Propel API


class PropelOnDemandIterator implements Iterator

Class for iterating over a statement and returning one Propel object at a time


__construct(PropelFormatter $formatter, PDOStatement $stmt)


int count()

Returns the number of rows in the resultset Warning: this number is inaccurate for most databases.

BaseObject current()

Gets the current Model object in the collection This is where the hydration takes place.

string key()

Gets the current key in the iterator


Advances the curesor in the statement Closes the cursor if the end of the statement is reached


Initializes the iterator by advancing to the first position This method can only be called once (this is a NoRewindIterator)



at line 27
public __construct(PropelFormatter $formatter, PDOStatement $stmt)


PropelFormatter $formatter
PDOStatement $stmt

at line 34
public closeCursor()

at line 45
public int count()

Returns the number of rows in the resultset Warning: this number is inaccurate for most databases.

Do not rely on it for a portable application.

Return Value

int number of results

at line 60
public BaseObject current()

Gets the current Model object in the collection This is where the hydration takes place.

Return Value


See also


at line 70
public string key()

Gets the current key in the iterator

Return Value


at line 79
public next()

Advances the curesor in the statement Closes the cursor if the end of the statement is reached

at line 96
public rewind()

Initializes the iterator by advancing to the first position This method can only be called once (this is a NoRewindIterator)

at line 113
public valid()