abstract class OMBuilder extends DataModelBuilder
Baseclass for OM-building classes.
OM-building classes are those that build a PHP (or other) class to service
a single table. This includes Peer classes, Entity classes, Map classes,
Node classes, Nested Set classes, etc.
__construct(Table $table)
Creates new instance of DataModelBuilder subclass. |
from DataModelBuilder | |
PeerBuilder |
Returns new or existing Peer builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
Pluralizer |
Returns new or existing Pluralizer class. |
from DataModelBuilder |
PeerBuilder |
Returns new or existing stub Peer builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
ObjectBuilder |
Returns new or existing Object builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
ObjectBuilder |
Returns new or existing stub Object builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
ObjectBuilder |
Returns new or existing Query builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
ObjectBuilder |
Returns new or existing stub Query builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
ObjectBuilder |
Returns new or existing Object builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
ObjectBuilder |
Returns new or existing stub Interface builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
ObjectBuilder |
Returns new or existing stub child object builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
ObjectBuilder |
Returns new or existing node Object builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
PeerBuilder |
Returns new or existing node Peer builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
ObjectBuilder |
Returns new or existing stub node Object builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
PeerBuilder |
Returns new or existing stub node Peer builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
ObjectBuilder |
Returns new or existing nested set object builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
PeerBuilder |
Returns new or existing nested set Peer builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
DataSQLBuilder |
Returns new or existing data sql builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
DataModelBuilder |
getNewBuilder(Table $table, string $classname)
Gets a new data model builder class for specified table and classname. |
from DataModelBuilder |
PeerBuilder |
getNewPeerBuilder(Table $table)
Convenience method to return a NEW Peer class builder instance. |
from DataModelBuilder |
PeerBuilder |
getNewStubPeerBuilder(Table $table)
Convenience method to return a NEW Peer stub class builder instance. |
from DataModelBuilder |
ObjectBuilder |
getNewObjectBuilder(Table $table)
Convenience method to return a NEW Object class builder instance. |
from DataModelBuilder |
ObjectBuilder |
getNewStubObjectBuilder(Table $table)
Convenience method to return a NEW Object stub class builder instance. |
from DataModelBuilder |
QueryBuilder |
getNewQueryBuilder(Table $table)
Convenience method to return a NEW query class builder instance. |
from DataModelBuilder |
QueryBuilder |
getNewStubQueryBuilder(Table $table)
Convenience method to return a NEW query stub class builder instance. |
from DataModelBuilder |
ObjectBuilder |
Returns new Query Inheritance builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
ObjectBuilder |
Returns new stub Query Inheritance builder class for this table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
GeneratorConfig |
Gets the GeneratorConfig object. |
from DataModelBuilder |
string |
getBuildProperty(string $name)
Get a specific [name transformed] build property. |
from DataModelBuilder |
setGeneratorConfig(GeneratorConfigInterface $v)
Sets the GeneratorConfig object. |
from DataModelBuilder | |
setTable(Table $table)
Sets the table for this builder. |
from DataModelBuilder | |
Table |
Returns the current Table object. |
from DataModelBuilder |
PropelPlatformInterface |
Convenience method to returns the Platform class for this table (database). |
from DataModelBuilder |
setPlatform(PropelPlatformInterface $platform)
Platform setter |
from DataModelBuilder | |
Database |
Convenience method to returns the database for current table. |
from DataModelBuilder |
array |
Gets array of warning messages. |
from DataModelBuilder |
string |
quoteIdentifier(string $text)
Wraps call to Platform->quoteIdentifier() with a check to see whether quoting is enabled. |
from DataModelBuilder |
string |
Returns the name of the current class being built, with a possible prefix. |
from DataModelBuilder |
string |
Builds the PHP source for current class and returns it as a string. |
string |
buildObjectInstanceCreationCode($objName, $clsName)
Creates a $obj = new Book(); code snippet. |
string |
Returns the qualified (prefixed) classname that is being built by the current class. |
string |
Returns the prefixed classname that is being built by the current class. |
string |
Returns the namespaced classname if there is a namespace, and the raw classname otherwise |
string |
Gets the dot-path representation of current class being built. |
string |
Gets the full path to the file for the current class. |
string |
Gets package name for this table. |
string |
Returns filesystem path for current package. |
string |
Return the user-defined namespace for this table, or the database namespace otherwise. |
declareClassNamespace($class, $namespace = '') | ||
declareClass($fullyQualifiedClassName) | ||
declareClassFromBuilder($builder) | ||
declareClasses() | ||
getDeclaredClasses($namespace = null) | ||
getNamespaceStatement() | ||
getUseStatements($ignoredNamespace = null) | ||
string |
Shortcut method to return the [stub] peer classname for current table. |
string |
Shortcut method to return the [stub] query classname for current table. |
string |
Returns the object classname for current table. |
string |
getColumnConstant(Column $col, string $classname = null)
Get the column constant name (e.g. |
string |
getBasePeer(Table $table)
Gets the basePeer path if specified for table/db. |
string |
getFKPhpNameAffix(ForeignKey $fk, boolean $plural = false)
Gets the PHP method name affix to be used for fkeys for the current table (not referrers to this table). |
string |
getRefFKPhpNameAffix(ForeignKey $fk, boolean $plural = false)
Gets the PHP method name affix to be used for referencing foreign key methods and variable names (e.g. |
boolean |
hasBehaviorModifier(string $hookName, string $modifier)
Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook |
applyBehaviorModifierBase($hookName, $modifier, $script, $tab = ' ')
Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook |
getBehaviorContentBase(string $contentName, string $modifier)
Checks whether any registered behavior content creator on that table exists a contentName |
in DataModelBuilder at line 159
__construct(Table $table)
Creates new instance of DataModelBuilder subclass.
in DataModelBuilder at line 168
public PeerBuilder
Returns new or existing Peer builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 180
public Pluralizer
Returns new or existing Pluralizer class.
in DataModelBuilder at line 192
public PeerBuilder
Returns new or existing stub Peer builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 204
public ObjectBuilder
Returns new or existing Object builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 216
public ObjectBuilder
Returns new or existing stub Object builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 228
public ObjectBuilder
Returns new or existing Query builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 240
public ObjectBuilder
Returns new or existing stub Query builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 252
public ObjectBuilder
Returns new or existing Object builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 264
public ObjectBuilder
Returns new or existing stub Interface builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 276
public ObjectBuilder
Returns new or existing stub child object builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 288
public ObjectBuilder
Returns new or existing node Object builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 300
public PeerBuilder
Returns new or existing node Peer builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 312
public ObjectBuilder
Returns new or existing stub node Object builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 324
public PeerBuilder
Returns new or existing stub node Peer builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 336
public ObjectBuilder
Returns new or existing nested set object builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 348
public PeerBuilder
Returns new or existing nested set Peer builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 360
public DataSQLBuilder
Returns new or existing data sql builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 375
public DataModelBuilder
getNewBuilder(Table $table, string $classname)
Gets a new data model builder class for specified table and classname.
in DataModelBuilder at line 391
public PeerBuilder
getNewPeerBuilder(Table $table)
Convenience method to return a NEW Peer class builder instance.
This is used very frequently from the peer and object builders to get
a peer builder for a RELATED table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 405
public PeerBuilder
getNewStubPeerBuilder(Table $table)
Convenience method to return a NEW Peer stub class builder instance.
This is used from the peer and object builders to get
a peer builder for a RELATED table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 419
public ObjectBuilder
getNewObjectBuilder(Table $table)
Convenience method to return a NEW Object class builder instance.
This is used very frequently from the peer and object builders to get
an object builder for a RELATED table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 433
public ObjectBuilder
getNewStubObjectBuilder(Table $table)
Convenience method to return a NEW Object stub class builder instance.
This is used from the query builders to get
an object builder for a RELATED table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 447
public QueryBuilder
getNewQueryBuilder(Table $table)
Convenience method to return a NEW query class builder instance.
This is used from the query builders to get
a query builder for a RELATED table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 461
public QueryBuilder
getNewStubQueryBuilder(Table $table)
Convenience method to return a NEW query stub class builder instance.
This is used from the query builders to get
a query builder for a RELATED table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 470
public ObjectBuilder
Returns new Query Inheritance builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 481
public ObjectBuilder
Returns new stub Query Inheritance builder class for this table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 493
public GeneratorConfig
Gets the GeneratorConfig object.
in DataModelBuilder at line 504
public string
getBuildProperty(string $name)
Get a specific [name transformed] build property.
in DataModelBuilder at line 517
setGeneratorConfig(GeneratorConfigInterface $v)
Sets the GeneratorConfig object.
in DataModelBuilder at line 526
setTable(Table $table)
Sets the table for this builder.
in DataModelBuilder at line 535
public Table
Returns the current Table object.
in DataModelBuilder at line 544
public PropelPlatformInterface
Convenience method to returns the Platform class for this table (database).
in DataModelBuilder at line 560
setPlatform(PropelPlatformInterface $platform)
Platform setter
in DataModelBuilder at line 569
public Database
Convenience method to returns the database for current table.
in DataModelBuilder at line 589
public array
Gets array of warning messages.
in DataModelBuilder at line 604
public string
quoteIdentifier(string $text)
Wraps call to Platform->quoteIdentifier() with a check to see whether quoting is enabled.
All subclasses should call this quoteIdentifier() method rather than calling the Platform
method directly. This method is used by both DataSQLBuilder and DDLBuilder, and potentially
in the OM builders also, which is why it is defined in this class.
in DataModelBuilder at line 617
public string
Returns the name of the current class being built, with a possible prefix.
at line 42
public string
Builds the PHP source for current class and returns it as a string.
This is the main entry point and defines a basic structure that classes should follow.
In most cases this method will not need to be overridden by subclasses. This method
does assume that the output language is PHP code, so it will need to be overridden if
this is not the case.
at line 86
public string
buildObjectInstanceCreationCode($objName, $clsName)
Creates a $obj = new Book(); code snippet.
Can be used by frameworks, for instance, to
extend this behavior, e.g. initialize the object after creating the instance or so.
at line 96
abstract public string
Returns the qualified (prefixed) classname that is being built by the current class.
This method must be implemented by child classes.
at line 103
public string
Returns the prefixed classname that is being built by the current class.
at line 112
public string
Returns the namespaced classname if there is a namespace, and the raw classname otherwise
at line 125
public string
Gets the dot-path representation of current class being built.
at line 139
public string
Gets the full path to the file for the current class.
at line 149
public string
Gets package name for this table.
This is overridden by child classes that have different packages.
at line 162
public string
Returns filesystem path for current package.
at line 173
public string
Return the user-defined namespace for this table, or the database namespace otherwise.
at line 178
declareClassNamespace($class, $namespace = '')
at line 187
at line 198
at line 203
at line 211
getDeclaredClasses($namespace = null)
at line 220
at line 230
getUseStatements($ignoredNamespace = null)
at line 253
public string
Shortcut method to return the [stub] peer classname for current table.
This is the classname that is used whenever object or peer classes want
to invoke methods of the peer classes.
at line 264
public string
Shortcut method to return the [stub] query classname for current table.
This is the classname that is used whenever object or peer classes want
to invoke methods of the query classes.
at line 275
public string
Returns the object classname for current table.
This is the classname that is used whenever object or peer classes want
to invoke methods of the object classes.
at line 287
public string
getColumnConstant(Column $col, string $classname = null)
Get the column constant name (e.g.
at line 311
public string
getBasePeer(Table $table)
Gets the basePeer path if specified for table/db.
If not, will return 'propel.util.BasePeer'
at line 358
public string
getFKPhpNameAffix(ForeignKey $fk, boolean $plural = false)
Gets the PHP method name affix to be used for fkeys for the current table (not referrers to this table).
The difference between this method and the getRefFKPhpNameAffix() method is that in this method the
classname in the affix is the foreign table classname.
at line 418
public string
getRefFKPhpNameAffix(ForeignKey $fk, boolean $plural = false)
Gets the PHP method name affix to be used for referencing foreign key methods and variable names (e.g.
set????(), $coll???).
The difference between this method and the getFKPhpNameAffix() method is that in this method the
classname in the affix is the classname of the local fkey table.
at line 480
public boolean
hasBehaviorModifier(string $hookName, string $modifier)
Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook
at line 497
applyBehaviorModifierBase($hookName, $modifier, $script, $tab = ' ')
Checks whether any registered behavior on that table has a modifier for a hook
at line 520
getBehaviorContentBase(string $contentName, string $modifier)
Checks whether any registered behavior content creator on that table exists a contentName