a PropelTableDiff instance
in DefaultPlatform at line 840
public string
getRemoveColumnDDL(Column $column)
Builds the DDL SQL to remove a column
in DefaultPlatform at line 855
public string
getRenameColumnDDL($fromColumn, $toColumn)
Builds the DDL SQL to rename a column
in DefaultPlatform at line 872
public string
getModifyColumnDDL(PropelColumnDiff $columnDiff)
Builds the DDL SQL to modify a column
in DefaultPlatform at line 889
public string
Builds the DDL SQL to modify a list of columns
in DefaultPlatform at line 921
public string
getAddColumnDDL(Column $column)
Builds the DDL SQL to remove a column
in DefaultPlatform at line 937
public string
Builds the DDL SQL to remove a list of columns
at line 125
in DefaultPlatform at line 980
public boolean
hasScale(string $sqlType)
Returns if the RDBMS-specific SQL type has a scale attribute.
in DefaultPlatform at line 990
public string
quote(string $text)
Quote and escape needed characters in the string for unerlying RDBMS.
at line 145
in DefaultPlatform at line 1023
setIdentifierQuoting($enabled = true)
in DefaultPlatform at line 1028
in DefaultPlatform at line 1037
public boolean
Whether RDBMS supports native ON DELETE triggers (e.g.
in DefaultPlatform at line 1046
public boolean
Whether RDBMS supports INSERT null values in autoincremented primary keys
in DefaultPlatform at line 1055
public boolean
Whether the underlying PDO driver for this platform returns BLOB columns as streams (instead of strings).
in DefaultPlatform at line 1063
in DefaultPlatform at line 1080
public mixed
Returns the boolean value for the RDBMS.
This value should match the boolean value that is set
when using Propel's PreparedStatement::setBoolean().
This function is used to set default column values when building
in DefaultPlatform at line 1090
public string
Gets the preferred timestamp formatter for setting date/time values.
in DefaultPlatform at line 1099
public string
Gets the preferred time formatter for setting date/time values.
in DefaultPlatform at line 1108
public string
Gets the preferred date formatter for setting date/time values.
at line 136
public string
disconnectedEscapeText(string $text)
Escape the string for RDBMS.